
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


(One day later)

It had been a whole day since Seiko's tail was found outside the castle. I had taken the liberty of sending out Damus and Isola to keep an eye on Stitch, just in case these people ever decide to go after him next. Stitch himself had been keeping an eye on the Lovalon kingdom, he has told me that they had been preparing their defenses for something very big. big enough to require multiple giant ballista arrows. besides that, he also informed me that the S-class adventurers, who had entered the castle, still had yet to even leave it. So, While Stitch continued his cover as an adventurer, I had Damus keep an eye on the castle if the S-class ever leave it while Isola protected Stitch, and both of them also held their vampiric magic weapons as well. Since we weren't dealing with normal enemies, we had to take every precaution to make sure no one else will die.

I stood before a holographic version of the Lovalon kingdom as I studied their defenses but my mind couldn't help but wander back to when I had first learned of Seiko's death.

'It's strange. I, myself, had barely even known who Seiko was. and yet, when he died, I felt nothing but rage for those who had killed him. I must still have the original Arzo's feelings inside of me. not sure if that's a good or bad thing. guess I'll just have to see in the future.' I thought then Damus stepped through the doors and into the throne room "Damus? you are supposed to be watching the castle for the S-class adventurers."

Damus bowed "I apologize, my lord. but, Perylua requested that I tell you everything she had learned about the royals as soon as possible." he said

I nodded "Very well, give me the information." I said so Damus told me of everything Perylua had learned while studying the royals of the kingdom. while the rest of the nobles didn't matter to me, two of them stood out above the rest "Victor, I know of that one. but this Maxwell is a new one. it looks like I have my targets. here, take this." I said as I threw a piece of candy at Damus

"Candy, my lord?" 

"It's for Perylua. I promised I give her some. make sure it gets to her." I said

Damus bowed "You are very kind, lord Arzo. I shall ensure it gets to Perylua safely." he said then he left the room.

I put my hand out "Message: Zoe." I said making Zoe appear in my hand 

Zoe bowed "Lord Arzo, how may I serve you?"

"Zoe, gather some stealth warriors and have them capture the royals I will assign you. the royals are to be taken and kept alive. understood?" I said

Zoe bowed again "As you wish, my lord." she said then she disappeared

"Scroll," I said summoned a scroll before me which opened itself. I pointed my staff at the scroll and had all the information Damus gave to me about Victor and Maxwell put on it then I rolled it up "Teleport." I said sending it away

'Usually, I would have Rinako do most of these things, but she's currently busy delivering the orders to the dwarves to commission new weapons for the others. if the Lovalon kingdom is preparing for war, then so shall we.' I thought as I continued watching the holographic kingdom before me


Stitch had recently returned from another quest where he had to hunt down a group of goblins and trolls who were keeping humans out of a part of some woods that were rich with healing herbs and food. while he was walking around the guild he noticed Leon writing on a piece of paper.

Leon noticed Stitch "Hey, Jon! over here!" he called out so Stitch reluctantly walked over to him

"What do you want?"

"I was wondering where you were. how've you been doing?" Leon asked

Stitch ignored the question and noticed the writing on the paper "Is that a letter?" he asked

"Hm? oh yeah. I totally forgot to write to my family after I got here." Leon said

"Your family?" 

"Oh, that's right, I never told you about my family. I'm basically the sixth son of the Virith Empire royals. my elder sister is the empress and she would come over here herself if I didn't write to her." Leon said 

"You're a royal?!" Stitch said

"Yeah, I'm sixth in line to take the throne but I'm not interested in that. I just want to go on adventures and fight monsters." Leon said

"Shouldn't you instead be learning how to run your future kingdom?" Stitch asked

"Ha, that's exactly what my older brothers would ask. they really didn't like it when I left and came here, but I'm sixth in line so I have plenty of time before it's my turn to run the empire." Leon said as he continued writing his letter

Multiple guards then walked into the guild and came right over to Leon and Stitch as soon as they spotted them. 

"Excuse me? are you two part of the group that took down the kaiju?" The guard asked

"Technically that was Jon, but we helped," Leon said

The guard looked at Leon "And you're the one who wields one of the legendary weapons created by the gods?" he said

"Yep, right here," Leon said tapping the sword

"We need the both of you to follow us to the castle." The guard said

"I refuse," Stitch said walking past them

The guard grabbed Stitch's arm "It wasn't a request. the king himself has asked for your presence, and I suggest you answer." he said. Stitch was about to reach for his sword when Leon tapped his shoulder 

"Hey, come on Jon. we're just gonna meet the king. what's the worst that can happen?" Leon said so Stich let his arm down

"Fine, let's just get this over with." Stitch said so they followed the guards to the castle.

