
My name is Tamra

Protagonist Tamra is an archeological research student in the university, belonging to a very rich family. There are many rumors about her grandfather Suraj Rathore. Tamra’s family is a complete male dominated one, where females are expected to do what male member of the family want them to do. Suraj Rathore and his son Mihir Rathore are both not happy with Tamra and her ways. Tamra’s elder brother is just a replica of his father and grandfather. Tamra’s mother is a banker and she runs the family finance business. Even she does not have the liberty to do what she likes. Her Grandmother Aditi is a very calm and ideal woman. She never speaks or intervenes in any family matters. No one really knows much about her. She is like one of the furniture in the house. Suraj Rathore brings an alliance for Tamra and his elder brother Adhrit. Tamra does not want to get married and be enslaved like her mother. Surprisingly, grandmother Aditi helps her to escape. Without knowing where to go, Tamra hires a Taxi. The driver Ravi suggests she goes to his village Dantla, where she has many research sites. Agreeing to this, both reach Dantla. When she enters the village, she sees an abandoned burnt house. When she enquires about it, “Why don’t you go and ask your grandfather about it?” says an old woman with contempt. She also warns Tamra to leave the village immediately otherwise, she had to face the wrath of Tamra! Thinking the old woman must be senile, Tamra stays at Ravi’s house as a paying guest. The night she sets eyes on Kamal, she feels something strange and faints. That night, without her knowledge she wanders the deserted streets of Dantla and enters the burnt house. Protagonist Kamal Singh is a young guide in Jodhpur, who takes tourists to Khudhara. (it’s the most haunted village on earth) There he sees a beautiful girl, but on enquiry finds out that, there is no such girl. After the incident he experiences a few paranormal activities on the way to his village Dantla. Kamal is already there and he welcomes Tamra addressing her as Arunika. There both of them encounter a very strange and horrifying experience and Tamra comes to know why she was named that, and who was the original Tamra. There she learns about his grandfather and his evil deeds. Old Tamra wants vengeance, not a simple one. She wants the entire Rathore family to be murdered in the hands of Arunika. That includes Tamra herself. Kamal realizes he was Birju, a friend to Tamra and Arunika. What happened to their lives? Why old Tamra is crying for vengeance? Who is Suraj Rathore? Why, Arunika had come back? Who is the old woman? Will Tamra murder her own family for the sake of a vengeance seeking ghost? If not, will the ghost let her go? How Birju and the old woman are going to help her? All these questions are answered in the novel “A Lonely Burning Moon”!

Srija_Venkatesh · Fantasy
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32 Chs

My Name is Tamra...

Chapter 18:

At Dantla Tamra was in a confused state of mind. Now she had accepted the fact that, she and Kamal had taken re births, Trikala was still alive. Old Tamra had shown her presence and made her realize. Ok. What now? She had to face two situations. One her own predicament about her future. Next is Old Tamra's vengeance. Was she responsible for that? Was she be indulging in such an act against her own family? It is true, what happened to old Tamra was very very cruel and evil. But in what way she was connected? Again, the strange attraction towards Kamal made her uneasy. She knew, Kamal was not much educated, belonged to a lower income family. But the attraction and crush increase every minute. This infuriated Tamra. She even thought of going back to her home. But the prospect of getting married to a stranger scared her. She did not want a life like her mother, a loveless, convenient marriage. She wanted love and safety in her life. But Kamal was very clear in his ideas. Not even for a second, he thought about anything. He was clear, old Tamra had said, it's his duty to obey that.

Tamra, Kamal and Ravi were sitting near a sand dune. They wanted some time alone to think. Tamra avoided Kamal as much as possible. Ravi helped and approved of her behaviour. But Kamal had called both of them to discuss about something. Reluctantly Ravi took Tamra. "Have you thought of anything? Why did you ask us to come?" asked Tamra. Kamal was amused by this question. "Why? Old Tamra had brought us together. So, she herself will tell us what to do!" said Kamal as a matter of fact.

"Stop talking like a fool Kamal! Old Tamra is a ghost, or whatever she may be. You and madam are living people. You cannot let a ghost decide your future for you!" yelled Ravi. "I think Ravi is right! Everything is fine during night. The vengeance of old Tamra, the cruelty to her must be justified etc. But if we go to the police or court, we don't have any proof, Kamal! You cannot expect the judges to accept old Tamra's statements." Said Tamra with irritation. This made both Kamal and Ravi laugh. "What do you think? Old Tamra had come to us, so that we could go to court for her? You are not thinking Tamra! She wants vengeance, not justice. There is a lot of difference between these two!" said Kamal.

