
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 62- Hate and love

Alex stood outside the drawing overlooking the corridors. He glanced back at the room he'd just came out from and smiled. Her father won't be meeting her tonight, he knew very well.

He picked up a sound of footsteps and turned to see Leticia leading James second wife Jane to where he stood.

"Brother." Leticia mumbled.

"Your highness." Jade bowed.

"This is?" He inquired softly.

"This is Jane Drummond Reina's mother." Leticia answered.

she was a beautiful woman with a flawless pale skin ,just like Reina but Reina's own was a little bit more pale than hers, it was a good thing that Reina resembled James. But even so one would think that she was Jane's daughter if one didn't look closer.

No wonder he married her she was the perfect choice.

"Oh, no wonder, I can see the similarities between her and Reina." He said.

" Your highness if I may." Jane said softly." I haven't seen my husband and I was searching for him, I happened to meet her highness who told me that he could possibly be with you."

" Hmm." Alex hummed softly. " He's inside."

As if in cue the door opened and James walked out briskly looking stunned to see his wife and a young vampriess.

"Jane." He said hoarsely as if he had been crying.

"My Lord." Jane bowed." I saw that you were no longer in the ballroom and I happened to come across princess Leticia who suggested that you would be with the prince."

" Your highness." He bowed to Leticia.

" Your grace." Leticia curtseyed.

James turned to Alex and said through clenched teeth , trying his best to suppress the angry in his heart." We shall be taking our leave, please pass our goodwill to his majesty the king and express our disappointment for not being able to see him before leaving." He bowed.

Alex nodded and returned his bow." I won't be seeing you put but am sure that my sister can help me do it." He looked in Leticia direction.

" of course." Leticia answered swiftly." please right this way." she motioned sweetly.

" Goodbye Lord Drummond, till we meet again." Alex added , before turning away not waiting for his reply.


"Has he left?." Reina asked as she heard the door open.

"Yes." Alex replied.

"Did he tell you anything about the matter?" she inquired.

Alex looked at her silently having a conflict within himself weather to tell her or not.

"If you think that it's not the right time to tell me I will understand." She said gently when she saw the expression on his face.

Alex exhaled." I wish I could tell you but we are not sure yet. But in the mean time we are safe for a few weeks maybe a month at most."

" They will always be suspicious about me ,won't they." she asked nobody in particular.

Alex became silent for a few seconds before saying." Yes. But I would never allow them to touch you." He walked up to the window where she was standing and placed his large Palms on her small shoulders.

She breathed in, feeling Alex reassuring hands on her made her feel safe.

she knew that the future would not be easy anymore and that she'd had to be careful.

"Reina." Alex leaned close to her neck and place a kiss on her neck before spinning her around to face him.

She looked up to see his eyes filled with a longing passion and desire that she had seen before ,but this one was placed with possession and love for her. She felt her face turning red and shyly lowered her flushed face.

"Look at me my sweet girl." Alex easier her chin with his fingers forcing her to looking at his ocean eyes that held nothing but love.

"Would you hate me after you know what I am?" she asked her eyes filled with tears as she looked at him with her eyes showing nothing but love and sweetness.

Reina looked at him for the very first time with love , Alexander felt like If he died that moment he would die a happy death knowing that his kitten was finally falling for him.

"I would never hate you ,not now not ever. If you think that your origin will make me hate you , then let me promise you Lorraine Drummond I Alexander knight will forever love you and nothing will ever change that not even God or man." He swore." I love you."

Reina looked at him with unshed tears in her eyes." I will never cry again ,I will make sure I become stronger so that I would be able to stand by your side and be your equal and never a burden to you." She said wiping the tears from her face.

she stooded on tiptoes and wrapped her hands around his neck pulling him for a surprise kiss. He returned her kiss with equal fire and passion as if they both longed for each other for years not wanting to end it. He warped his hands along her Small waist and pulled her deeply into the kiss, earning and grasp as he plugged his tongue into her cherry red mouth tasting and teasing as their tongue feasted on each other.

"Your highness." Steven said walking briskly but paused when he saw the seen and hurriedly turned and ran out.

Reina pulled away with a red flushed face and swollen lips." it's late your highness, I will head up to my room." She whispered bowing and turned fleeing the room as fast as lightning, she heard Alex deep laugh behind her and felt her face turn scarlet.

"Steven." Alex called.

Steven entered to be rewarded by Alex cold glare but returned it with a poker face. "Your highness, prince Leonard is here and is requesting to see you he said it's urgent. "

Alex frowned deeply 'so soon? ' he thought. "Bring him in." He ordered.

Steven bowed and walked out, after a few minutes the door opened and a man walked in. he beared the same resemblance with Alex expect for his blonde hair ,pale skin and dark red eyes. He bowed to Alex. "Brother." He said.


Leonard looked at Alex with a Stern face and complicated expression , as of he was scared of him.

"Speak!" Alex did not have the patience for a staring contest.

Leonard flinched inwardly. " Your father said that you need to go home immediately." He answered.