
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 52-Fire and ice 2

Reina examined herself. She couldn't see any difference. "Your highness you're exaggerating I don't look thin and I have been eating just fine." She said softly.

He bent close to her ear and whispered softly." Don't think I have forgotten what you're owing me kitten. You'll need your strength for it." She gave him dismayed look." If you think that I am being too commanding then fine you can eat , but don't say that I didn't warn you." He said.

She looked at the huge meat that was on her plate, she took a deep breath and prayed to God to give her strength to finish the food even if it was half of it.

Alex watched as she picked her her knife to cut a small piece of the meat and eat it. He was glad that at least she was finally listening to him.

Eliza who sat opposite them was burning with fury, why was this always happening to her? she was supposed to be the one sitting next to him , she was supposed to be the one he was feeding and giving his attention to not this little middle class wrench.

She turned to Ruth that was sitting in her side and begged her with her eyes to do something ;before she finally lost it and pulled that wrench hair out of her skull.

Ruth on seeing Eliza face quickly leaned down close to her." Eliza how is your arm?" She asked.

"It does not hurt as much as what I am seeing, aunt please do something before I kill her with my own two hands." She whispered angrily.

Ruth looked at the two who were in her front , the way lady Reina was busy struggling to eat the meat and the way Alex was looking at her with keen interest . She could feel the angry rise to the surface, lady Reina was turning slowly , but surely into a big problem and she had to deal with her before she got out of hand. She had to think of a way to break them apart.

She smiled and got up, holding up her glass that was filled to the brim with bloods. She turned to her brother's direction." I would like to propose a toast to my brother,for being a good king and brother to his people , and the best brother that I have ever had and I have ever wished for, I hope that you will live a long and happy life." She said as everyone raised up their glasses to toast with her. She turned to Reina. "I would like to propose a toast to you Alex , for being a good prince and following in the same steps as your father, I am sure that your mother would be proud. So I want to make a to your future and many , many years if happiness with the woman you love." She said looking at Reina. "Cheers." She lifted her glass in the air.

Everyone was about to do the same when she suddenly shouted in shock." Oh my!" The glass in her hand slipped and was falling in Reina's direction,and in that moment Reina closed her eyes and waited for the impact but it didn't happened. She slowly opened her eyes and grasped at what she saw in front of her.

The contents of the red liquid had turned to ice and was in midair she looked at the the view the glass was on the table and it's contents had froze solid before it could hit her. She turned fearfully to Alex." W-what happened? Yo-your Majesty , who froze the glass? "She asked timidly.

Alex placed an arm around her shoulders." Don't worry , everything is fine." He soothed her nerves. She looked white as chalk and her face was filled with question and confusion and something he hated seeing in her eyes, fear." Come." He said softly, helping her to stand up." You must be tried , let me escort you to your Chambers." He said.

She only nodded and followed him out of the room obediently and quietly.

When the door had closed the King angrily turned to his sister." Why did you scream Ruth? "He asked loudly.

Ruth held her chest in shock before looked at her brother with regret In her eyes." I am sorry , I couldn't help it. I saw a spider that is why I screamed. I didn't mean to let go of the glass." She said with remorse.

"You let go of the glass because of a spider?" He asked.

She nodded sitting down gently." I didn't mean to let it go brother it was an accident."

The king sighed. "Thank goodness Leyla stopped the glass from pouring before it could cause any damage." His gaze tilted to Leyla who was sitting quietly.

"I am truly sorry for what had happened today." Ruth said.

William dark red eyes looked at her sternly. "Then why don't you go and see how lady Reina is doing , the poor thing looked frightened at what had happened." He said and he could tell that his sister had balled her fist under the table angrily at what he had just suggested.

Ruth smiled through clutched teeth. "You are absolutely right brother William I should go and see how she is fairing." And with that she got up abruptly and bowed along with Eliza and Adam before they left the room.

" Leyla?" Her father called her.

She raised her head and looked at him." Yes father?" She answered.

"How did you learn to freeze an object without touching it?" He asked clearly fascinated by what she had done.

"I don't know? "She said softly.

William raised a brow. " If you do not know how to do it then how did it happened?" He inquired.

She thought for a moment." I don't actually know his I did it, but when I saw the glass falling and as it was about to spill on Reina's body. I felt a strong energy wash over me and I could feel it controlling me and it was as if I Knew that I could stop it from touching her." She said.

William smiled. "Very good Leyla, I am proud of you. You are a gifted child and you hold great power." He dabbed the napkin on his mouth before placing it on the table." I hope you will use it for good as you have done today." He added standing up to leave.

Leyla and the others quickly got up and bowed their heads as the king left the room.

"If you all excuse me." Steven said bowing to her." I have to get going .' He said walking out of the room.

She quickly headed for the door." Pardon me Milady." Daniels voice stopped her.

She turned to him." Yes?" She asked.

"I only wanted to inquiry about where you are headed." He said.

"I am going to my room Daniel and I don't want to be disturbed." She said walking out.