
My One and only you

This story about two very very close friends falling for each other but never admit.

_Moonie_ · Teen
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6 Chs

Part 3

We were up on the school rooftop for a while...Min has come down after he let it all out and we decided to go back to class.

-"are you sure Min" I said whipping my tears.

Min-"yeah, thank you so much Moonshine" he said getting up landing me his hand as I took his hand to get up as well. I told him that we will stop by the bathroom so that we can wash our faces. He went to the boy bathroom and I went into the girl bathroom. When I look at my face in the mirror my eyes were red and my face all out of the place. I quickly wash my face and went out of the bathroom so that when Min come out he don't have to wait for me. But when I got out he was already there, he look very tired.

-"Min, do you want to rest a bit in the nurse office" I ask him but he denied it saying that the nurse office will just make it worst. So we went back to the classroom and it was still first period and just thinking about we have a long day of school. When we enter the room everyone eyes were on us and they look very concern but we smile at them. Ms. Jasmine rush toward us, making sure if we are ok now.

Ms. Jasmine-"how are you guys.."

Min-"sorry for making you so worry but I'm find now, thanks to Moni" he said looking at me...and I smile at him. His eyes were so red and his face is so puff.

Ms. Jasmine-"you guys can sit together today ok, I'll let the other teachers know too ok" she said trying to help us.

Min-"that will be would be very helpful and thank you so much Ms. Jasmine" he said as Ms. Jasmine smile and walk back to the her area. The group rush toward us and for some reason Val looks mad, I don't know why but I don't care.

Cherry-"Moni, mind explaining what is happening" she said as she stare at our hand as if she has so much question in her mid. Until now I have no idea we were holding hands but both Min and I act as if we don't know. Robin look very confused but worry even though we haven't even know each other for more then an hour.

-"Nt-" I was about to say something, having a hard time answering, but was cut by off.

Min-"It's nothing guys, lets go back to the seat" he said looking at me as I eye him thank you.

Blessing-"as long as you guys are ok" he said tapping both Min and my shoulder.

When I look at the clock it was 10 am which mean we only have 5 more minutes before the class over.

Min-"thank you so much Moni" he said once again..I didn't answer but I just pat his hand..

When we sit down where the group was and they kept on staring at us.

Min-"amm.. can you guys stop staring at us" he said to our friend

Blessing, Cherry, and Robin-"ohh, right, sorry" at the same time but still have no clue and have so much to ask.

-"Robin, I'm sorry we didn't get to start the assignment and I will be sitting with Min so can you sit next by Blessing, please" I said looking at him...

Robin-"no it's ok, I filled out your paper so all you need to do is fill mines paper" he said giving me my paper and his...

-"thank you so much I'll give it back to you either today or tomorrow Ok" as I said that I bell ring and everyone in the group got up and go to their place or bathroom. We said good bye to the teacher as she said the same look at us and telling us that she have our back.

Robin took his stuff and sit next by Blessing as Min come sit next by me.

-"MIn do you want to come over to my house"

Min-"that would be great" he said as he lean his head on my shoulder..

-"do you want to eat anything specifically, I'll call mom so that she can cook for you" I said pulling out my phone..

Min-"if you don't mind can you tell your mom to cook my favorite dishes that she cook for ms and also can I stay over night?" he said closing his eyes..

I call mom and she know exactly what happen since I call Min parents when we were up on the roof top.

10:10 and the bell ring for the second period


The teacher came in and we said good morning to the teacher as he go on with the dos and don't, this and that, and so on and on.

Mr. Kim-"Hi, guys, I'm Mr. Kim as everyone know already but yeah..." he kept on talking for the whole class. Min head is back on my shoulder and I thank God that today is the first day of school. Since it's the first day of school teacher won't giving out assignments.

Mr. Kim give the remaining 35 minutes as our free time..

Cherry-"MONI.." she scream from the back...I joint a bit waking Min..

Min-"mhhh" he said as he move a bit

-"no it's ok take a nap ok you need it" I said padding his head.

Min-"Ok" he said drifting off to sleep..

Cherry-"is Min ok" she said making sure he is ok

I nodded back at her...Cherry, Blessing, Val, and Robin sits around me and Min as they were wondering where to start asking questions. It was quit a silent until Val broke it..

Val-"almost forget..... tomorrow is our birthday so how do you like celebrate this year" he flipping through his note book.

-"I don't really care how ever you want is fine" I said looking at Min once again..

Val-"how about friends date out? Huh?"

-"that would be great, but where though" as I said that Min woke up from his small nap..

MIn-"ohh, I forgot about that, I'm sorry Moonshine" he said his head still on my shoulder. I surprise me that he call me Moonshine and not Moni because he would only call me Moonshine if there is no one around but my expression stay the same cause it was not surprise to me. The group look at both of us....Moonshine they all mouthed under their breath.

-"no that is not important right now" I said looking out the window...

Val-"what? Moni, its not important... are you sure about celebrating our birthday though" he said looking pissed.

-"that is why I said we can just do a friends date out" I said shooting him back both pissed look and mad.

Val-"are you sure, or do you just want to spend this year separately, you know what how about we celebrate this year birthday separately so that you can spend more time with that bro of your.." he said as his tone got a little bit higher.. I looked at him furiously...it made me mad can't he just understand what is going on.

Cherry-"Val come down" she said as she pad his back and looked at me as if she was worry about something.. It was during summer that Cherry said that she like Val. Thats when I decided to made them spend more times together....

Blessing-"Val, thats a bit too much.. we don't know what it is that just happen earlier to Min and Moni that made them cry but you shouldn't say that" he said as he raise his tone a bit..

Robin-"I might be new to this group but you shouldn't say that" he said also a bit mad..

Min-"Moonshine, I'm so sorry if I made you fight with your friend" he said as he move his head away from my shoulder and going back to that big brother looked as he was ready to fight who ever hurt his sister

-"no no, its ok" i said looking at him with the 'it's ok look'

Val-"Moni, choose" he said furiously

Min-"don't let her do that and why are you raising your voice" he said ready to fight..

Val-"are you mad that I made your 'moonshine choose" he said doing the peace sign..

Cherry-"Val thats a bit too much" she said a bit more serious...

Val-"what I'm saying the truth.. the whole summer she didn't spend times with me and am I nothing to you Moni" he said grabbing my arm.. before Min could do something, Mr. Kim rush toward us and tell Val to go back to his seat and give him a warning. Val went back to his seat which is not even far away. All I wish now is that Val to be far away from me because he made me mad multiple times today and I have enough.

MIn-"Moonshine, I'm sorry, I didn't do anything" he said looking at me and reaching for my hand.. and I know exactly what he was think and referring to..

-"Min, it's OK and whatever it is everything is over now..Ok" I said holding his hand tightly

the group went back to their seat as will..

Mr. Kim-"are you guys ok do you guys need some time out" he said making sure we are ok

-"that would be great Mr.Kim" I said as I get up as Min did too.

Mr. Kim-"Ok, take your times in the hallway ok" he said as he excuse us.

Min and I went to the hallway and we sit down in silent..but was break by Min

MIn-"I'm so sorry"

-"no it's ok" I said looking at him my heart almost drop when I saw his tear drop..

-"it's ok and it's over now.OK? I'm happy if you are happy so please go back to big brother that I adored" i said whipping his tears..

Min-"OK" he said as he gets up and land me a hand and I receive it..We walk back to the class and just talk.

MIn looks a bit more brighter then before; which is such a relief..


the bell rings and it is now 3rd period MATH

we said good bye to Mr.Kim and bow as he did the same..