
My Offers For You (Editing)

Sometimes, in life all you want is a happy ending! Xu Zhuya, a mother of two children always wanted a happy ending. But her past always followed her. From her past, it meant her ex-husband! Li Wei was the most hottest man of Country X and he was the ex-husband of Xu Zhuya. The time when they were married, he loved her but after separation, he loved her even more to an extent that he would do anything to just be with her. Wu Yanchen, Xu Zhuya's present husband. They met by chance and slowly progressed to love. However, their life was getting turned into rotten hell by Li Wei. However, Wu Yanchen took an oath to always protect Xu Zhuya even if it meant for him to sacrifice his life. What will happen to this love among a husband and wife when the wife's ex-husband returns? ..... Read the novel to find out! This is an Original novel made by me (Aadin). This is my first time writing a novel so please don't hesitate to comment on my mistakes or errors... Thank you for reading it! The story is completed but is being edited.

Aadin · Fantasy
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108 Chs

I'll Do Anything For You

Li Wei and Xu Zhuya walked towards the dining table where Mr. and Madam Li were present. Xu Zhuya greeted them "Good afternoon mother-in-law, Good afternoon father-in-law." and then Xu Zhuya took a seat beside her mother-in-law. Mr. Li sat at the front chair and Madam Li sat at the right side of the table followed by Xu Zhuya and then Li Wei also took a seat just next to her.

Seeing that Li Wei sat beside Xu Zhuya, Madam Li felt happy from the inside but didn't show the expression on her face. She was waiting for grandchildren and now her wish would become true soon. She then looked at Mr. Li and touched his hand and they both nodded in excitement.

Li Wei and Xu Zhuya were busy giving each other a questionable gaze that's why they couldn't notice their parents excitement.

Mr. Li coughed a little to get their attention and said "Let's start eating first. We can look into each other's eyes later." Xu Zhuya lowered her head in embarrassment and started putting the food in her plate. As Xu Zhuya was putting the food in her plate, Li Wei was taking it from her plate and placing the food in his.

Xu Zhuya looked at him with a questionable gaze and he mouthed the words mutely.


Meanwhile, Xu Zhuya didn't understand a word he told so she just nodded and started eating. Li Wei was scratching his head as to why she didn't respond then, he went a little closer to her and whispered so that only she could hear "You should put the food first in your husband's plate."

Xu Zhuya made an 'O' face and quickly placed some more food on his plate. Now all of them were having their food happily when suddenly Madam Li spoke which made Xu Zhuya to choke on her food "Xu Zhuya, yesterday night did you wear that night dress which your friend gave you? She especially told me to place it in the bathroom so that you can wear it easily." Madam Li gave a shy smile.

Xu Zhuya coughed so badly that her face became completely red and her eyes started to form tears at the corners. Li Wei was caressing her back up and down. She said somewhat in between her coughs "'cough'...No, I...I don't 'cough' we...wear such night dresses. 'Cough' I...I... it was very revealing that's why."

Madam Li gave a sad expression and said "It's okay, Wear it some other time but don't disappoint me and your friend. We bought it from so much difficulties."

Xu Zhuya gave a smile and answered "Okay mother-in-law. I'll wear it when the right time comes."

Xu Zhuya was taking another spoon full of rice and curry when she heard Madam Li spoke again and because of what she told, the spoon fell from her hand making a sound on the table.

Madam Li: "So how did your first night go?"


*CLUNK* *clunk* *clun* *clu* *cl*

After few small audible sounds, the clunking sound was gone and then there was silence. She looked at Li Wei, he was smirking. So, she elbowed him and he looked at her with wide eyes.

She then mouthed her words "PLEASE HELP ME OUT."

He then mouthed her back "I'M SORRY. I CAN'T" and then he gave her a peace sign. Li Wei really wanted to see how she would respond that's why he didn't help her out. He tittered seeing her reaction.

Xu Zhuya pouted her face and then replied "Uhmm! Mother-in-law, Our first night went in a way how it goes in other couples life."

Li Wei knew what was bound to come so, he let out a soft laugh and handed her a new spoon. She looked at his reaction and wondered why he let out a laugh. As she was wondering, she heard her Mother-in-law speak. After hearing her Mother-in-law's words, she understood why he let out a soft laugh.

Madam Li: "So which means you guys had sex, huh? Tell me, tell me, how did it go?" Xu Zhuya never knew that her Mother-in-law would be this shameless.

Xu Zhuya looked here and there and again her pair of eyes set on a blue pair of eyes. She then mouthed her words again and this time she even joined her hands together and said "PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME."

He gave her a devilish grin and mouthed the words "WHAT WILL I GET IN RETURN?" Thankfully, she was able to understand what he told so she responded "I PROMISE I'LL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU, JUST HELP ME OUT."

Without any hesitations he understood and then raised an eyebrow and asked her again "ANYTHING?"

She nodded rapidly. He then gave a devilish grin and coughed a little and spoke "Mom, don't you think this matter is too private? Lets talk about something else."

Madam Li frowned at him and said "I didn't ask you, CEO Li. I asked my daughter-in-law."

Li Wei: "Alright mom, you can ask her but let me tell you we didn't had sex or anything. We just shared a kiss and then went to sleep. In the morning I took her for a ba..." He stopped then looked at her. Xu Zhuya was shaking her head from left to right and was mouthing her words "NO DON'T SAY THAT." She was shaking her index finger also.

He was enjoying her each and every expression and this time he had a wide smile on his face and then he said "Yea mom, that's all. We didn't had any sex. we just slept."

Madam Li raised an eyebrow at this and looked at Xu Zhuya. Upon seeing her questioning gaze, Xu Zhuya nodded strenuously and said "Yes, Mother-in-law, that's the truth."

Madam Li was about to speak when suddenly Mr. Li spoke "Dear, let's not talk about all this now. Let them have their food. They didn't had anything since morning so let them have their brunch at least."

Madam Li nodded in agreement and the atmosphere changed back to normal again. After finishing their meal the older couple went back to their rooms and Li Wei and Xu Zhuya also walked to their room hand in hand.

On entering inside the room Xu Zhuya let go of his hand and walked towards the dressing table and sat over there. Meanwhile, Li Wei closed the door and came near her. She noticed that he was standing behind her, so she gave a small smile and said "Thank you."

He kept his hand on her shoulder and whispered "You are welcome, Mrs. Li."