
My name is Tamra

Protagonist Tamra is an archeological research student in the university, belonging to a very rich family. There are many rumors about her grandfather Suraj Rathore. Tamra’s family is a complete male dominated one, where females are expected to do what male member of the family want them to do. Suraj Rathore and his son Mihir Rathore are both not happy with Tamra and her ways. Tamra’s elder brother is just a replica of his father and grandfather. Tamra’s mother is a banker and she runs the family finance business. Even she does not have the liberty to do what she likes. Her Grandmother Aditi is a very calm and ideal woman. She never speaks or intervenes in any family matters. No one really knows much about her. She is like one of the furniture in the house. Suraj Rathore brings an alliance for Tamra and his elder brother Adhrit. Tamra does not want to get married and be enslaved like her mother. Surprisingly, grandmother Aditi helps her to escape. Without knowing where to go, Tamra hires a Taxi. The driver Ravi suggests she goes to his village Dantla, where she has many research sites. Agreeing to this, both reach Dantla. When she enters the village, she sees an abandoned burnt house. When she enquires about it, “Why don’t you go and ask your grandfather about it?” says an old woman with contempt. She also warns Tamra to leave the village immediately otherwise, she had to face the wrath of Tamra! Thinking the old woman must be senile, Tamra stays at Ravi’s house as a paying guest. The night she sets eyes on Kamal, she feels something strange and faints. That night, without her knowledge she wanders the deserted streets of Dantla and enters the burnt house. Protagonist Kamal Singh is a young guide in Jodhpur, who takes tourists to Khudhara. (it’s the most haunted village on earth) There he sees a beautiful girl, but on enquiry finds out that, there is no such girl. After the incident he experiences a few paranormal activities on the way to his village Dantla. Kamal is already there and he welcomes Tamra addressing her as Arunika. There both of them encounter a very strange and horrifying experience and Tamra comes to know why she was named that, and who was the original Tamra. There she learns about his grandfather and his evil deeds. Old Tamra wants vengeance, not a simple one. She wants the entire Rathore family to be murdered in the hands of Arunika. That includes Tamra herself. Kamal realizes he was Birju, a friend to Tamra and Arunika. What happened to their lives? Why old Tamra is crying for vengeance? Who is Suraj Rathore? Why, Arunika had come back? Who is the old woman? Will Tamra murder her own family for the sake of a vengeance seeking ghost? If not, will the ghost let her go? How Birju and the old woman are going to help her? All these questions are answered in the novel “A Lonely Burning Moon”!

Srija_Venkatesh · Fantasy
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32 Chs

My Name is Tamra...

Chapter 24:

Anil Rastogi was born in a traditional family in Varanasi. It was said that Rastogi family was one of the oldest in the city of Varanasi. As he grew up, he was drawn to ancient scriptures and other ancient text. His parents were over joyed and put him in a school where he could learn Sanskrit scriptures after the normal school hours. Learning of an ancient language helped young Rastogi to remember school lessons and he stood first in his class.

He was a model student till the age of 19. After school his father wanted him to go for university education and become a professor in the university. As Anil Rastogi respected and loved his father, obeyed. But at the same time was bored of the regular science, Math and other subjects. He wanted to study occult science and black magic in depth. Already after school he was meeting a man who claimed he was a Tantric. But soon Anil Rastogi realized that he was a fake.

He understood coming across a real Tantric Scholar was not easy but it was almost impossible. He wanted to master the occult. At the same time, he did not want to disappoint his father. So, he studied Sanskrit Literature and at the same time was searching for a real Tantric.

But his study of Sanskrit literature helped him understand many occult palm leaves and manuscripts kept in the university library. He even came across some black magic Mantras and performed it without any satisfactory effect. All these days his parents were not aware of his interest in the other side of the religion.

One day, even now Anil Rastogi could remember that day, very clearly. His father was performing the morning Puja and his mother was in the Kitchen preparing breakfast. A man with only a piece of black cloth as his dress came and sat on the steps of their house. All dogs in the street were barking at him. He cast a stern look at them. Next second, all dogs put their tails under the legs and ran away. Somehow Rastogi's father did not like the man. He knew the man was an Aghori. Means the one who worships evil and does puja in the burial grounds.