Tamra felt as if someone had pricked her heart with a sharp needle. "#What does he mean by vengeance? Is he planning to murder my family? Is he insane? Why would one do such thing?" Tamra thought to herself. "Are you listening to yourself? This is old Tamra's battle Kamal! Why would you or madam should get involved in this? Trikala is old and senile. Don't listen to the fairy tales she told you!" said Ravi urgently. He was worried, because of Kamal's attitude, there must not be any hindrance in his sister's wedding. Kamal knew he was alone in the battle field. He felt pain in his chest. "This is entirely not Old Tamra's battle Ravi! Myself and Arunika were burnt alive too! Don't we have to seek vengeance?" asked Kamal.

Tamra thought of something. She made both brothers sit down. "Listen Kamal! I agree we have taken rebirth! But in this life, we have our duty towards our family members. Your sister's wedding is approaching, I have my dream of completing Ph D and taking up a job in the university. If we pursue the vengeance tale, then our future of this birth will also come to an end! Please be practical!" said Tamra with a forced calmness. Her heart was beating fast as she was near Kamal. Ravi clapped his hands. "Yes! Please listen to her Bhaiya! What happened long back ago, should not control your future. People say, we should not keep on remembering bad things that happened a few days ago. You are talking about a birth back. Is there any logic? Who will believe this? "Said, Ravi.

Kamal remained silent for a few minutes. Tamra felt bad for him, at the same time she was not prepared to spoil her future. "Is that all? Old Tamra means nothing to you? I can understand Ravi talking like this, because he only heard. But we witnessed it Tamra, we saw our friend. Don't you have any love for her? Always being practical is not good!" said Kamal with tears in his eyes. Tamra felt awkward. She had pity towards Old Tamra, her painful death, wanting to take revenge everything she understood. But she did not have any idea about how Old Tamra had planned this? She was worried about her own future.

"Kamal! I understand your concern for old Tamra! Let us take, she had taken revenge on my grandfather Suraj Rathore, she might want to murder my innocent family. Why my father, mother and brother should suffer?" asked Tamra. This made Kamal stare at her. "Suraj Rathore is your grandfather? That's why you are trying to protect him! Does she know this truth?" asked Kamal with venomous voice. This made Tamra feel bad. "I…I don't know Kamal! But I think Trikala knows this. First time when I came here, she said the sight of Suraj Rathore's descendant made her blood boil." Replied Tamra. "What do you mean by that? Trikala knows, old Tamra may be knowing. Why kept me in the dark? Is this a plan?" spat out Kamal.

"Stop that Kamal Singh! I am neither your friend nor your girlfriend. You cannot talk to me like this. Why would I want to tell a stranger about my family and my parents? Don't forget we met just 2 days back! I have my dream and career. If you have any pursue that. Don't talk to me like you own me!" yelled Tamra. Ravi felt relieved as Tamra proved she did not have any feelings for Kamal. But Kamal was feeling miserable. "How can you say this? We are friends for more than a birth. We came back from death Tamra, just to be united. Don't you forget that." Said Kamal softly.

As three were arguing, Trikala was walking towards her with a man who looked like a vagabond. They stopped talking, started to look in the direction with interest. Trikala seemed to be tensed up, but the vagabond was clearly upset and tensed up too. As both of them came closer, they observed that, the vagabond was a sanyasi. His body was covered more by holy ash than clothes. With a tall staff made of rare wood he was approaching the trio fast. His eyes were fixed on Tamra. She felt very uncomfortable. Involuntarily she hid behind Kamal Singh. Trikala had to run to cope up with the sanyasi.

