
My name is Tamra

Protagonist Tamra is an archeological research student in the university, belonging to a very rich family. There are many rumors about her grandfather Suraj Rathore. Tamra’s family is a complete male dominated one, where females are expected to do what male member of the family want them to do. Suraj Rathore and his son Mihir Rathore are both not happy with Tamra and her ways. Tamra’s elder brother is just a replica of his father and grandfather. Tamra’s mother is a banker and she runs the family finance business. Even she does not have the liberty to do what she likes. Her Grandmother Aditi is a very calm and ideal woman. She never speaks or intervenes in any family matters. No one really knows much about her. She is like one of the furniture in the house. Suraj Rathore brings an alliance for Tamra and his elder brother Adhrit. Tamra does not want to get married and be enslaved like her mother. Surprisingly, grandmother Aditi helps her to escape. Without knowing where to go, Tamra hires a Taxi. The driver Ravi suggests she goes to his village Dantla, where she has many research sites. Agreeing to this, both reach Dantla. When she enters the village, she sees an abandoned burnt house. When she enquires about it, “Why don’t you go and ask your grandfather about it?” says an old woman with contempt. She also warns Tamra to leave the village immediately otherwise, she had to face the wrath of Tamra! Thinking the old woman must be senile, Tamra stays at Ravi’s house as a paying guest. The night she sets eyes on Kamal, she feels something strange and faints. That night, without her knowledge she wanders the deserted streets of Dantla and enters the burnt house. Protagonist Kamal Singh is a young guide in Jodhpur, who takes tourists to Khudhara. (it’s the most haunted village on earth) There he sees a beautiful girl, but on enquiry finds out that, there is no such girl. After the incident he experiences a few paranormal activities on the way to his village Dantla. Kamal is already there and he welcomes Tamra addressing her as Arunika. There both of them encounter a very strange and horrifying experience and Tamra comes to know why she was named that, and who was the original Tamra. There she learns about his grandfather and his evil deeds. Old Tamra wants vengeance, not a simple one. She wants the entire Rathore family to be murdered in the hands of Arunika. That includes Tamra herself. Kamal realizes he was Birju, a friend to Tamra and Arunika. What happened to their lives? Why old Tamra is crying for vengeance? Who is Suraj Rathore? Why, Arunika had come back? Who is the old woman? Will Tamra murder her own family for the sake of a vengeance seeking ghost? If not, will the ghost let her go? How Birju and the old woman are going to help her? All these questions are answered in the novel “A Lonely Burning Moon”!

Srija_Venkatesh · Fantasy
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32 Chs

My Name is Tamra...

Chapter 25

The village of Dantla was bustling with people, as the wedding of Priya was approaching. It was a very small village and everyone knew everyone. If a wedding was there, then it was the function for the whole village. Women wearing their best sarees, men in their best turbans were to be seen around the wedding house.

Trikala was enjoying herself, as she was considered to be a very auspicious woman. So, she had the right to preside over every ritual. She loved talking about the various customs and traditions, and accusing young people for not knowing them.

Tamra was enjoying all these. She was feeling quiet at home and felt one among them. Suddenly she remembered that was Tuesday, and it was time for her to go away unannounced once more. Strangely she felt a lump in her throat. The thought of leaving Kamal and his loving family made her feel bad. But nothing she could do. It was always better to leave when there was time. If by some means, her family especially her grandfather found out she was in Dantla, then Kamal's family would not be able to bear the wrath of Suraj Rathore.

Priya looked lovely in her wedding dress of maroon and gold. The groom was stealing a glance now and then at her. It was evident that he was smitten. That made Tamra think of her wedding. "What is wrong accepting an arranged marriage? Priya's is in an arranged one, but still she looks very happy. Why can't I be? Why did I ever wanted to get out of my house? The sanyasi said, grandma was in danger. What sort of danger he meant? May be grandpa found out, she helped me. What would he do? Never divorce or do anything legally. Because Suraj Rathore had been in the habit of eliminating his foes. "

A wave of fear ran through her. Poor Grandma! Somehow, she never associated the word poor and Grandma together. Tamra always had seen her grandmother Aditi keeping her head high, whatever the situation may be. The sanyasi may be correct. She has some power. I must return to my house as soon as possible and tell papa and Grandpa she is ok with the wedding arrangements. Somehow the thought gave a pain in her heart. Nonsense! She brushed it aside. Kamal was laughing and smiling at everyone. He was so elated, he hardly walked. It looked like he was flying. Of course, It is the dream of every brother in India to marry off their sister in a respectable way.

