
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 17

"Come out Reina. You know that Mummy does not have the patience." Sofia ordered.

She started moving out slowly, walking little by little to see if this woman was not referring to her. She came into the light of the candle and the woman could see her clearly ,she stopped dead on her track when she looked at the dead man's body that was right in front of her and Sofia.

"Don't be afraid." She looked up at Sofia and saw the look in her eyes. It was a look of confidence and self assurance.

She inhaled and stepped pass the body making sure that the blood on the floor didn't touch her dress. She reached were Sofia was and stood face to face with the woman. Her Jade green eyes looking intensely into bright blue eyes that reminded her of the summer sky, could this woman really be her mother? And if she was then who was Jade?

Sofia smiled and launch to her but she took a step back.

"Don't touch me." Reina's voice was filled with fright." Don't touch me with those bloody hands." Her eyes were wide with horror as she stared at Sofia.

Sofia's White shirts and skirts were covered with blood she hadn't yet cleaned her hands that were stained with blood. A part of her face was covered in blood.

Looking at reina with astonishment. "Reina." Came the whisper of her mother.

Reina looked at her and saw the tears and plea in her eyes. Her heart sank." Are you really my mother?." She asked dejectedly as hot tears steamed gathered.

The woman was still looking at her the same expression she had in her eyes.

"Lady Sofia." Reina heard a mans voice shouting from behind the doors." Lady Sofia ,are you in there?" He banged on the door." Lady Sofia I demand that you open thus door this very instance." He banged louder.

Reina knew that she didn't have much time left. "Answer me." Reina shouted in frustration." Are you really my mother? "

The woman smiled with pain ,she covered the distance between them looking at her lovingly. "Yes." She said touching her cheek with her hand." I am your real mother."

Reina shook her head." No, it can't be." She felt her cheek wet as a tear slid down her eye." You can't be my real mother. I look nothing like you."

"Yes you do my dear. You inherited my skin colour with my body stature."

"Lady Sofia open this door this instant,or I will have no choice but to break it down." The banging grew louder but it didn't matter to Reina nothing mattered to her but the words spoken by this woman.

"What am I?" She looked at her immensely.

She kissed her forehead before looking at her." You are my daughter, my Reina, my treasure. "

"How could I have kill that man." She fearfully.

Sofia glanced at the door ,it was being pushed hard and the hinges were already coming off.

She held Reina's hand and pulled it close to her chest." Reina listen to me." Reina shocked her and she placed her hand on her face." I can't answer all your question ,we don't have much time left." The door was hit harder ,Sofia looked at the door ,she knew that one more hit and the door would be opened. "Listen very care fully, the only person that can answer your question , is the grand high wolf he leaves in the mountains on the east of Kent. Find him and he answer all you're questions and I know he'll also guide you." She dropped her hands and ran towards the door.

Reina ran after her.

"But mother." Reina said as the door was opened .she covered her face when the door opened as bright light hit her face and closed her eyes,she felt a force coming over body like a heavy metal and felt her body grow limp.

"My lady." She opened her eyes slowly and looking around the room." My lady."she looked to her right to were the voice had come.

"Martha." She said to the girl dressed in maid clothes." Where am I?"

"You're in your room."

She looked round, she was in her room in the royal academy. "Oh,it must have slipped my mind."

The blonde looked at her confused. "What must have slipped your mind milady?"

"I thought I was back hone in straffen." She yawned and stretched her aching body.

"Milady ,you must get dressed. You have a long day ahead of you." She walked up to the curtains and pulled that blinds away.

Reina covered her eyes as the harsh rays of the morning sun hit her. She groaned." Martha , please inform the headmistress that I am not felling well and I won't be able to attend classes today."

The girl bowed her head." Yes my lady." She turned and left the room closing the door softly behind her.

As soon as she the door closed reina jumped out of the bed and headed to her reading table. Opening a drawer she took out a book which had blue cover and gold design at the line of the edges. She opened it and quickly picked up a quill and seeped it inside an ink container.

She started writing down the contents of her dream. She had decided that when she left here for holidays she would investigate about the dream and what Sofia had said to her , her father had a lot of explaining to do. But she doubted her father knew anything concerning the matter about her abilities.

"Him,my abilities." She mumered as she continued to write. Sofia bed brother had made it seem like she was not even human. And what was all that Sofia was talking about and asking her to fond the grand high wolf. It all seemed strange to her and she needs to find out the truth.

But how was she going to go into the forest to look for him? Her father wouldn't let her go anywhere much less Kent during the holiday. She had to find a way to say at Kent for the holiday.