Leon and Stitch walked with the guards to the castle. once inside, they only saw the king and Artor, they were standing before the throne when they entered.

"Your highness, the adventurer who defeated the kaiju, and the one who wields the weapon are here." the guard said

The king nodded "Gentlemen, I understand you're both very strong to have been able to take down a kaiju and be able to wield one of the weapons made by the gods, so I wish to ask a favor from both of you." he said

"What do you need from us? we're just some low D-class adventurers." Leon said

"I need both of you to assist the kingdom itself. we are going to war soon and I could use your strength." Zhao said

"War? war with whom?" Stitch asked

"Sadly, I can not indulge more unless I know you are with me. now, will you assist your kingdom?" Zhao asked

Leon stepped up "I will."

Stitch seemed reluctant at first but sighed "I will as well."

"Good. now, what I'm about to tell will must never leave these walls, or we risk spilling information to our enemy." Zhao said

"Who is our enemy?" Leon asked

"A demon lord who goes by the name, Arzo. this demon lord controls an entire army of monsters, and we are going to fight him to save our kingdom." Zhao said

"What makes you believe you can defeat him?" Stitch asked

"We had made contact with an ally who had developed a plan to kill the demon lord. we agreed to work with them to free ourselves from the demon lord. we are having our S-class adventurers preparing our defenses, and an escape route for the citizens. now all we need is to make sure our weapons and men are prepared to fight." Zhao explained

"And you want us to also be on the front lines fighting with them?" Leon asked

"Yes. with the strength of a legendary weapon, and one who defeated a kaiju by our side, then we may have a higher chance of defeating the demon lord and his army," Zhao said

"So, what will we be doing?" Leon asked

"You will be following the orders of Artor. he is in charge of this whole operation. whatever he says, you must follow. understood?" Zhao said so both of them nodded "Good. now I must take my leave and ensure the operation is going over smoothly." he said then he left Leon and Stitch with Artor

Leon turned to Artor "So, where will we be posted?" he asked

"That has yet to be determined. when we have secured a location for you then we'll tell you. until then, be ready. this will be the biggest fight of our lives." Artor said then he to left the throne room. Leon and Stitch were later escorted out of the castle.

"Wow, I never expected something like this to happen. going to war with a demon lord? seems almost unbelievable. what do you think about this Jon?" Leon said but once he turned around he noticed Stitch was gone "Jon?"

Stitch had left Leon and gotten on top of a building, then he put his arm out "Message: lord Arzo." he said making Arzo appear in his hand

"Stitch? what is it?" Arzo asked

"I have gained information, very important information. the king himself is preparing for war against you." Stitch said


"They seemed to have come into contact with people who have a plan to kill you. though, I am confident it will fail, what would you have me do?" Stitch said

Arzo thought for a moment "Spy on them and find out who came into contact with them. I am confident these will be the same people who killed Seiko. once you find out who they are, I want you to inform me immediately. do not attempt to take them on yourself, understood?" 

Stitch bowed "I understand, my lord. there is more information that I have for you." he said

"Very well."

"The boy with the magic sword, he is no ordinary peasant as we had first thought. he is actually royalty who is sixth in line to rule an empire." Stitch said

"This certainly changes things. we can not have him killed now, or else we risk starting a war with an empire whose strength we don't even know. here are your new orders, keep the boy alive and have him escape the battle and return to his empire." Arzo said

"As you wish, my master," Stitch said then Arzo disappeared from his hand. Stitch jumped down from the building and continued on his way back to the guild.


'That magic sword boy, if I play my cards right then I'll be the one in control of his empire instead of them. or, I can at least have them in my pocket. I'll take either.' I thought just as Rinako returned carrying a longsword with a short handle meant only for one hand while the sword itself had one side white while the other side was black and in the middle were magic symbols.

Rinako brought the sword to me and kneeled as she presented it "Master, the dwarves have finished your weapon as you requested."

I picked up the sword and gave it a few short swings "This will do nicely. I will have to reward the dwarves for doing such a fine job."

