
My name is Tamra

Protagonist Tamra is an archeological research student in the university, belonging to a very rich family. There are many rumors about her grandfather Suraj Rathore. Tamra’s family is a complete male dominated one, where females are expected to do what male member of the family want them to do. Suraj Rathore and his son Mihir Rathore are both not happy with Tamra and her ways. Tamra’s elder brother is just a replica of his father and grandfather. Tamra’s mother is a banker and she runs the family finance business. Even she does not have the liberty to do what she likes. Her Grandmother Aditi is a very calm and ideal woman. She never speaks or intervenes in any family matters. No one really knows much about her. She is like one of the furniture in the house. Suraj Rathore brings an alliance for Tamra and his elder brother Adhrit. Tamra does not want to get married and be enslaved like her mother. Surprisingly, grandmother Aditi helps her to escape. Without knowing where to go, Tamra hires a Taxi. The driver Ravi suggests she goes to his village Dantla, where she has many research sites. Agreeing to this, both reach Dantla. When she enters the village, she sees an abandoned burnt house. When she enquires about it, “Why don’t you go and ask your grandfather about it?” says an old woman with contempt. She also warns Tamra to leave the village immediately otherwise, she had to face the wrath of Tamra! Thinking the old woman must be senile, Tamra stays at Ravi’s house as a paying guest. The night she sets eyes on Kamal, she feels something strange and faints. That night, without her knowledge she wanders the deserted streets of Dantla and enters the burnt house. Protagonist Kamal Singh is a young guide in Jodhpur, who takes tourists to Khudhara. (it’s the most haunted village on earth) There he sees a beautiful girl, but on enquiry finds out that, there is no such girl. After the incident he experiences a few paranormal activities on the way to his village Dantla. Kamal is already there and he welcomes Tamra addressing her as Arunika. There both of them encounter a very strange and horrifying experience and Tamra comes to know why she was named that, and who was the original Tamra. There she learns about his grandfather and his evil deeds. Old Tamra wants vengeance, not a simple one. She wants the entire Rathore family to be murdered in the hands of Arunika. That includes Tamra herself. Kamal realizes he was Birju, a friend to Tamra and Arunika. What happened to their lives? Why old Tamra is crying for vengeance? Who is Suraj Rathore? Why, Arunika had come back? Who is the old woman? Will Tamra murder her own family for the sake of a vengeance seeking ghost? If not, will the ghost let her go? How Birju and the old woman are going to help her? All these questions are answered in the novel “A Lonely Burning Moon”!

Srija_Venkatesh · Fantasy
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32 Chs

My Name is Tamra!

Chapter 9:

Arunika hatched a plan which would make Suraj marry Tamra. She would lodge a complaint to the head man against Suraj, saying that He was having an affair in sin with Tamra. People from those parts, considered sex as a sacred thing which has to be between a husband and wife. So, the head of the village would ask Suraj to marry Tamra, for which he could not refuse. Otherwise, the villagers would make him to marry her, as this was the honor of the village too!

But somehow, Birju did not like this plan at all. He said it would be like bringing Tamra's honor to the mid street. They thought for 3 days but no other idea came up. Birju even tired talking to Tamra. She was full of dreams and was in denial about Suraj's real character. Before Arunika and Birju lodge a complaint against Suraj, he suddenly left the village saying he would be back in a jiffy. This made Tamra very tensed up. But he said his employer King Jaimal had called him to come to Jaipur ASAP. Tamra made up her mind and sent him off.

Since Suraj Rathore was not there, now Tamra had time for her friends Arunika, Birju. Birju was still hopeful, that Tamra might understand his love. He sent his sister Kanak to bring Tamra to local temple which was always not peopled. Kanak and Tamra came together. Since Kanak was just 10 years old, she could not understand what was the matter. Birju sent her away to pluck some desert beans.

"What is it, Birju? You want something?" asked Tamra. "Yes!...like...I know you have sinned with that Suraj, but…." On hearing these words Tamra flared up. "Oh! You have come to tell me few things! Aren't you? Arunika is behind all these! I think!" she said in a quiet voice, which made Birju's hair stand on end. "Why are you talking to me as if I am your enemy Tamra? Have you forgotten those days? Aru, you, and me…" "Yes! Yes! I remember everything! Why did you call me?" said Tamra curtly.

