
My One and only you

This story about two very very close friends falling for each other but never admit.

_Moonie_ · Teen
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6 Chs

Part 2

The teacher came in along with a student...

Everyone stood up and greeted the teacher..


Teacher-"Good morning class 11:A, sorry for being late on the first day of school, as you may know already I am Mr. Dan, and you guys may sit down" he said as he scratch his neck..

We smile at him as we all sits down.

Mr. Dan-"you guys may heard already but we have a new student this year, can you please introduce yourself" he as he look the taller boy..

Newsie-"Hi, um my name Robin Hkant and I am a transfer student from Mandalay" he said as he scanned through the room and stared right at me, making me flinch a bit ..

Class-"ohhhh, HI" everyone smile him, waving our hands..

Mr. Dan-"Good, do you will be sitting next to Moni, Moni can you please raise your hand?" He said looking at me as I raise my..

Mr. Dan-"Moni you will take care of him ok?"

-"YES SIR" I said smiling at the teacher..

The teacher told him to sit down as he walk closer, I realize that he is extremely tall for 11 grader.

When he move the chair which bring me back to my sense. He puts his backpack on the ground and look at..

Robin-"Hi, I'm sorry but I will be on care for a while and you can call me Robin" he said as he reach his neck...

-"no no it's ok and by the way my name is Monica Moon but you can call me Moni" I said kind of waving my hand..

Mr.dan took the attendance so that he can summit it to the office..

9:00 am

The bell rings and it was time for our first class, since the teacher was late we didn't do our morning devotion.

Mr. Dan-"One last thing, you guys will pick class monitors, writes the name of your choice on a piece of paper and I will collect them in math class ok, Welcome back and have a wonderful school year guys" he said as we stood up and bowed at him...

We have 5 minutes breaks after every class so I was about to make a conversation with Robin but got cut off when Val kick my chair. But I didn't turn around as for what he did a while ago. He kept on kicking my chair but don't care I just starts the conversation with Robin..

-"is it hot in Mandalay?" I said as I look at him..

Robin-"yes its really hot in summer but in winter its kind of cold" he said looking at me and not turning his head buck to the front..

Robin-"can I ask you a quick question" he said as he scratches his neck..

-"sure" I said nervously.. I don't know why I'm nervous but I just try to keep a straight face..

Robin-"Have we met before?" he said trying to think of if it was me or not..

-"huh?.....I don't think so, I'm pretty I don't know anyone that looks like you or have the same name" I said trying to make sure that if I have met someone that looks like him...

Robin-"sorry I thought you were someone that I know" he said apologize...

-"no no it's fine it happened sometimes" I said smiling at him..^~^

Robin-"what's our first class?" He said trying to change the subject...

-"ohh it's going to be Health and I think you are going to enjoy it"

Robin-"I hope so..." he said nervously

-"no no you will enjoy it" I said as if it's a fact.


As the bell ring our health teacher comes in and we all stood up said good morning to the teacher...

Ms. Jasmine-"hi students, I don't have to introduce myself am I but since we have a new student I will introduce myself alright?" She said lighting up the room..

Class-"yes "

Ms. Jasmine-"My name is Ms. Jasmine and I will be your health teacher. I been teaching in this school for 6 years now and I am a licensed doctor as well" she so proud of herself when she said that. She indeed should be proud of herself I mean she only 26 and already a MD doctor, I mean like girl she is so intelligence.

"So this year it's going to be a bit different from other years because there will be an after school club for 11th and 12 graders for whoever is interesting in going to medical field in the future, Mr. Josh, Mrs. Kim and I will be the running the club. Since you guys are already in 11th grade you guys should probably know by now what you want to do in the future. If you are not then there will also be a club call career finding club which will run by Mr. John and Ms. May, alright" Ms. Jasmine said showing an OK 👌 sign...

"Who in here wants to join the health club, raise your hand if you want to join" she said looking amount the classroom which contains 30 students..

I raise my hand as Robin and about other 13 student raise their hand...We look at each other and smile. Robin mouthed 'you want to join the club' and i mouthed back 'yeah' while smiling

"WOW you guys will love it" Ms. Jasmine said with an amused face and sparkling eyes...

"Ok so for whoever that wants to join the club I'll hand you the paper work and our first meeting will be on next Monday ok 👌 and there we will talk about what the club is going to be like ok..." as she continue to say more stuff about do's and don't this and that blah blah blah... it's not that I don't like the class it just that you know in the first day of school you have to listen to the same thing every class....😔🤦‍♀️

Someone from the office knock on the door and ask the teacher if she could have Min for a minute.

Office lady- "can I have Min for a minute, Please"

Ms. Jasmine-"sure" she said smiling

The office lady took Min outside the class room and the talk looks a bit serious...

I look out the window to the hallway and still see them talking...

Ms. Jasmine-"so you partner will be the person beside you and I will hand you the paper of list that you and your partner will ask each other the question in the paper" she said it as she handed the papers to the front row as the front row pass the paper back.