Rinako looked up at me "They knew you would say that, so they wished to inform you that they will need no reward and would gladly do this as many times as you wish it." she said

"Hm, that may be the case, but I must do something to reward them. I will think about it later. for now, I need everyone to prepare for war against the Lovalon kingdom." I said 

"Is it finally time to exterminate the humans, lord Arzo?" Rinako asked 

"Yes, it is. they have done exactly what I expected and are now planning to betray me. but, before we can set the rest of my plan in motion, we must know who is backing theirs. I suspect they may be the same people who killed Seiko. and if they are, I must capture, at least, some of them so I may know who their leader is." I explained

"Shall I inform Perylua so she may be ready with our hostage?" Rinako asked

"Yes. have her remain close to the prince just in case something happens and inform her to keep her eyes open for anything. if something, anything, seems wrong, I want her to take the prince and escape immediately." I said

Rinako stood up "I'll have someone inform her immediately." she said then she left the room

'Well, it looks like things will pick up soon. my army versus the Lovalon kingdom and their secret ally. I can only hope I will be victorious, but this secret ally is strong. if I'm to have a chance at defeating them then I must make absolutely sure that my servants are ready for the battle ahead. I can't let what happened to Seiko happen to anyone else.' I thought then Rinako returned to the throne room.

Rinako bowed "My lord, the information has been given to Perylua and she has confirmed to be ready to run with the prince at any moment." she said

"Very good. now we should decide how to confront the king about this betrayal. should we fly in on Ommes again? or should we march with a large battalion?" I said

"May I make a suggestion, lord Arzo?" Rinako asked and I nodded "Perhaps we should confront them with a small group of warriors as we did before. if we do then they may become overconfident, as humans do, and reveal many secrets to someone who'll appear weak." 

"Hm, that is a smart idea but-."

"But that would be like saying lord Arzo is weak, which is something that should never be said by his servants. for that would be blasphemy." Zoe said as she entered the throne room "Is that what you were going to say, my master?" 

"Y-Yes, exactly. thank you, Zoe." I said 

Zoe bowed "You are very welcome, my lord."

Rinako kneeled "Allow me to apologize, my lord. I did not mean to call you weak in any way, I just went with the most sound plan I could think of. please, forgive me." 

I waved my hand "It is alright, Rinako. all you did was suggest your own plan, I will not punish you for that. you may rise." I said so Rinako did as told 'Even though, in truth, I was just going to make a point that no one would be able to join me since I needed everyone to be ready for the battle ahead. if I had to appear weak to gain more information, I would've done it in a heartbeat just so I can know who their ally is.' I thought

I turned to Zoe "Zoe, why are you here?"

"Oh, I had come to inform you the maidens had successfully delivered all of the magic stones to the dwarves and they are now in the process of infusing their magic to weapons," Zoe said

"Excellent, make sure those magic weapons get to those who may need it. we'll need every advantage we can get against the Lovalon kingdom." I said

"As you wish, lord Arzo," Zoe said then she left the throne room

I continued studying the holographic lovalon kingdom when I noticed Rinako staring at me "Is something wrong, Rinako?"

"My Lord, forgive me for asking, but how long have you been studying the kingdom?" Rinako asked

"Hm...I have been studying and learning their defenses ever since Stitch told me how they were preparing them. I need to be prepared for when we finally do attack." I said

"But wasn't that a whole day ago, master?" Rinako asked

"It was. is there a problem, Rinako?" I asked

"Perhaps it is time for you to rest. you have been watching that holographic kingdom for quite some time." Rinako said

I sighed "I will not argue this again, RInako. the last thing I need right now is sleep, I am well rested from last night and have no need for it right now." I said

"Then maybe a soothing bath will be more to your liking, my lord? you will not have to sleep and will still be rejuvenated to continue our work." Rinako suggested 

I thought for a moment and nodded "Yes, a hot bath will do nicely."

Rinako bowed "Shall I go and prepare one for you?"

"Yes, I'll be there shortly." I said so RInako nodded and left the room 'A nice hot bath, huh. I actually haven't taken one since I came to this world and possessed this body, so it'll be nice to relax and get clean, and if the bath will be as nice as the food then I can't wait to get in. well, might as well get going now, don't want to miss my own bath.' I thought so I made the holographic lovalon kingdom disappear and left the throne room 

I entered the bathroom through the magical door and saw on the other side of another door the bath which could've been confused as a giant pool. I made my staff disappear as I walked through the doors and to the pool, I knelt down and dipped my fingers into the water to find it was perfectly heated, just as I expected. 

'Of course, just as I expected. they really love to please their lord and master. guess I should get in and relax.' I thought so I stood up and used magic to remove my clothes. I slowly got into the bath and sat down 'Ah, now this is the life. I should've done this a long time ago. it would've taken a lot of the stress off of me a long time ago.'

