
My new life as a Demon Lord

He was always weak but when he wakes up to a new life as a demon lord he'll show everyone just how strong he really is.

Evanim_26_1061 · Fantasy
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21 Chs



Seiko ran across a very large field in his fox form. Seiko had already visited Perylua where she told him where she saw the hooded people, so Seiko used his abilities to pick up their scent and had been following it since then. Their scent had taken him across the land to a place far away from the castle. it was an old run-down building out in the middle of nowhere, it looked as if no one had been inside of it for years, but looks can be deceiving, so Seiko skulked over to it as quietly as possible.

Seiko sniffed his surroundings 'Interesting. I no longer only smell the small group of people, but now many others as well. this group may be much larger than we thought.' He thought then he entered the building through a window and transformed back and also saw that the inside wasn't any better than the outside

The whole inside was covered with cobwebs and dust. there were also broken barrels and boxes scattered everywhere. Seiko ignored all of that and followed the scent to a normal wall, though he noticed that a magic circle seal faintly appeared on it when he touched it. so he made his own magic circle appear has he put his hands together, then he put one hand on the seal and found that the seal was fighting back against his own magic so he put more force into it and eventually broke the seal, revealing a tunnel that was hidden by the seal.

Seiko transformed back into his fox form and walked down the tunnel quietly. once he was deep into the tunnel he saw a light so he walked over to it and stayed low as he saw where the light was coming from. the light was coming from many torches as multiple hooded people walked around, some of them were practicing magic on wooden dolls while others were preparing weapons.

'it would seem I have found their base. it's time I got back to his lordship. we will want to hear about this.' Seiko thought as he turned around, but once he saw a glowing ball pointed at him, he quickly jumped back and dodged the apparent fireball.

"Get him!" A voice yelled out as every hooded person turned to Seiko and immediately began shooting at him with spells that Seiko tried his best to dodge

Since the entrance was blocked, Seiko had no choice but to run deeper into the caverns as every hooded person followed behind. Seiko ran as fast as he could while also dodging spells shot from behind. Seiko turned every corner he could, looking for another way out of the cavern but wasn't having much luck, and just as another fireball grazed him he finally decided to turn back to face the hooded people.

"Knockout howl!" Seiko said as he let out a large howl down the narrow tunnel. since every hooded person was inside of the cave at the time, all of them were hit by the howl and all fell unconscious. Seiko took this chance to flee back the way he came and finally made it back outside, though once he tried running across the field he ended up hitting an invisible barrier.

Another hooded man flew through the window and landed behind Seiko "I knew you were gonna pull that trick. getting everyone together in the cave like that. it was so obvious." he said

Seiko turned around "I may not know who you are, but if you do not let me go. I will show you no mercy." he said baring his fangs

"Funny. I wasn't gonna show any to you either. glad to know we're on the same page, Seiko." He said

Seiko was shocked "How do you know my name?!" he said

The hooded man covered his mouth "Whoops. I didn't mean to let that slip. well, since I already said this much. I might as well show you." he said then he removed his hood leaving Seiko speechless

"It's you?!" Seiko said

"Heh. black hellflame, level ten." The man said as he let a black flame go from his hand and scorch everything in front of him as a huge wall of flame. when the flame died down, all that was left were a few burnt tails from Seiko which he picked up "Sorry, Seiko. but my destiny was foretold, and I'll do anything to see it come true." he said as he pulled his hood back on then he turned and re-entered the building

One of the hooded men ran up to him "Master, what shall we do? if the demon lord doesn't get his spy back then he may grow suspicious." he said

"We'll have no choice but to move up the date for our plan." The master said

"But, the spell isn't finished it. we won't be able to kill him if we move the date up." The hooded man said

"Then we go with plan B. it will take less time to be ready so get started on it right away. also, send a message to Zhao. he needs to know about this as well." The master said

"As you wish, sir." The hooded man said then he ran back into the cavern


Rinako and I had just returned to the throne room.