Ms. Jasmine-" there are 40 questions that you will ask your partner and your partner will be the person that you will do all the partner works and assignment this year"

I didn't even realize the paper was in front of me until Val kick the chair which bring me back to reality. I look at Val and he seem to be a bit concern too but he mouthed 'the paper' pointing at the paper in front of me. 'ohh, I'm sorry' I mouthed back at him. I handed the paper to Val but my eye still on Min and the lady.

I look at Min and when our eyes met he looks sad and mad which got me more concern. I couldn't concentrate on the teacher..But someone tap my shoulder which made me joint a bit and it was Robin. He mouthed 'are you Ok' and I nodded back at him.

Min walk into the class room looking down the floor and sitting back.

Office lady-"thank you' she said it to Ms. Jasmine as she smile

Ms. Jasmine-" Min your partner will explain the assignment to you ok" she said as she look at Min and when I look back at Min he was staring at the paper in his hand.

Ms. Jasmine-"since it's the first day of school you guys can sit with other people but you will ask the question on the paper to your partner only alright, now you guys move along OK" she said as she starts walking toward the teacher corner.

Other students start moving to their friends with their partner...I look at Min and look at Robin, and i didn't even realize that he was looking at me

-"Robin if you don't mind can we sit with Min and his partner"

Robin-"yeah sure" he said as I rush toward Min with my chair and paper

I sit down in front of Min and he look at me with the same look.

Val and Cherry approach toward us as well and stand beside Min.

Blessing-"Moni, I asked him what happen but he didn't answer and he never looks like this" he said a bit concern

Val-"Min are you Ok" he said as he tap Min shoulder and Min still is looking down at the paper.

It was silent for a bit everyone joint when we heard the Robin putting the chair down beside.

Robin-"sorry" he said trying to figure out what is happening...

Min look at me and I look at him.

I hold his hand and said "what happen" he didn't answer instead he handed me the paper that he was holding when he walked in the class after the talk with the lady. When I look at there is faces of two people and lists of name and more information. I look at Min a bit confused and he look at me and said, "Moon-...Moni, re...read the last two sentences" he look like me and he was about to cry. When I look at the last two sentences it was written 'Rose Hkant murder case is close. ___and ___ are not guilty to the case of Rose Hkant' I look at Min and everyone beside us is still confused on what is going on, looking at me and Min. I tear up a bit and when Min saw me his tear starts to run down his cheek. And I can no longer keep my tears in when I see Min like that, which I last saw him like this is 2 years ago, My tears starts to run down my cheeks.

Val-"Moni, what is going on" he said as he look at me and Min worried.

Cherry-"Moni and Min say something"

Blessing-"what happen guys..."

I didn't look at anyone or answer them, I just look at Min and still grinding on the paper. I get up and walk toward the teacher. Ms. Jasmine look up and her sparkle eye turn into concern.

Ms. Jasmine-"what happen, Moni" she said getting up.

-"can Min and I have a moment outside the class and if it possible can we go to the rooftop" I said some more tears came down as will and handed the paper to Ms. Jasmine. Ms. Jasmine look at the paper and look at me confused. "can you please read the last two sentences, please" I said trying to hold more tears from running down. She read the sentences and look up at me and said nothing at first but nodded at me. "take at much time you guys want ok" she said as she scramble the paper and put it in her beg. I turn around and walk toward the group. All teachers in the school that worked 2 years ago know what really happen 2 years ago except the students. The teachers wasn't allowed to talk about what happen and the student also have no ideas except they only know that Min sister die from illness.

I try my best on holding back my tears and when I reached to the group I look at Min and said, "Min, lets go." He stand up and look at me he was also trying to hold more tears. I took Min hand and walk toward the door, but everyone got worry.

Cherry-"Moni, what is happening"

Val-"Moni, why are you guys tearing up?" he said in a bit angry tone and I don't really care except Min. Val grab my hand and still waiting for the answer, but I just couldn't answer him and all I can do is shake his hand off and walk out of the room. As we did everyone was looking at us very concerned.

I lead him to the roof top and his hand were shaking. When we reach to the rooftop, I swing the door open and close it. I look at Min who is now crying out all that he been trying to hold back in the class. It breaks my heart when I see Min like this. I couldn't do anything but hug him tight and comfort him. And if Min have a panic attack then it is over and I won't be able to control it. He kept on screaming "why, why, Rosie" I just can't help it anymore, so I too starts to cry. Min breathing become more heavy. "Min breath with me please-in 1234 and out -1234" I repeat the process over and over again..until his breathing become stable again. Rosie was also like my sister and she would call me her own big sister as well. As I kept on thinking about her my tears run down my cheeks like waterfall. I kept on telling him that 'everything is over, and it is going to be Ok' padding his back when he hug me tight as if he was worry that I was Rosie and as if it might happen to me as well. I just can't believe that Min was happy in the morning and all of the sudden he is not. Why does the world have to be so cruel to him and unfair, he doesn't deserve it.

Thank you so much for reading this story!!

_Moonie_creators' thoughts