As I was silently enjoying my bath, I heard a noise come from behind the door. I turned and noticed someone was behind the door and they were undressing. 

"Is someone there?" I asked. suddenly, Rinako stepped through the door with only a towel around her body. I noticed her body was very fit and her breast size was a small A-cup. "Rinako? what are you doing here?"

"I had come to help you wash as we had always done. do you wish for me to leave you alone this time?" RInako asked

'Well, that's interesting. if I still had my regular emotions, I probably would've been extremely embarrassed. and yet, I don't even feel shy about being naked in front of her. must be the advantage of having the emotions of a demon lord.' I thought to myself. I waved my hand "It's alright, you can help me wash. I just zoned out from this relaxing bath so you caught me off guard."

Rinako bowed "I apologize. next time, I'll be sure to warn you before entering." she said as she stepped off to the side

I looked over at her "Rinako, why don't you get in as well? I'm sure you're tired to from working so much." I said

Rinako bowed "I appreciate the offer, my lord, but I will be fine. as you know, I don't exactly "get tired" anymore." she said

"Very well, the decision is up to you," I said. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes enjoying the water

"Would you like for me to wash your hair while you relax, lord Arzo?" Rinako asked

"Yes, that would be fine." I said, so RInako grabbed a bucket and filled it with water. she walked behind me and set the bucket down as she knelt down and grabbed my hair then began washing it very carefully 'I wonder how many times she had to do this for the real Arzo to be able to do it so perfectly. she's being so gentle but very thorough. you certainly don't find people who can wash your hair this well on earth.' 

Rinako scrubbed and washed my hair very thoroughly. when she was done, she grabbed the bucket of water and rinsed it off, allowing me to lift my head back up.

"Thank you, Rinako. now, would you bring me a towel?" I said

"As you wish." RInako said so she walked back into the other room and quickly grabbed a towel. she brought the towel to me and I took it and tied it around my waist as I exited the bath.

I walked over and sat down on a stool "RInako, you may begin washing me whenever you wish." 

"Yes, my lord." Rinako said as she grabbed a sponge and began washing my back first. 

"Hm, you are doing very well, Rinako." I said

"Thank you for the praise, lord Arzo." Rinako said as she continued wishing my back, then she stopped "Lord, please raise your right arm for me." she said so I did as told and she began washing it

I looked over and stared at Rinako which she noticed "Is something wrong, my lord?" she asked

"I was wondering what kind of life we would have if you were never found by me. would you have served another master?" I said

"I would never serve anyone but you, lord Arzo." Rinako said

"Hm, I know you will. but, if I had never found you and brought you back to the castle. what do you think would happen?" I asked

Rinako remained still for a few minutes then continued washing me "I would still be a slave to those...men. they would use me however they wanted and I would be forced to follow their orders. I would still be miserable." she said looking down

I noticed her sad expression and removed my arm from hold then I pat her head "If that is your future were I to fail to rescue you. then I swear, even in a world like that, I will still find a way to get you back, no matter what." I declared

"You are very kind, my lord." Rinako said though she didn't look any different

"I mean it, RInako. you are my most important servant. if you weren't here, then even my life wouldn't be complete and I refuse to live in a world where you're still a slave. you never deserved that life and I'll make sure you never have to experience it again." I said rubbing her head

A small smirk graced Rinako's lips as she bowed her head "Thank you for giving me such great words of kindness, lord Arzo. I swear, I will dedicate my entire being to serving you and will never leave your side." she said

"You are welcome, RInako. now, you may finish washing me." I said so RInako continued washing my body with a smile on her face


Stitch had arrived at the guild and immediately began looking for Leon. he found Leon giving one of the guild leaders a letter, so he walked over to him.

"Leon, I need to see you." Stitch said

"Hm, sure. what is it, Jon?" Leon asked

"I need to see you outside. it has to do with the battle." Stitch said

Leon nodded "Alright, let's go." he said so he followed Stitch outside and to a dark alleyway "So, what did you want to tell me?" 

"You are going to escape the battle and return to your home." Stitch said

"Wait, what? I can't leave this kingdom to fight that demon lord alone. I have to help them." Leon said

"You are only a human, boy. if you fight in this battle, then you to will die along with this kingdom." Stitch said

"That may be true, but I believe in this kingdom's king. I believe we have a chance to defeat the demon lord, but only if we all work together." Leon said

"You, and everyone else, will fail. none of you will defeat the demon lord." Stitch said

"How do you know?" Leon asked

"I am not able to disclose that information. but, you will return to your empire and escape the battle." Stitch said

"No, I won't. I'm staying to protect this kingdom." Leon said as he turned and began walking out of the alleyway 

"It wasn't a request." Stitch said as he put his now glowing hand on his should causing him to stop in his tracks

"What are yo-." Leon stopped talking as his eyes began glowing a soft blue

"You will return to your empire and your family. you will not look back and won't let anyone stop you. now go." Stitch said so Leon began walking to the kingdom gates and left the kingdom "Mission successful. now all that's left, is to wait for the battle to commence."

