
My name is Tamra

Protagonist Tamra is an archeological research student in the university, belonging to a very rich family. There are many rumors about her grandfather Suraj Rathore. Tamra’s family is a complete male dominated one, where females are expected to do what male member of the family want them to do. Suraj Rathore and his son Mihir Rathore are both not happy with Tamra and her ways. Tamra’s elder brother is just a replica of his father and grandfather. Tamra’s mother is a banker and she runs the family finance business. Even she does not have the liberty to do what she likes. Her Grandmother Aditi is a very calm and ideal woman. She never speaks or intervenes in any family matters. No one really knows much about her. She is like one of the furniture in the house. Suraj Rathore brings an alliance for Tamra and his elder brother Adhrit. Tamra does not want to get married and be enslaved like her mother. Surprisingly, grandmother Aditi helps her to escape. Without knowing where to go, Tamra hires a Taxi. The driver Ravi suggests she goes to his village Dantla, where she has many research sites. Agreeing to this, both reach Dantla. When she enters the village, she sees an abandoned burnt house. When she enquires about it, “Why don’t you go and ask your grandfather about it?” says an old woman with contempt. She also warns Tamra to leave the village immediately otherwise, she had to face the wrath of Tamra! Thinking the old woman must be senile, Tamra stays at Ravi’s house as a paying guest. The night she sets eyes on Kamal, she feels something strange and faints. That night, without her knowledge she wanders the deserted streets of Dantla and enters the burnt house. Protagonist Kamal Singh is a young guide in Jodhpur, who takes tourists to Khudhara. (it’s the most haunted village on earth) There he sees a beautiful girl, but on enquiry finds out that, there is no such girl. After the incident he experiences a few paranormal activities on the way to his village Dantla. Kamal is already there and he welcomes Tamra addressing her as Arunika. There both of them encounter a very strange and horrifying experience and Tamra comes to know why she was named that, and who was the original Tamra. There she learns about his grandfather and his evil deeds. Old Tamra wants vengeance, not a simple one. She wants the entire Rathore family to be murdered in the hands of Arunika. That includes Tamra herself. Kamal realizes he was Birju, a friend to Tamra and Arunika. What happened to their lives? Why old Tamra is crying for vengeance? Who is Suraj Rathore? Why, Arunika had come back? Who is the old woman? Will Tamra murder her own family for the sake of a vengeance seeking ghost? If not, will the ghost let her go? How Birju and the old woman are going to help her? All these questions are answered in the novel “A Lonely Burning Moon”!

Srija_Venkatesh · Fantasy
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32 Chs

My Name is Tamra!

Chapter 10:

Suraj Rathore was sitting in the Impala car, owned by the King Jaimal. The journey from the streets of a remote village in Rajasthan to Jaipur palace was not an easy one. Since the childhood Suraj had been ambitious. His father was one of the singers in the local troupe and his mother was a dancer. With such a meagre income, they were very happy. They thought love is the most important thing in the world. Suraj Rathore even at the age of 7 got irritated by this attitude of his parents and the lack of ambitiousness in them. They wanted Suraj to be a musician and lead a content life in the deserts of Rajasthan. But Suraj wanted to become rich, not just rich, but the richest in Rajasthan. He was prepared to do anything for becoming wealthier. He decided, village is not a place for him, He had to migrate to Jaipur which was far away. He started doing all types of jobs, even cheated some tourists to get money for the Bus ticket.

He came to Jaipur at the age of 12. To have a foot hold, he found a job in a hotel as a bell boy. There he had the opportunity to have a closer look at the life of rich and higher society people. He envied their life style, and wanted to live in that way. At that time, he came to know about a Tantric baba, who was doing black magic. Everyone detested that Baba and feared him. Suraj was intimidated by his tricks and befriended him. Seeing Suraj's greed, the Baba said, if he offered certain things to Maa Kali, he would get whatever he wanted.

At the age of 19, Suraj was prepared to do anything to go to the heights. So, he sacrificed a black goat and a black hen. Tantric Baba gave a Talisman and asked Suraj to wear that in the right wrist. By coincidence or by black magic, no one knew, the next day he met King Jaimal. King Jaimal was a hopeless drunkard and a vein person. Suraj's brain calculated many things. He arranged with that Baba, to foretell that, the King was in a grave danger, danger to his life was lurking in the near future. When one day King Jaimal was passing through a forest, a lion from nowhere was ready to leap on him. As if by accident, Suraj went there and saved him from the lion created by the Baba which was an illusion.

