
My one and only Reina

Erumena_Doreen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

chapter 16

"Then I'll kill every last one of them ,They won't take my daughter away from me." She said looking at the Ethan calmly.

He looked at her strangely for a second." Then what if I said I want to kill her?"

She smiled sweetly. "Then I'll kill you too."

He smiled back at her."You can't Sofia, am much stronger than you ,and you know that you'll lose if you try it." He looked around and reina felt for a second that the mam could see her.

"But I can't just kill her Ethan, she's my daughter."

"I know Sofia,and don't forget that she is also my niece. I love her as much as you do and doing this is hard for me as it is hard for you ,but we can't risk it she has to die."

Tears stung Sofia eyes as she got up and walked to the large window looking into the sky. It was dark and the moon could not be seen." I have made my decision Han."she closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath, it felt like she was inhaling pins.

Ethan looked somehow relived. "Sofia I know you'll make the right decision, It will be best for everyone including Reina."

She opened her eyes slowly and turned to face him. She walked towards him." Yes I have made a decision, and I have decided that I will kill." She got close to were he was seating. Her smile was still in place.

He smiled back at her. "You have made an excellent decision dear sister." He got up ,he was much taller than her,she was only reaching his chest. "So when shall we kill her?" He asked.

"Oh , I am not killing Reina dear brother."

He looked at her puzzled. "Then who are killing."

She looked up at him." You."she launched at her with full force digging her hand into his chest and pulling out his heart." You seemed to have forgotten dear brother."she said as he dropped to the floor dead." Even though you're stronger than me, I am much faster and smarter. "She said dropping his heart on the floor next to the body.

He thought she was a fool. She knew that he never loved her or her daughter, he wanted to kill Reina for his own benefit.

Reina couldn't believe what had just happened in front of her,she had never witnessed an execution before now she had singlehandedly watched and witnessed a gruesome murder take place in front of her. She felt skin in the stomach, she closed her eyes and remembered how The man's eyes had widened in horror and disbelief.

A disbelief that his own sister could do such a thing to him. It was just a dream but had this been real,she would have been angry and hurt. Angry that her own mother would stoop so low and kill her own brother so coldly and heartlessly, and she would be hurt because she had done what she did because of her, she knew deep down that this woman even though had indeed loved her brother ,she had seen the tears and pain in her eyes. She hadn't wanted to kill him because she loved him but the love she had for her was greater and it had made her end the life of her brother, it hurt her much and she felt guilty and responsible for Ethan's death.

Tears formed in her eyes, she was responsible for this. She was the murderer not Sofia.

She was confused with what was happening around her, why did this place feel like déjà vu? She looked at the woman with mixed emotions, how could she be standing there looking at the man she killed with a clam expression in her face ,she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Oh ,Han why did you have to betray me like this." Sofia said tearfully.

Betray her?Wait was this woman serious she actually, she cold heatedly killed her brother just because he had made a suggestion. Well he had wanted to kill her ,but he was her brother and they must be very close for her to have told him such a news , they could have talked it out and found a solution. But she had went ahead and killed him without a second thought, she felt hatred and disgust for this woman who had no mercy for her own family.

But a place inside her felt like the woman had done it for the right reason. Like her brother would not have listened to her even if she found a solution , and the only way for this woman to save her was to kill him. She glanced down to the body laying cold on the floor his heart next to him the floor were he lay was filled with blood. She inhaled and could only the smell the scent of blood, she held her stomach with her hand and covered her mouth with the other, she felt like she was about to vomit.

She shifted her gaze to Sofia.

She walked back to the table and poured herself some whisky which was always kept on the table for her or her husband. She leaned on the table and started sipping the drink, looking in the direction were reina stood. She smiled." You can come out now Reina don't think I can't see you."

Thinking she was talking to her younger self ,she looked around were she to see if the child was there and would come out. As she was standing behind a book shelve ,but no one was there with her.

She woman continued to look in her direction.

"Don't be afraid my dear,I won't harm you." She said in her sweet voice." You know I always knew you would be very beautiful when you grow up. It turns out I was never wrong and I love your pink nightgown it looks very pretty. "

Reina froze from were she stood this woman could actually see her. She looked at her nightgown and grasped she had worn a dark pink nightgown. But how was it even possible? it was a dream,she thought to herself it was all a dream.