Adhrit came to his mind. Never too friendly, whether he would have the same dream? She doubted. He might have a dream may be of the benefits of the marriage. Tamra sighed. Morning was over and the evening was approaching. There was the reception at the small community hall. She was also invited.

Tamra came to her room and draped a saree, which was given by Kamal's mother. put on costume jewelry. She looked smashing, she thought. When she stepped out, Kamal was coming along the hall. He could not take his eyes off Tamra. She felt awkward and turned around. Probably she had dressed too much. She decreased her make up, removed the saree. Wore a salwar and came out.

"I am sorry Aru!" said Kamal. Who was still standing near her room.

"Why sorry? First let me be clear! I am NOT ARUNIKA. My name is Tamra. Please don't have any ideas." Saying that she walked towards the community hall. On the way she saw Ravi, with a curt nod he went away. People were talking to her, praised her and wanted to take photos with her. Tamra obliged. At the end of the evening, she was so tired. As night approached, she almost wished she had not made the plan of escape.

She was awake in her room counting every minute. Even though she was tired, her eyelids hardly closed. She was thinking about the rendezvous she had with Kamal than evening at the community hall.

"Sorry Tamra madam! It was offensive of me to stare at you!" apologized Kamal humbly. Tamra's heart ran away with her. But she controlled it.

"It's ok Kamal!" with that she tried to move away from him. But he came closer. Her heart was beating hard. "You look lovely Tamra! If I may take the liberty…" saying, he adjusted her stray hair. "th..thank You Kamal!" stammered Tamra.

"I know I am not worth you Tamra! But my love for you is true! I know I love you deeply since the previous birth." Said Kamal in her ears.

The spell broke for Tamra.

"Stop this nonsense, Kamal! You may believe those fairy tales the sanyasi is telling. Because it is very beneficial to you. He cannot fool me! I dare say, all these are an elaborate plan for nicking my grandpa's money!" said Tamra sharply.

Kamal's face became red with insult. "You think so Madam? You think people like me are always after money? Partially it is true madam. We want money from my hard work. I don't want any crooked easy way." He stormed out her way. After that, he never even looked at her for once.

Tamra's eyes were moist. She was going far from Kamal, might not even see him again. The thought made her head spin. A deep pain from her heart started spreading all over her body and soul. She had never felt that way before. Some blare vision came in front of her. It was like she was watching herself. In that she was running in the desert hysterically calling out the name Tamra and Birju. She shook her head and brushed aside those visions as the result of heavy food.

The moment she switched on her mobile, The text "Start Please" blinked on the screen. Immediately she switched it off again. She hurriedly took her backpack stuffed with her laptop and a few clothes. For the last time she again looked at the small room. It was small of course, but had given the peace of mind she never had before. With unknown fear and pain, she carefully stepped out of the house. She wanted Kamal to come out and stop her from going at the same time did not want that. Not knowing what was happening to her mind, she walked as fast as she could.

Tamra was now nearing the highway. Only a few 100 meters. She would be going, never to return to the village of Dantla. Ravi was visible as an outline in the moonlight. His car was shing bright too. There was something strange in the way it looked in the desert moon. At a distance she could see the shamiyana where the Sanyasi was staying. Her steps hesitated for a few seconds. Nothing happened, so she walked on.

Ravi was waiting for her at the high road.

"Please get in madam! No one saw you right?" asked Ravi anxiously. Not trusting to speak Tamra simply nodded.

"It's 2 o clock in the morning madam! We will be reaching Jaipur around 7 in the morning. If you want to sleep, please do!" saying Ravi revived the engine. "tr..tr….." But it was not starting. Ravi cursed and waited for some time. Again, he tried. This time it started but after a few second died down again. Ravi got down and opened the Banet.

"Curse this car! When I needed it to fly like a bird she is not starting." Grumbling he bent down. Tamra was feeling very strange, as if someone else was here. She looked around her. No one. She got down from the car and walked on the highroad to shake off the feeling. She was walking away from Jaipur. A few seconds later car came near her and Ravi was driving it. "What? It started?" asked Tamra. Ravi without saying anything asked to get in. Car raced down the highway. On the way, she saw a car and a head bent down in the Banet doing something. To her horror she realized that was Ravi's car, and the person was Ravi himself. Then Who is this?

With terror in her eyes when she looked up, there was a total stranger in the driving seat. A yell escaped Tamra's throat. Next moment everything was blank.