"Your Son Anil is a very capable man. He invited me in his sub conscious mind. Tell him his Guru has come." Said the Aghori. Initially, Anil's father did not believe a word the man said, but he told some details about Anil, which was known only to the family. Anils' father was flabbergasted. He was a broken man the minute he learned his son was into black magic and occult.

There was an outburst in the house hold on that day. Parents coming to know of their Son's interest in black magic and Occult were crest fallen. They begged and begged Anil to leave everything and come to the right path. But Anil Rastogi was too young and arrogant to understand the feelings of his parents. As the result of the argument, he left home with the Aghori.

During those 5 years with Aghori Anil learnt mind reading. Speaking with evil spirits, making them useful to him and many other things. He also learnt from his Aghori Guru that, On, a new moon day, If a pregnant woman is given as a sacrifice, the power coming from that is channelized, one could get Chintamani, even already murdered such soul in torment would serve the purpose. That information made his sit up. Chintamani was a legendary stone mentioned in the scriptures. He wanted to know more about the Chintamani. But the Aghori could not give any other details about it and the process and Mantras involved in that.

Young Rastogi set out to find a Guru who could teach him all those missing details. For a living, he used to teach at the universities part time. Thus, he was called a professor. At last, he came in contact with a Tantric Baba at Jaipur who knew all about occult science and black magic. Without telling the truth, Rastogi joined as an assistant to the Tantric Baba, and observed every puja, every ritual performed and made a note of everything very carefully. He even wrote the Mantras on the pages and the effects of it.

Anil Rastogi happened to over hear a discussion between a boy and his Guru about sacrificing a pregnant woman. He pricked up his ears and started following them very closely. The boy was no one but Suraj Rathore, and his Guru being the Tantric Baba.

At this point of narration, Suraj gave a violent jerk. But without caring, Anil Rastogi continued.

Anil Rastogi was not fully aware of the rituals and the Mantras involving the sacrifice, but he knew that it could give almost everything a man wanted. He secretly followed both of them to Dantla and witnessed the whole affair. He was not in the least bothered by the murdered people. If they don't know, they don't know. That was his attitude. He wanted power and a huge fortune of his own. Wanted to buy an island somewhere in the world, rule that island and live happily.

At this point Suraj Rathore was a bit confused. But without stopping to explain, Anil Rastogi proceeded further.

As years rolled by, Anil Rastogi became a very learned man of black magic and occult science. He could create illusions, sense the presence of positive and negative forces. He could visualize the future if needed and so on.

One day when he was meditating in his place in Varanasi, he had a vision. If he went to Jaipur and find the person who sacrificed a pregnant woman, Rastogi's quest might be fruitful. Then he travelled to Jaipur, asked about Suraj Rathore.

"And here I am!" said the Professor.

Suraj Rathore was aware that Rastogi was not completely honest with him. He had some hidden interests and facts which he might reveal afterwards. But so far, he had a few doubts.

"I know you have some questions to ask me. Out with it." Said the professor.

"You, said, you were with the Tantric Baba for some time. I had never seen you!"

"Oh yes! You have! I was the one who did the arrangements for puja and other rituals. Remember?" asked Professor Rastogi.

Suraj Rathore raked his brains to make those memory come to him. Yes! Tantric baba had a place. It was his money alright. But a boy helping him? Suddenly a cell in his brain was lit.

"There was a girl in the Ashram to help around but…." He stared at the professor incredulously.

A smile broke in professor's lips. "Yes! It was me. I was disguised as a girl at that time. Because no real Tantric baba will take a boy as his assistant. They were constantly in fear of deceit and competition. "

"Do you mean to say, that Tantric Baba never caught you?"

"Yes! I was caught at the end. I was caught on the day, you people were to leave for Dantla. He wanted to sacrifice a virgin girl as an offering to Goddess Kali. He almost did me. But I revealed my identity. It was a great blow to him. He threw himself at the feet of Goddess Kali and started yelling some nonsense about the greatness of the power of mother.

Now something clicked in Rathore's mind. This Rastogi was the reason for the change of mind of Tantric Baba. Why such a fuss over a trivial thing? He expressed his question aloud.

"Yes! To me also that was a question unanswered. He could have given me a punishment for lying, or even killed me. But why sudden change in the look out? I kept on wondering." He abruptly stopped.

Rathore knew he had something more to tell.

"Yes Professor?" encouraged Rathore.