Zhao and Artor were addressing their soldiers to ensure there wasn't anything left that hasn't been left out in their defenses when another soldier stepped into the room.

"My lord, I have news." the soldier said

"What is it?"

"The boy who wields the sword, who you told us to keep watch of, has disappeared." 

"What? where did he go?" Zhao asked

"We do not know. the ones who were watching him claim they were knocked out by something but weren't able to see what it was. the next thing they knew, the boy was gone." The soldier said

"Lord Zhao, please allow me to go and find him. I'll bring him back as soon as possible." Artor said

"No, if he has left, then there's no point in going to look for him. besides, we only have until the sun comes back up to prepare the rest of our defenses. we don't have time to go on a widespread search. we'll just have to continue the rest of our plan without him." Zhao said

"As you wish, Lord Zhao." Artor said


After my relaxing bath and wash, we had gotten dressed, separately mind you, and returned to the throne room. 

"The bath truly was relaxing, but I believe it's time to get back to work." I said returning to my throne

"My lord, it is late. should you not head to bed?" Rinako said

"Hm, maybe I should. it is late and I doubt even the lovalon kingdom will attack at this hour. very well, I shall retire to my room for the night. if anything happens, inform me immediately" I said

Rinako bowed "Yes, my master."

I teleported to my room where I did the usual then laid down in my bed.

I stared up at the ceiling 'I would be lying if I said I wasn't totally freaked out right now. this will be my first big battle in this world and body. but, I also feel like I have nothing to worry about and that I know I'll come out victorious. well, I won't know until tomorrow when I confront their king with my army at my back. maybe by then, I'll also know who their secret ally is, so I can destroy them with all the power I have...hm, that must be the demon lord in me talking.' I thought as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

(The next day)

Rinako burst opens the doors to my room as she stepped through, waking me.

"Rinako? what is the meaning of this?" I asked

RInako bowed "Forgive the intrusion, my lord, but Rothar has information that he says he must deliver to you." 

"Very well." I said so I got up and retrieved my things then I left my room while Rinako followed.

We arrived at the throne room where Rothar was standing and he was holding dragonbane. when he saw me he bowed.

"Rothar, what did you want to tell me?" I asked

"I apologize for having you wake up so early, my lord, but the situation in the kingdom has changed. I request you follow me to the kingdom so I may show you." Rothar said 

"Very well. Rinako, join me." I said. we followed Rothar outside where I saw many mages floating around the castle "Rothar, why are mages floating around the castle? I didn't authorize this."

"Apologies, my lord, but I refuse to answer that." Rothar said as he reached into his pocket

"Why is that?"

"Because even if I did, it won't matter since you won't see what happens next." Rothar said, before I could ask what he meant, he threw a black ball at me. once it hit me, it began growing to swallow me.

"Master!" Rinako yelled as she grabbed my arm and tried to pull me out but was failing

"What is this, Rothar?!" I yelled

"This is my destiny. all that has been predicted has come true. and now, it is my time to rule! DO IT!" Rothar yelled to the mages who summoned a magic circle underneath the castle. The next thing I knew, the castle disappeared.

'The castle, my castle, it's gone?' I thought 

(Lovalon kingdom)

The soldiers and guards of the castle all surrounded the castle as it suddenly appeared in the middle of their kingdom, crushing buildings as well.

Artor in full armor walked to the gates of the castle "It's time. men, ready yourselves! this is the day we've been waiting for! the day we defeat the demon lord and his army! now, MARCH FORWARD!" he shouted and so did the soldiers as the ran straight for the gates.


Rinako's grip was beginning to slip as I sunk further into the ball "Master, hold on! I'll get you out!" 

"Sorry, but I can't have that. binding magic: diamond chains." Rothar said as metal chains shot out of the ground and wrapped around Rinako's wrists and ankles then they pulled her away from me.

RInako tried to break out of the chains "Master!"

As the rest of my body sunk into the ball, I took one last glance at Rothar who was smiling "Goodbye, demon lord Arzo." he said then everything went dark.