The King was so pleased and told he would give whatever Suraj asked for. Suraj wanted to ask his daughter's hand in marriage, but his shrewdness said, time is not ripe for that. Instead, he simply said he wanted a job with the King. Thus, he became a kin person to King Jaimal. He worked hard for 3 years, and learnt English, and the ways of big people. At that time, Raj Malhotra was King's manager, and he never approved of Suraj Rathore. Once Suraj was caught red handed, swindling money by Raj. Before Raj Malhotra could complain, Suraj turned the table. He collected some evidences, and asked a particular accounts person's help, promised him a lot money. And it was established that, Raj Malhotra had swindled money worth more than 2 Lakhs. The King dismissed Raj, not even thinking twice. The accountant was given money, but when he was returning from a village he was attacked by bandits and was killed in the attack. The money again safely came back to Suraj.

Next Suraj saw a potential enemy in Raj Malhotra. He decided to eliminate him too! But eliminating Raj was not that easy. He had served the King with honesty for more than 25 years. After some days, it was very difficult for the King to believe in the swindle story. That was the time when the King had taken up a project in Dantla. Again, Suraj's brain weaved a web. He asked the Baba to arrange for some price fighters, made arrangements to kill Raj Malhotra while he was coming back to his house, in his pocket a letter was placed stating about the money transaction between him and a man in Jodhpur dealing with diamonds. He gave enough money to those fighters, instructed them every word before he left for Dantla. He did not want to be in the scene of crime.

Everything went smoothly as per plan. Suraj was not a person, who would do anything in a hurry and make mistake, No! He would wait for the correct time and execute his flawless plans. After spending 4 months in Dantla like a very honest man, while he was busy making false promises to poor Tamra, that Baba was busy putting their plan to action. Raj Malhotra was murdered by some bandits, with whom he had connections. The King was shocked to hear the news and summoned Suraj immediately.

His smooth marketing talks, very nice behavior made the King trust him. Baba also played his role by warning the King, that his life span is coming to an end. He had to marry off his daughter Aditi as early as possible otherwise, the King would die. His daughter was inauspicious for the King. Many suitors from royal families came forward, but those were given a news that Princess Aditi was an inauspicious girl, the family she went into would perish. So naturally no one came forward to marry her. In front of the King and the princess, Suraj demonstrated his affection. "Princess Aditi is inauspicious? She is a Goddess of good luck. If I were the groom, I would consider me lucky, even if I die on the wedding day!". These words made the King think, and the naïve young princess Aditi got carried away by the loyalty shown by Suraj Rathore. So as Suraj and Baba planed, everything went on. The wedding was arranged in a grand way. Aditi was very happy because she got a man who did not consider her inauspicious.

All was going well according to Suraj Rathore. He had become the heir of a King. Three days after the wedding, he met tantric Baba, in a desolate place and told him about his wish to become the owner of everything the King possessed. "It is not easy to become a very rich person easily. You have to please Maa Kali. And more than that, you have to get rid of the King himself." Said Tantric Baba. That was shocking even for a monster like Suraj. "What do you mean by getting rid of?" Asked Suraj with a mixed feeling of eagerness and fear. "Look! You want a vast wealth; I want an Ashram at the foot hills of Himalayas. Let's make a deal! If I make you the richest in Rajasthan, you have to build me an Ashram, and meet all my expenses which will be not more than 1000 rupees per year. If you agree to this, I will disclose the secret of getting wealthier every second!"

The offer was too tempting for Suraj Rathore. He agreed for the deal and what Baba disclosed was a nightmare. "Listen Suraj! We have done some murders, which were unavoidable. But now we have to offer human sacrifice to Maa Kali! A royal blood and a pregnant woman both have to be sacrificed in front of Maa Kali! Those sacrifices must be done at the place, where they live! I will perform certain Tantric Puja, which you have to attend. At the end I will sacrifice the royal blood first. Then after a week, a pregnant woman has to be sacrificed in her house. She should be burnt alive. Will you be able to arrange for these?" asked Tantric Baba.

Suraj did not even think twice. He was so obsessed in getting filthy rich, he was not even prepared to think. He said, he would come himself to see Baba, once he had arranged for these sacrifices, as writing letter could be dangerous. After that, he was extra nice to the King and his wife. His plan was the cruelest one possibly in the history of mankind. "Since We are going to sacrifice the King in this palace, why not the second sacrifice be made in this same place? Accidents do happen and buildings catch fire. I have to wait till Aditi becomes pregnant. Then in a gap of one week, father and daughter are going to make me wealthier every second. The queen is a dumb woman. If I make her stay at a luxurious home, she would live and die in piece there. Otherwise, she could be a sacrifice too!" Suraj was with the King in the car thinking all these. A commotion at the entrance distracted him.