She was running in the desert, a crooked man was chasing her with a big knife in his hands. Tamra was shouting for help but no one was able to hear her. On the way she crossed a beautiful girl who looked exactly like Tamra, young Trikala and another girl. No one took any notice of her. She was unable to breath. A huge horrifying terror rolled in her stomach ready to bounce out. She wanted to wake up, but her eyes were very heavy. She wanted to scream but her voice was stuck. Some bizarre noises escaped from her.

With a jerk she woke up. She was still in the car driven by a stranger speeding along the highway. "Stop! Stop the car! Or I will jump" screamed Tamra. "I don't have any objection. My quotation is to deliver you either live or dead. Whatever you do suits me." Said the man with a crooked smile. "But you look very beautiful. Any how you are going to die. So why waste you?" remarked the man. Tamra shuddered. She understood the gravity of the situation. Only hope is to jump out of the speeding car risking her life. At least she might escape from a brutal torture.

Thinking of Kamal, wishing he was there with her, she tried the door. It was locked. But suddenly it flung open, next moment she was rolling on the smooth surface of the desert sand. The car also stopped.

"What I told you? Why are you making things difficult for me?" asking the driver came near her. Suddenly his gaze was fixed behind her. Fear was written all over his face. With a chill, Tamra turned around to look. She could not explain whether she was feeling afraid or happy. Under a desert bean bush, Kamal was standing with old Tamra. Exactly at that time, Young Tamra felt she had seen both of them like this a million times before. Everything came rushing to her.

"Tamra! This fellow tried to kill me! Don't leave him! Don't leave him Birju!" shouted Tamra with vigor. "I won't Aru! "She reached the man. "With a petty magic trick, you thought you could get away from me?" asked Old Tamra with anger in her voice. The man was practically shivering now. "Please leave me! I was only carrying out the order! I was given a quotation for bringing this lady dead or alive." He stammered. "Ok! You can go!" said Old Tamra. Young Tamra was disappointed. "You are letting him go just like that? He threatened to harm me! You know that!?" she yelled.

"Aru! Do you realize, you are speaking to me without fear or any reservation? Do you realize you addressed him as Birju?" asked Old Tamra with a smile. At that very moment, she realized who she was. It was like a third eye opening inside her. Of course, she was Arunika. The same Arunika who sacrificed her love for the sake of friendship. She wanted to hug Birju.

The man from the car started walking stealthily towards the highway. Tamra started laughing in a weird way. It was a mirthless laugh. Arunika was not afraid at all, but holding her breath she watched the man get into the car and revive the engine. Slowly before her eyes, the car with the man started sinking in the desert sand. After 5 minutes there was no trace of either the car or the man.

Suddenly there was no sign of old Tamra or Birju. She in the middle of the desert. "Tamra! Birju! Where are you? Don't leave me like this" she shouted. "Child! Come to senses!" a soothing voice came to her ear. With a jerk she realized that, she was on the desert sand reclining on a comfortable bed. She got up. "Don't excite yourself child! Just relax". It was the voice of Sanyasi. Tears were pouring down her cheeks. "Baba! How I came here? Where is Tamra and Birju?" she asked weakly.

"Are you sure you are ready to listen? Ravi! Give her some water!" said the Baba. Ravi? What Ravi was doing there? Everything was hallucination then? But she clearly saw Tamra and Birju. The driver, the car everything. "Was it all a dream Baba?" asked Tamra meekly. "No child! Some of them are! But trust me most of them are not" replied the Baba ambiguously. "Please don't play with the word Baba! I know I started to Jaipur with Ravi. Then what happened?" Demanded, Tamra.

"you were being followed by a wicked man sent by the professor. shall I say Arunika?" asked the Baba. "You can Baba! You can! I realized that I was Arunika, and loved Birju and Tamra. But now tell me what happened just now?"

"Ravi and you were marooned in the desert highway with a car that would not start. At that time the man sent by the professor came and took the disguise of Ravi. You got into the car. But fortunately, Real Ravi saw you, and yelled. I was nearby and helped you to get out of the car." Said the Baba humbly. Now Tamra remembered how the handle of the door opened before even she turned it. "Thank You Baba! But the hallucination? I saw Old Tamra and Birju. She made the man and the car sink in the desert sand. I saw that. "

"Yes child! She did! To protect you! When I reached here, Ravi was unconscious and you were roaming the desert in a delirious state. I knew immediately what happened and made you a bed." Said the Baba pointing to the bed she was on. Whether it was due to too much of exertion, or the secured feeling Tamra could not account. She fell asleep may be unconscious on the bed again.