I sat back down on my throne "Rinako, remind me to talk to Najus tomorrow." I said

"Of course, my lord." Rinako said as she bowed

"That reminds me." I said as I held my hand out "Message: Perylua." I said making her appear in my hand

"Oh, Arzy? did you forget something?" Perylua asked

"I did. I forgot to ask you to look into the royals of the Lovalon kingdom. give me any information you dig up about them as well." I said

Perylua saluted "You can count on me!" she said then she disappeared

"Lord Arzo, may I ask why you wish to look into the royals?" Rinako asked

"When I was visiting the Kaiju's. their chief told me about their past, how they were chased out of their village and away from their lands. I have a feeling that the one who ordered such a thing will be hiding amongst the royals of the Lovalon kingdom. if I can find out which one, I will surely gain even more respect and loyalty from the kaiju's. I do not even one of them to think that I am unfit to be their master and lord." I explained

"You will stamp out any doubts about your rule from the kaiju's, before they think of betraying you." Rinako summarized

"Precisely. I can not have our newest addition to the castle betray me. I must ensure their undying loyalty to me will not waver." I said

Rinako kneeled "A brilliant plan, my lord. know if any still think of betraying you, I will deal with them personally." she said

"Hm, I doubt any will even think of betraying me after I put my plan into motion. though, if they're still are a few. I want you to inform me immediately. I will handle them myself. understood?" I said

Rinako nodded "As you wish, my master." she said then she stood back up

"Now, all that's left to do is wait for Seiko to report back with his findings. I will turn in for the rest of the night. inform me if anything comes up, Rinako." I said as I raised my staff

Rinako bowed "Of course." she said as I teleported away

I teleported to my room where I made my staff disappear and made my cape disappear. then I proceeded to enter my bed, but instead of falling asleep quickly, I just stared up at the ceiling.

'Hooded people? I wonder who they work for, and what they're planning. well, whatever it is, I'll be sure to stop it before they have a chance to ruin this new perfect life of mine. I'm not going to give this up just yet.' I thought then I got comfortable as I drifted off to sleep

-The next day-

(Lovalon Kingdom)

King Zhao had just finished another meeting with the other royals. once they were all gone he sat back in his chair, rubbing his head.

Zhao sighed "Once again, we must split our gold just to please the others who will probably just use it to buy anything that will only please them, and nothing to help this city." he said

Artor smirked "At least we won't have to worry about Victor. he still has his amount decreased for the stunt he pulled with the demon lord." he said

Zhao chuckled "True. at least some good still comes out of this. by the way, Artor. how have the repairs come along?" he asked

"The majority of the buildings have already been rebuilt and are now hospitable again. we should be done with the rest by next week." Artor explained

"Good. very good. any word from our..."Allies"?" Zhao asked

Artor shook his head "None yet."

"Hm. they said they would contact us when the plan is ready, but we have not heard a word from them since that day. I am starting to believe they don't actually have a plan and are currently making one up." Zhao said

"That is a possibility. but, we won't know for sure until they have contacted us again. all we can do is be patient and have faith that they will actually save our kingdom." Artor said


Zhao sat in silence until one of their guards had walked into the throne room, holding a piece of paper.

"My lord. I have a letter here for you." The guard said

"Who is it from?" Zhao asked

"I don't know. all I remember is being handed this paper and told to deliver it to you immediately. but I don't remember seeing anyone." The guard said as Artor walked to him and took the paper out of his hand

"I'll take it from here. you return to your post." Artor said so the guard nodded and left the room. Artor opened the paper and read it himself and was shocked "Sir. you must see this." he said as he walked over and handed the paper to him

Zhao took the paper and read it "No way. this must be from "them". there is no doubt about that. it says here that the date has been moved up. and...the plan will be set into motion two days from now?! that's too soon! I won't have my defenses ready in time!" he said

"Give the order, sir. I will get to work immediately." Artor said

"Yes, go. have some guards tell the S-class adventures to get everything on their side as well. we must hurry if we are to be ready for when the plan is put into action. we no longer have the luxury of waiting around." Zhao said

Artor bowed "At once." he said then he left the throne room.