There was a confusion, as the big car of King Jaimal approached the gateway. The security was not able to handle the situation. Tamra had fainted, and Birju was trying to make her regain conscious. But neither was working. The car honked for a few seconds! The security ran to the car and informed about a girl fainting in front of the gateway. Suraj was also in the car. The moment he heard about a girl had fainted; he knew who the girl was. Fox like cunning Suraj, immediately thought of a plan and executed it. "Sire! They are probably from my village. When I was working there, I had a few friends. They were poor and I assured them some work and assistance in their wedding expenses." Said Suraj humbly.

"Oh! Ok! If you have given word, then that should be kept Suraj! But in future please remember you are the son-in-law of the King! Don't go around and talk to such people." Taking this as a permission, Suraj got down from the car, took Birju aside, and carried Tamra to a secluded place. Suraj's wife Aditi was watching all these from the portico. The sight of her newly wedded husband, carrying a beautiful girl in his arms made her feel very awkward.

"Why have you come here?" asked Suraj. By that time, Tamra had gained conscious, the words she heard gave her heart a violent jolt. "Don't ask me that, ask yourself and ask this foolish girl whom you preyed on!" said Birju with vigour. "Ok! Ok! Relax! I liked Tamra, she also liked me! That's all! Now I am married to a very rich girl. I won's let you ruin my life!" said Suraj. "Don't say we liked each other, Suraj. Call it lust! You desired me, and had me!" said Tamra. "Oh! I am sorry Tamra! I never realized you have gained conscious!" said Suraj, stretching a hand towards her.

"What do you say to her?" asked Birju angrily. "This is between me and her! I don't want any other person interfering in my personal life." Said Suraj curtly. "Oh! You can ruin any one, and no one should question you! Is it? But here I have come for justice. You are answerable to me and the entire village of Dantla for ruining a girl. If I want, I can directly go and tell the King about you." Yelled Birju. Suraj shushed both Tamra and Birju, took them to a room nearby. "Now! I know why have you come! I will give you money! Take that and build a new life." Said Suraj. Tamra started hitting him and Suraj hit her back violently.

"You beast! Why are you hitting a pregnant woman? Cruel bastard!" yelled Birju and caught Tamra before she fell. The word pregnant made Suraj pay attention. A light was lit in his evil mind. "Oh! You are pregnant? I am so Sorry Tamra! I didn't know! Please forgive me Darling!" Suraj pleaded her. Sudden change in the attitude of Suraj was puzzling to both Birju and Tamra. Suraj made Tamra sit on a chair and stood on knees on the floor holding her face. "My Sweet Tamra! Sorry for the behaviour Darling! If you had told me, you were pregnant, I would have given you my warmest welcome!"

Birju did not believe Suraj; Tamra was also in a furious state. "Warmest welcome! My foot! You are a married man now! How can you marry me? What do you think I am? You want to keep me as your mistress! Is it not?" Tamra's words were echoing in the room. For a man like Suraj, telling lies was not difficult at all. "Please let me explain my side! Princess Aditi is dying Tamra! She might die in a few days, because of her illness. The King wanted his daughter to die as a married woman. That's why he chose me! See? Why would a King marry off his daughter to me instead of royal descendant? Think Tamra! Please!" said Suraj with tears in his eyes.

That melted Tamra's heart. She stood up and walked here and there for a few minutes. Suraj knew perfectly well; things were getting to his liking! "I never thought you could be so kind! You have done a sacrifice Suraj! I pray to God that your wife lives long enough to appreciate your big heart!" said Tamra with emotion. "But what about you Tamra? The princess might live! But You are in a very grave situation!" cried Birju.

Suraj felt like stabbing him on the chest, instead he produced a weary smile on his face. "I am at your disposal Birju! If you want to kill me! Kill me my friend! I understand your concern for Tamra!" said Suraj in a choking voice. "Killing you is not going to help Tamra! Stop this melodrama! Will you marry Tamra, once your rich wife is dead?" Birju asked this question in the best interest of Tamra. But she misunderstood him.

"Are you a human being? You want to build my life on the corpse of a dying woman? How can you be so cruel Birju?" yelled Tamra. Birju was hurt deeply but kept quiet. "he said it in a very crude way Tamra! But there is something in his argument! Both of us are in a highly emotional state. Birju Take Tamra to a choultry. Both of you stay in Jaipur till new moon, I will find a solution, please trust me this time! I promise!" begged Suraj. Birju was not at all prepared to go without meeting the King. But Tamra insisted on leaving the palace. Birju and Tamra went away in search of a place where they could stay for some days.

In Jaipur, Princess Aditi's cook's husband who was the chief security, had heard everything and the words were passed on to the Princess.