"Who has the name of the Sun?" asked the Sanyasi as he was within the earshot. No one answered. "Give respect to the sanyasi. He is one of the rare sanyasis in India, He says he knows about something!" said Trikala with reverence. Immediately Kamal knelt before him. Sanyasi put his hands on his head and chanted Mantras. "Get up Dear! You are a blessed soul. You have conquered death. you have even retained your innocence and love. That's a great thing! God will bless you always! " Said the Bhairav Baba closing his eyes. Tamra felt like laughing. "Who has the name of the Sun?" asked the Baba again. "Baba! My younger brother has Sun's name. He is Ravi! Ravi is Sun in Sanskrit, right?" asked Kamal. The Baba violently shook his head. "No No! I mean a woman! What's your name?" asked the Baba pointing a figure at Tamra. "Er…I am Tamra! I don't know whether it means Sun or not!" said Tamra. "No! It does not! What is this? I had a vision of a Sun's name and a lotus. How can my Drishti go wrong? "The Baba asked himself than others. "Babaji! This boy is called Kamal, that means lotus, right?" asked Trikala with happiness. But the Baba was going on staring Tamra, without even blinking. "Hey You girl! What's your name?" he asked. Tamra had a good mind not to answer. But Kamal answered for her. "She is Tamra Babaji!"

The sanyasi put his staff heavily on the sand. He looked furious. "Something wrong! Something very wrong with this girl. Are you a Rathore descendant?" asked Sanyasi. "Yes Babaji! She is the granddaughter of Suraj Rathore!" replied Trikala with contempt. The sanyasi laughed riotously. The belles on his hair gave a melancholy note as his head moved in laughter. "Suraj Rathore's granddaughter had come! Devi did not see you?" asked Sanyasi. Now everyone was speechless. No one knew who Devi was.

"With due respect Babaji, we have not met any Devi." Said Kamal. "Kamal! You are very innocent and straight. All your qualities have been retained. But Arunika? Where is she? Can't you recognize her? Arunika is the one I am searching for! In her presence I have to explain many things to you!" said Sanyasi. A chill went through all of them. "Babaji, Arunika had taken birth as Tamra. Here she is!" Trikala pushed her near the Sanyasi. With a thud the staff in his hands fell down. His already red eyes, became redder. "Shiv! Shiv! Time has played a cruel game on three of you. Devi! You are again in a fix!" said the Sanyasi in a murmur. They simply looked at each other.

"Look here Arunika!" the Sanyasi started telling something, but Tamra interrupted. "Sorry Babaji! I am Tamra! Not Arunika!"! Sanyasi looked at her with pity and looked at Kamal. "Why Devi has chosen me to complete her vengeance? I don't know!" said the Sanyasi. "Babaji, who is Devi? Already we are confused with old Tamra's vengeance story. Please don't further confuse us with another Devi's story!" said Ravi. Without saying anything, the sanyasi looked at Ravi. "Time is a very strange thing Beta! It separates and unites people. Unfortunately, you people don't understand the concept of time!" said the sanyasi. Trikala knelt before him. "You tell us Babaji, You tell us what we have to know!" she requested.

In silence the sanyasi sat facing the Sun, and started chanting Mantras. His body was so still, Ravi got scared. They slowly went away from him so that they could discuss the situation. But before they started, the sanyasi opened his eyes. "Hey Mahakal! Everything is in your control!" said loudly. To Tamra he appeared to be a mad dangerous man. "Listen Kids! I have a few questions to ask you! For the last 3 months, any one of you encountered any super natural incident?" asked the Baba. Tamra and Ravi kept quiet. But Kamal came forward and bowed. "So! It's you again! Ok Tell me where you first met Devi in this birth?" Asked the Sanyasi. "No Babaji! I never met any Devi! I saw a girl named …..Tamra, in Khuldhara! That's all!" replied Kamal.

This was a bit of news to all. Tamra was excited and worried at the same time. Ravi was tensed up. "The girl you met at Khuldhara is Devi. Devi means none other than your old Tamra!" said Sanyasi with feeling. Kamal was flabbergasted. "Old Tamra came to see me? That too, 3 months back? Why?" asked Kamal with fear.

The sanyasi closed his eyes and meditated for a few minutes more. When he opened his eyes, they were moist with tears. He looked at Tamra, Ravi and Kamal one by one with a queer look. He gestured them to sit down. Tamra looked at the Sun above! The sanyasi laughed and made a shamiana appear in the middle of the desert. Now all of them were in the cool shades of the shamiana. Trikala knelt again. "You are God himself Babaji!" she uttered with fear and reverence.

At these words the sanyasi closed his ears. "That's blasphemy Trikala! Never ever equate a mortal man to God! What you saw was just a magic! God is beyond magic, beyond Moh and Maya. He is there for us always! Don't think miracles constitute Godliness." Said Sanyasi. Trikala asked for pardons. "I am going to tell the most magical thing God has created. That is time! Have you ever wondered how magical it is?" asked the sanyasi. All others were prepared to hear.