Jon had awoken as the sun shone on him. he stood up from the top of the roof he had slept on and jumped down to ground level. when he had returned to the city with Leon and the others, he had to inform them that Elis was dead which saddened everyone as they buried his body in the cemetery. Col, Lief, Leon, and Jon all went and got their rewards from the guild for their work, and a little extra for taking down such a powerful monster. Col and Lief said their goodbye's to Leon as they went their separate ways, while Jon just left without saying anything.

Jon was about to go to the adventurers guild for more work when he noticed a group of guards escorting multiple wagons carrying something, but Jon couldn't tell since all of them had a large sheet over them. he was about to go investigate when he also noticed the S-class adventurers were walking with a few guards themselves. now, Jon knew something big was happening so he went into one of the alleyways and held his hand out in front of him

"Message: lord Arzo." Jon said as Arzo appeared on his hand

"Stitch? is something wrong?" Arzo asked

"Not necessarily, my lord. but I did notice something you may be interested to know." Jon said

"What is it?"

"The guardsmen are escorting multiple things into the city. I couldn't tell what they were since they were hidden." Jon said

"Interesting. is there anything else?" Arzo asked

"I also noticed the S-class adventurers were walking side-by-side with the guards to the castle. I'm not sure what they are planning, but, whatever it is, I am sure it isn't good. if you permit me, I will investigate this further." Jon said

Arzo thought for a moment then nodded "Very well, I give you permission to investigate this matter further. but, no matter what happens, do not get caught and do not harm anyone. understood?" he said

Jon bowed "As you wish, my lord." he said then Arzo disappeared from his hand so Jon jumped on top of the building and began making his way to the castle.


Just as Stitch disappeared from my hand, my maidens had entered the throne room.

"Maidens, I want you to increase the castle's protection spell to maximum." I said

"May I ask why, my lord?" Zoe said

"The Lovalon kingdom is preparing something big. Stitch is currently investigating the matter, but I don't want to risk anything on chance. now go!" I said

Celia bowed "At once." she said then they left the throne room

I turned to Rinako "Rinako, has Seiko contacted anyone?"

Rinako shook her head "I am sorry, but no one has even heard from Seiko since he left. not even the other beastmen." she said

I rubbed my chin "Perhaps he is still investigating them. I can not believe someone like him would be killed by simple means. if he has though, then we must find out who these people are and make them pay." I said as Rinako nodded "For now, I must go speak with the Najus. there is something I must see for myself. Rinako, you shall remain here."

"As you wish." Rinako said

I stood up and raised my staff, teleporting myself to the beastman's room where Najus was overlooking the kaiju's training using wooden sticks and polls. I walked over to Najus who, once he saw me, immediately bowed.

"Lord Arzo. I did not know you were coming." Najus said

"I apologize for this surprise visit, but I would like to know something. what have you discovered about the kaiju?" I asked

"Well, they are certainly strong, that much is obvious. but what truly makes them special is their skin." Najus said

"Their skin?"

Najus nodded "Yes. their skin is incredibly tough. it is as tough as normal armor, and is their greatest defense." he said

"Have you tested if it can take one of our strongest weapons?" I asked

"No, my lord. but we have tested it on normal swords and all of them were broke in half. while the kaiju's skin had no marks." Najus said

'Interesting. that explains why the kaiju was able to deflect Orlong's hammer. this will certainly come in handy in the future.' I thought then I looked back at Najus "Thank you, Najus. that was all I needed to know. please, keep training the Kaiju's but don't go overboard. having soldiers too tired to fight won't help anyone." I said as I raised my staff

Najus bowed "As you wish, my master." he said just as I teleported away

I appeared back in the throne room where Rinak was waiting patiently as usual.

I sat back down on my throne "Since we have no other duties. we should answer other requests from others." I said but just then, my stomach growled loudly "I'm hungry? I didn't even notice."

"Would you like me to prepare a meal, lord Arzo?" Rinako said

"That would be appreciated. shall we head to the mead hall?" I said and Rinako nodded so she stepped near me as I teleported both of us to the mead hall but right before I sat down, the table was moved away from me by another group of maidens "Wait, what are you doing?"

