
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 58

James stared shockingly at Alex's behavior.

"Am sorry but you can't dance with her ,she already promised me this dance." Alex said with a elegant smile as if not noticing James discomfort.

James quickly checked his Expression and gave a witty but stiff smile. "Certainly my Lord ." He replied reluctantly releasing Reina's hand.

Alex led Reina to the dance floor as the dance slowly began.

He brought her close to him and started flowing with the rythm of the music.

"You know what we discussed? " He said icily to the woman in his hands ,when she nodded shyly to his question he smiled gracefully from under his mask.

They wanted to plot and take his lovely girl away from him, but he'll make sure that their plan would not succeed .

The scene of them dancing together quickly aroused many voices in the hall.

" It's that prince Alex??" A curious woman asked.

" I don't know, I've never seen the young prince in the flesh before." Another chipped in.

" I think it is ,I've seen his figure from afar before even though I didn't see him well one cannot forget such an amazing physique." A young miss from an aristocrat family whispered blushingly. She could never forget the day she saw Alex afar it was in a picnic that was held by his Aunt Ruth though he didn't come for the picnic and came for other business , she got a glimpse of him when she wondered into the forest and saw him afar. She wanted to go over but was stopped by his guard and warned not to go close, when the guard went away she thought that she could still take a peek at him and sneakily went forward but she felt an oppressive aura emitting from Alex as if he could sense her and she fearfully went away, and since that day she could never forget him ,even though she didn't see his face ,she couldn't forget the fearful delight that he made her feel.

"It's really him." A madam from an aristocrat family said in surprised.

"I can't believe I got to see prince Alex, even though his wearing a mask." Another young miss said totally smitten by Alex.

" Even with the mask he still looks charmingly handsome." A madam added.

" But who is that girl with him?" The girl who got a glimpse of him at the picnic asked feeling the jealousy brewing in her heart.

"I don't know?" A madam said.

"Me neither, I don't think I've ever seen her before ." Another replied.

They whispered silently among themselves , they were very confused about the relationship between Alex and his mysterious partner.

"They really look beautiful together." An icy voice cut into their conversations.

The group of women comprising of madame's and young Misses turned to meet Eliza's eyes.

"Eliza dear, thank goodness you are here." A madam breathed a sigh of relief. "By any chance are you acquainted with the girl dancing with prince Alex?" She inquired.

" I do know her, but we not acquainted." She replied dryly.

"Really? Why is that? Surely you must know the girl since you are among the few who are close to the royal family. " She added.

" Well aunt that is the Reina Drummond the Earl of starffen's daughter. She has been attending royal academy for the past 3 months now and is an acquaintance of prince Alex. " Eliza replied through clenched teeth. She felt like going to the dance floor and slap Reina senseless but she had to be patient time shall tell. But that didn't mean she couldn't ruin her reputation. She smiled sweetly and innocently and secretly winked in the direction of the girl that saw Alex at the picnic.

The girl whose name was Daphne smiled and winked back. " No wonder we did not recognize her, she is actually a country bumkin who doesn't even know her place. " She thought secretly. " Aunt's can you see that she's already danced with the prince two times and three would be sandulous , she obviously dose not know and perhaps never have been taught proper etiquette. " She said to the group.

" That is possible true." A vampriess in the group muttered angrily. " No decent woman will dance with a man like the way she does?"

" Absolutely. "

"She's nothing but a country bumkin who doesn't even know how to behave properly. "

Alex and the woman in his hands where oblivious of the words that were being spread in the hall.

Leticia watched coldly as the group of vampiresses talked with Eliza while casting pointed glances at Reina and Alexander. 'She doesn't know when to stop. ' she sneered within her heart while moving through the crowd towards the direction of Eliza.


Adam looked towards the couple dancing in the background he's eyes fixed on Reina ,he couldn't help but gulp at her body, she looked fragile and had a of touch innocence around her, like she could break at any second, and he loved such woman. With a beautiful and perfect body and skin as fair as snow and almost pale like most of the vampires around. But she was different.

Sensing his gaze Ruth leaned close to him.." Keep your eyes to yourself Adam ." Ruth warned her son quietly.

Adam gulped the wine down in one go and placed the glass gently in a tray of a passing waiter. Before starring blankly at his mother. " I was just taking a look at the woman who Alex fancies. And I must say she is quite tacky. "

" That is none of our problem, our problem now is to worry about Lucian ." She said grimly.

The song soon ended and Alex lead her away from the dance floor, he was about to turn to his father when a gentleman approached him asking Reina for a dance.

He smiled knowingly and gave her to the gentleman for the waltz that was about to begin .