
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 36- fruit salad

She arrived at the garden to see Alex sitting comfortably. There was a table that was set in the middle of the garden, she was surprised at the romantic scene ,it could be any girl dream but not hers she was not going to be manipulated by this handsome and breathtaking devil. He got up from his chair and pulled the chair for her to sit, she sat down angrily. And sat on the opposite chair from hers since there were only two chairs.

"You look beautiful." He told her grinning.

She balled her fingers in the table cloth. 'This handsome bastard'." Where are the others?" She had to know why everyone left early.

"Father when to check on a village,it seems like there is an uprising going on there against the king." He said causally.

"Which village exactly?" She asked.

"You don't need to worry about it." Came his answer.

"Why didn't you go with him?" She questioned.

He smiled." Can't you go a day without asking questions?"

"If I don't ask questions how will I understand things that are going on around here." She said.

"But I fear that if you continue to question me , I wont be able to have breakfast." He said." So what do you care for, chicken , vegetable or perhaps some roasted lamb?" He asked.

She would love to have breakfast but didn't want to give him the satisfaction. "I don't want anything that you have mentioned .where are the others?" She asked.

He sighed." So persistent." He murmured and to her joy in." Leyla and Adam went to the tailor to pick out the outfits that were going to use for the celebration in a few days time, Steven and Daniel are out on an errand that I sent them." He said. "Now what do you want to eat?"

She raised a brow." What about lady Ruth and Eliza?" she enquired.

His gave went down to her hands that was still clinging to the table cloth. " I do not know where they have gone." He waved his hand for the maids to bring the food." Now that I have satisfied your curiosity, let us have some breakfast." She was about to say something but held back he would just end up twisting it." What do you want to eat. "He asked.

"A fruit salad." She replied.

"You are a vegetarian?" He asked.

"Sometimes." She replied.

He chuckled." I rather you had some meat , i wouldn't want you to grow more thinner than you are." He said

She felt like hitting him hard on the shins. "Are you saying that am very thin." She demanded.

"No." He replied." You are thin not very thin; and I don't want you to become a skinny kitten."

"Fruit won't make me thinner; in fact it will make me look more fresh an healthy." She augured.

"You're not Daniel in the Bible kitten,your body wouldn't be strong if you go on a fruit diet, am not saying that fruit is bad yes fruits is good ; but I still suggest that you eat meat." He continued undaunted by her angry expression. "You'll need your strength for what is coming and you're still owing me three favors plus one punishment. So my skinny kitten it'll be better if you eat some meat than fruit ,because I don't want you fainting." He said.

The food arrived and was immediately placed at the center, Reina didn't want to ask any more questions , placed a roasted lamb on her plate and started eating and Alex couldn't help but stare at her in a mocked silence, he was enjoying every bit of her, she was like a kitten and he had to be careful so that she wouldn't get angry and starch him with her claws.


In the busy street in the capital of the kingdom, two figures were seen in the ending of the town walking towards a small house ,they knocked on the door which was immediately opened.

"I wasn't expecting you." A man said ad they entered the house.

"The situation in the palace is very grave and I need your help." One of the woman replied.

"What have happened! Is everything alright on the palace?" The man asked. "Is it about the prince?"

"Yes and no." The woman replied. "The Prince poses on threat to us yet; but It is his companion that poses the the bigger threat to us." The woman said.

The man whose man was Lucius looked at his visitors. "What is so special about her that had made you come here?" He asked.

"She is the daughter of James Drummond." Ruth replied and watched as Lucius face grew wide in shock.

"A Drummond! I thought that he didn't have a daughter, I only met his son." He said.

"It turns out that he has a daughter ; one who is slowly becoming a thon in my side." Ruth said.

"I can't believe it , could she be the daughter of Sofia?" He enquired.

"We don't know for sure if she is. She seems to be normal." Eliza answered.

"I think that I should come to the palace myself to have a look at the girl , to find out if she really is Sofia's daughter."

"What of if she is not?" Eliza asked the man.

"That does not concern me." He said." If she is not Sofia's offspring I will leave her alone. "

"Then what if she is?" Ruth asked.

"Then that changes everything. "The man walked into the small room , and pulled out a book." Many years ago Sofia gave broth to a child who was gifted by God almighty."

"But wasn't the child supposed to be gifted, Sofia was a grand wolf." Ruth said.

"The child was supposed to posses some powers but not at am early stage. It was suspicious and it raised many questioned; if children are found out to posses such powers at an early stage ,they would be killed because they are still tender and their young minds could be manipulated and it could cause a mass killing if they aren't." He opened the book and flipped through pages." That wasn't the case with her daughter, the little girl didn't transform and then it brought a big worry; how can such little girl kill a man and yet not transform into a werewolf. Questions were raised and researches were made and then we found out the truth about her."