"We refuse to have our great lord sit at such a messy table unfit for someone of your stature." One of the maidens said

"Uh...it would've been fine either way." I said

"Nonsense! if we allowed you to sit at the same table your servants eat at, then that would make you our equal but that in itself is wrong. you are above us. you are our lord and master while we are nothing but your lowly servants. as such, you must sit at a table befitting a lord of your status." The maiden said

"...Very well. just make it quick." I said and the maiden bowed then she followed the others to a backroom 'I really don't care where I eat, just as long as I eat. I'm practically starving over here. at least now I know that this body can also be hungry as well. I was able to go a good number of days before even feeling my hunger. must be the advantage of having a demon's lord body.'

The maidens came back with a perfect, shiny, circular table which they set right in front of me. then they pulled out a chair that was fit with jewels of all kinds, some I didn't even recognize. they moved all other tables and chairs out of the way and set my table and chair right in the middle of the room.

The maiden bowed "Your seat awaits, my lord." she said

I nodded and made my staff disappear as sat in my chair which was incredibly comfy. I looked down at my table and it was so clean I was able to see my own reflection in it. I looked back up to see the maidens and Rinako standing by my sides.

"What would you like to eat, my lord?" Rinako asked

I thought for a moment "Perhaps some finely grilled meat along with some fruits and vegetables."

Rinako bowed "We shall prepare it immediately." she said then she and the other maidens walked to the back room.

I sighed 'I feel so rich right now. to be given such a comfy chair and a good-looking table just because I'm on a higher standing than them. it really makes me feel important but...that's no reason for me to take advantage of such things, or them. I will still act like my usual demon lord self, but I also need to remember that they aren't just simple slaves. they are my people who I need to protect with every fiber of my being. just as they would with me.' I thought

Rinako and the other maidens returned with five plates and two of them having fruits I've never seen before. the meat did look good though and it also looked well cooked. I honestly couldn't wait to dig in. the maidens then gave me some silverware, a mixture of knives and forks. after setting my food on the table they stepped back.

"Your meal is ready, lord Arzo." The maiden said

I picked up my knife and fork and began cutting a piece of the meat off for myself. after I had taken a bite, I was absolutely speechless.

'This meat...it's delicious. the meat was perfectly grilled, there's not a single pink piece on it and it's not too grilled to the point of being burnt. the sauce and spice go so well with it as well. there's not too much nor too little, there's just enough to make the meat this delicious.' I thought as I continued to eat the meat

"We hope the food is to your liking, lord Arzo." Rinako said

I nodded "It is. the meat is just perfect." I said

"We are glad you like it. please, try the fruits as well. the maidens picked them themselves." Rinako said

I picked up one of the special fruits and took a bite out of it. it was even better than any of the fruits from earth, I had never tasted raw fruit this good. Now I really never wanted to give up this life if it meant losing this delicious food.

"How are the fruits, master?" Rinako asked

"Perfect. I am in awe of this fruit. it is the most delicious tasting fruit I have ever eaten." I said

"We are happy to know you like it. if you wish, I can have the maidens search for more fruits like these." Rinako said

"Yes. I would like that, but don't have them only pick these fruits. we must have a variety of fruits to feed others as well." I said

Rinako bowed "As you wish, my lord." she said as I continued eating


Perylua walked through the hallways of the Lovalon kingdom. she had been asking around, searching every nook and cranny for information about the royals of the kingdom. she had even gone so far as to discover that one of the royals had made some people mysteriously disappear. a few secret letters were found buried six feet deep far away from the kingdom, all of them saying to get rid of the described person quietly. Perylua went back to the kingdom to try to find out who had written the letters, but sadly the scent on the letters had expired eons ago so she was running blind at this point.

"Oh, how will I find the one who wrote the letters? I can't use their scent so I guess I could go on their writing. if I could read then I could tell who wrote it since they signed something on the bottom." Perylua said as she continued walking "Maybe I can show it to Issac. he might know who wrote it-."

"...And I'll say it again. I shouldn't be punished for what I did!" A voice yelled from down the hall. Perylua could've sworn she knew whose voice this was but couldn't place it so she hid within the shadows to see who it was

Perylua watched as two men walked into the hall. one of the men was very fat and had red hair while the other had pitch-black hair and was very fit.