"It's only my speculation. May be correct or maybe not."

"You can trust me!"

"When one starts learning occult or black magic, they are introduced to the supreme power called Goddess Kali. She is of tremendous power, but at the same time bound to her word. If a person chants Mantras and make her come before him, she is compelled to give him any boon he wants. But that is a trick always. "

There was a pause, and Suraj Rathore felt his pulse going fast.

"Kali acts as a slave to you. Answers any question, does whatever you ask for. But there is always a catch. When she is not satisfied or when she thinks that her powers are violated, suddenly she vanishes and never comes to you even you sacrifice yourself. Not only that, he even sees to it that you are finished."

The last words of Tantric Baba came like a flood to Rathore. "Oh! Maa Kali! How foolish I have been. You are great! I realized the power of motherhood!". He repeated those words to Anil Rastogi. He simply shrugged his shoulder and did not say anything.

"So, what do you say? I have come clean. Do you trust me now? "Asked Professor Rastogi.

My foot you have come clean. Only half you have told me Rastogi. You cannot fool me! But what you want? Beats me!" Rathore was talking to himself.

"What? Did you say anything?" asked Rastogi with suspicion.

"No! nothing! But I want to ask you a few more questions. Ok with you?". there was an arrogant nod from his side.

" you say you were following us, but why you did not come to me earlier? You could have blackmailed me! Why now?" asked Rathore in a highly suspicious note in his voice.

"Well! Why would I black mail you? For money? I told you I am interested in the knowledge of the process, not the money itself. I was going around the globe for my quest. For travelling, I got the money easily by telling fortune and doing some simple magic. Why would I bother you? I have reserved you for a bigger cause. I was waiting for the right time" Replied Professor.

Rathore did not understand entirely at the same time got some points here and there.

"Ok! I accept your explanation. But how do you know I am in danger? That too a serious one?" asked Suraj Rathore.

As an answer Rastogi produced a flower like substance which was black in color. "See this? You know what is it?"

Of course, he did not know.

"It is called the flower of destiny. It is very useful in telling the future. When I saw you at Jaipur, I felt a strange feeling. Immediately I made the flower touch you. Next second it turned black. Not normal black, coal black. This means you are under great peril. "Said, the professor.

"Cock and bull" thought Rathore to himself.

"Let me prove this. Call anyone whom you think has a bright future." Said Rastogi challenging.

The first name came to Rathore's mind was Adhrit. But if he was called, he might ask many questions. So decided to call a young servant. He called his secretary Nila. She came running with a tray of eatables and coffee.

"Thank You Nila! Place it there. You have studied Botany is it not?" enquired Rathore casually.

"Yes sir! I did"

"Can you name the flower there on the pot?" spoke Rastogi without giving time for Rathore to speak. Nila turned to look at the pot. Precisely at that time Rastogi threw the black flower on her.

"Why that is a normal hibiscus. Nothing special about it, sir. Do you want me to pluck it?" asked Nila politely.

"No need. But can you pick up the withered flower?" asked the professor again. She bent down and picked up the black flower, gave it to the professor, with a hand gesture Suraj Rathore dismissed her. Now the flower was in professor Rastogi's closed palms.

"Do you want to see the flower of destiny now Rathore?" asked the professor triumphantly. Rathore simply nodded. Like magician performing on a stage, Rastogi slowly opened his palm.

To his utter amazement, the flower was bright yellow.

"See Rathore? This indicates a good future. Now hold the flower in your hands."

Suraj Rathore obliged in bewilderment. He was asked to close the palm and keep it for a few seconds to open again. To his horror the flower was black again. This live demo shook Suraj Rathore. He felt a chill in his heart.

"What is the meaning of this Rastogi?" his voice was trembling.

The man remained silent.

"Who wants my destruction? They want my business to collapse?" while asking Rathore knew it was a silly question.

"No Rathore! They, I am saying they, assuming there are more than one person or power. They want you dead. A soul crushing vengeance. "

Rathore felt as if all air in the world is not sufficient for him to beath. "Why? Why me?"

"That's is what we have to find out Rathore! If you tell me everything, I could help you. Otherwise….." Rastogi stopped in midsentence.

"Ok! Ok! Don't threaten me anymore. I will tell you!" with those words he leaned forward and started speaking in a whisper.