
My Offers For You (Editing)

Sometimes, in life all you want is a happy ending! Xu Zhuya, a mother of two children always wanted a happy ending. But her past always followed her. From her past, it meant her ex-husband! Li Wei was the most hottest man of Country X and he was the ex-husband of Xu Zhuya. The time when they were married, he loved her but after separation, he loved her even more to an extent that he would do anything to just be with her. Wu Yanchen, Xu Zhuya's present husband. They met by chance and slowly progressed to love. However, their life was getting turned into rotten hell by Li Wei. However, Wu Yanchen took an oath to always protect Xu Zhuya even if it meant for him to sacrifice his life. What will happen to this love among a husband and wife when the wife's ex-husband returns? ..... Read the novel to find out! This is an Original novel made by me (Aadin). This is my first time writing a novel so please don't hesitate to comment on my mistakes or errors... Thank you for reading it! The story is completed but is being edited.

Aadin · Fantasy
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108 Chs

He Is So Caring

The soft, bouncy bed made Xu Zhuya bounce. She looked at the naked guy who was standing beside her. Now, seeing him naked didn't make her blush anymore. She was okay with seeing him in his 'Birthday suit'. She couldn't help but admire him. He was cute, and thoughtful.

Li Wei took two pairs of white towel. One towel, he tied to his lower part and with the other towel he walked towards her.

He rolled Xu Zhuya to the corner of the bed and then neatly placed the towel on the empty space of the bed. "Roll on!" He said.

But, it was just air for Xu Zhuya. She was busy in her thoughts. When he didn't see her move, Li Wei himself rolled her on the towel. He tucked the towel neatly in between her cleavage and smiled looking at her satisfied.

Xu Zhuya looked like a sandwich to him. He licked his lips and laid down beside him.

After a while, he got bored so he started playing with her face. He moved his slender fingers from her forehead to her nose to her lips. On reaching her lips, he stopped and gave a small peck and continued tracing his fingers down to her neck.

Xu Zhuya was completely shocked by him. The way he was rolling her and then... now he is playing with her face?

Her soft and slender neck looked so attractive to him that he wanted to bite it and plant a hickey. Keeping his hand on her stomach, he asked "Do you like it?"

Xu Zhuya was confused. She didn't know what he was asking about. 'Is he asking me about the bath, or the way he wrapped the towel on me, or him touching my neck, or wait, is he asking me about his steel rod huh?' She had many questions in her mind but she asked a simple question "Like what?"

Li Wei wanted to tease her so, he said while smirking "What else my body, how was my third member? I'm sure you were quite amused while looking down at me down there. I even noticed you gulping your saliva inside. Haha" And then he started to laugh. He then said again "Want to touch it? If you wan, I'll take off my towel without any hesitation and let you touch me, because 'DESIRES' shouldn't be hold." He accentuated more on the word 'desire'.

Xu Zhuya had an angry look on her face. She hit on his chest with her head cause her hands were stuffed inside the towel and he made a sound "ouch."

She then looked at him and said "Pervert. Ahh! You are too bad. Dirty mind." She waggled her legs up and down on the bed and said "I would never touch something like that. It's so gross. And between yeah, I admit it, I took a small glance at it, but I didn't gulp any of my saliva because I wasn't drooling at all and you were the one who had an intense gaze on my body parts as soon as I got naked. Hmpph, Pervert." She said the word one last time as if trying to conclude her talk and started taking deep breaths.

'Calm down Xu Zhuya, calm down. You shouldn't get angry so fast . Chill Xu Zhuya, Chill!' She murmured.

He looked at her reaction and exclaimed with amusement "Oh, c'mon babe, I saw your face. There were droplets of saliva hanging in and out of your mouth. Anyone would be drooling after seeing my third member." He then paused and then continued playing with her body, moving his slender fingers down towards her cleavage and tracing them through the towel in a circular motion.

When Xu Zhuya thought that he had stopped she was about to speak something when she got cut off "And by the way I'm bad only for you. Who wouldn't stare at those two perfect tits of yours. They are round, cute and of course, the last but not the least thing, they would perfectly fit my hand." Xu Zhuya noticed that his eyes were sparkling brightly.

Xu Zhuya ignored his comment and rolled her eyes. She took out her hands from inside her towel and wore her towel clearly. She got out of the bed and then walked towards her closet and chose a blue color frock. She was about to take her undergarments when Li Wei gave her a box.

She raised an eyebrow at him and asked "What's this?" Li Wei ruffled his hair and said coyly "I want you to wear this tonight." She didn't knew what it was as it was wrapped in a golden wrap so she said "Okay." And was about to go the washroom when Li Wei asked her "Can I kiss you?"

Xu Zhuya was like 'Wait, is he mad? Right now, he was kissing me all the time and now he is asking my permission for it?'

Li Wei continued "I'll kiss you only if you give me permission for it. I won't force you." Xu Zhuya wanted to ask him 'And what if I don't want to kiss then?' but seeing him ask so cutely she nodded in agreement.

Upon getting her nod he placed his hand at the back of her head and came closer to her and touched her lips with his lips. The moment was so cute for both of them.

Xu Zhuya also responded to his kiss and placed her hand around his neck. This intense moment stayed for a long time until they were out of breaths. She was inhaling and exhaling deeply and he too was doing the same. They had smiles on their faces and then Xu Zhuya went to the bathroom. Her heart beating rapidly.

She closed the bathroom door and locked it and then kept her hand on her left side of the chest as if trying to calm her beating heart and then said "Gosh, He is too good. He is so caring. I think I will fall in love with him in no time." These intense moments were lingering on her mind till she had completed her dressing and then she stepped out of the room.

On noticing that she had come back Li Wei had a smile on his face and he was also dressed. Li Wei asked her "Are you ready?" She nodded. And they both went downstairs to the living room holding each other's hands.

Both of them were looking adorable just like a couple made for each other. Her blue frock gave her a beautiful look and his white shirt and blue pants made him look charming.