"I understand that, Victor. but, you must remember that it was your own folly that you were injured and punished." The blonde man said

"I was completely in the right for what I did, Maxwell. that monster had no right to even be in my kingdom, and yet he walked right in like he owned it. I swear to you, I would have ordered him dead on the spot had I the option." Victor said

"Please, calm yourself. talk like that would surely raise some eyebrows, leaving me to get rid of any who get too close again. and seeing as I have lost one of my own assassins to the kingdom invader a few days ago, I'm not too keen on giving you any more." Maxwell said

Victor turned away "Tsk, you had better keep getting rid of fools who look into me. or else, I'm not going to support you or your business anymore. and we both know you won't survive without it." he said leaving Maxwell silent. Victor thought for a moment "I must find a way to eliminate that damn monster for insulting me this way. he'll pay, just like every other monster who dared to cross me."

"Speaking of monsters. I had heard from my personal adventurers that a few E-class adventurers had encountered and defeated a powerful monster in a human village." Maxwell said

"A powerful monster in a human village? who cares about that. it's just some lowly monster taking over some no-name village. I bet even C-class could've taken care of it." Victor said

"True, but it's what this monster was that'll make you interested. this monster was a kaiju." Maxwell said

Victor was shocked "A kaiju?! there were still some alive! I was told that all of them were eliminated in the stupid village! those idiots!" he shouted

"So, what do we do?"

"Send out your damn assassins and have them find their village! kill each and every last one of them! I will not have those damn kaiju's come back to get revenge on us! those damn monsters shouldn't even have their own village. all of this land belongs to humans, having any other village on it is a direct insult to us and must be eliminated. along with every monster in it." Victor said

"I'll get my assassins ready. try not to reveal too much of us to any who may be listening." Maxwell said as he walked away then Victor walked in the opposite direction. once they were both gone, Perylua stepped out of the shadows.

"Victor, that was his name. I completely forgot about him. and the other one...what was his name again?...Maxwell? he was the one who's been making people disappear, huh. ooh, I can't believe I got so much information and I wasn't even trying! Arzy will be so proud of me. I bet he'll give me two pieces of candy when I get back because of this." Perylua said then she skipped through the halls


I had finished my meal and was currently wiping my mouth using a napkin.

"Are you satisfied, lord?" Rinako asked

"I am. the food was delicious. I wouldn't mind having seconds." I said

"We do have plenty of meat and fruit. we could prepare another plate for you if you wish." Rinako said

I chuckled "Not at this moment. we still have plenty of work to do. let us return to the throne room." I said and RInako bowed as she joined my side and I teleported us back to the throne room.

Once we had returned to the throne room, Syndra was standing in the middle of the room. when she saw me she immediately kneeled.

"Lord Arzo. I was wondering where you went." Syndra said

I sat on my throne "I simply went and satiated my hunger. what is the matter, Syndra?" I asked

"...Lord, I regret to inform you of this. but..." Syndra trailed off as she brought out a small bag. when she opened the bag and showed me the contents I was shocked beyond belief and so was Rinako "Seiko...has been killed."

"What?! Where did you find that?!" I demanded

"It was laying just outside of the castle. one of my elves spotted it when coming back from hunting. I immediately brought it to you." Syndra said

"Give it here." I ordered so she held it out while I floated it over to myself. once in my hands, I studied the tail and noticed a few things "This tail is very clearly burnt. someone must've used some kind of flame magic on Seiko, this is likely all that remains of him. how tragic. Seiko didn't deserve this."

Syndra slowly shook her head "It truly is a shame. to think one of our own would end up dying so soon in this word." she said

"Hm, but look here. this piece of the tail isn't burnt but it's very clearly damaged. this piece must have been torn off before it was delivered to us." I said

Rinako was enraged "The killer most likely kept it was a trophy. they believe they can insult our lord this way and get away with it! I swear I'll make them pay!" she nearly shouted

"Agreed. Seiko's tail is a clear insult to my name. they are telling me that if I send more, they will share the same fate. which means we are no longer dealing with normal humans. they are experienced mages who know powerful magic. magic strong enough to kill Seiko. in Seiko's name, I will find these mages myself and eliminate each and every one of them. I will show them the true meaning of pain!" I shouted