Birju was fighting for words to express his feelings! He wanted to tell, at the same time did not want it too! "Umm….Tamra…its like…." Suddenly another voice echoed in that place. "Tamra! This fool, Birju is in love with you! He is struggling for words!". Both Tamra and Birju looked in the direction with shock. Arunika was coming along and she was holding a pot of water on her head. "Aru! Don't bluff! Birju and me?" asked Tamra with utmost shock. Somehow Birju got the courage and poured out his heart. "Yes Tamra! Aru is correct! I love you since our childhood! If you accept me, I am willing to marry you! "Said, Birju in his simple way.

"I am sorry Birju! I never had any feeling other than friendship for you!" said Tamra in a small voice. There was an awkward silence. "Listen Birju! I have big dreams, living in a big house, having tap at the house, attending parties, wearing costly dresses…many more. For such a lifestyle, our Dantla is very small. I had to go to Jaipur. Suraj had promised me, he would take me to Jaipur. He is the man for me Birju! You are a very simple and sweet man. But I need a man who can snatch whatever he wants from the society. " Said Tamra.

"So! It's not love then! You are with that scoundrel because he promised you some luxuries? You know what it is called Tamra?" asked Arunika in a clam voice. Next second, Arunika was slapped by an angry Birju. "How dare you talk to Tamra like this? She is an angel! What is wrong if she wants luxuries? She deserves everything! "Yelled, Birju. Arunika was holding her cheeks with her hands. No trace of tears in her eyes. But Tamra felt very uncomfortable. "Why did you hit her Birju? This is not the way to treat a woman. Suraj never gets angry with me you know? He says, girls have to be treated like princesses." Said Tamra.

"I am sorry Tamra! I don't know such big things!" said Birju apologizing to Tamra. "You moron! You slapped me and you are apologizing to her? What am I? A toy? A bystander? " Yelled, Arunika losing her control for the first time. Birju realized his mistake. But Arunika continued. "She is not bothered why you slapped me! Even now she is singing the praise of her lover. You fool! Can't you see who really loves you? Tamra! I am not ambitious. But it does not mean that, I deserve less! Suraj may be an expert in talking, but what you are trusting is a pebble not a diamond. What you are kicking is a diamond not a pebble!" Arunika stormed out of the place spilling water all over.

But Tamra realized, Arunika was in love with Birju, which made her happy for both her friends. But Arunika refused to talk to her or even Birju. Now a days, she had become a very grave woman. She did all her chores, but whenever Tamra or Birju approached, she just went away from that place. After a few days, Suraj returned and this time he was very happy. In fact, he had more money and was wearing expensive clothes. Tamra came to know of his arrival when one of the labors told her. She ran to the site. The moment Suraj saw Tamra, he came running towards her and hugged her in front of everyone. Tamra could understand his love and did not mind.

"Tamra! You are my lucky charm! You know why King Jaimal summoned me?" almost he yelled. Tamra felt very happy for Suraj. "He has made me the manager of all his estates Tamra! Imagine, all his wealth, he asked me to manage. What an opportunity!". Tamra felt a tinge of alarm at this word, but she could not put her hands on it. "Opportunity? Suraj, this is a great responsibility and honor!" replied Tamra. "Yes of course! I came here to say good bye to all!" said Suraj enthusiastically. Tamra felt like a knife was stabbed in her chest! "Good bye? Why Suraj? This project is not complete yet!" said Tamra with a choke.

"You silly! I am going to say good bye to others! Not to you!" said Suraj again hugging her. Tamra felt elated and hugged him back. She forgot to ask, why he had not informed her before? Suraj was going on saying how wonderful their life would be! They will have a palatial house, servants, expensive clothes, jewelries, and many more things. Tamra was flying in the sky. "Let me go to Jaipur tomorrow, Tamra! I will ask King's permission for marrying you, once I get it, I will come and take you with me. King will preside over our wedding!" said Suraj Rathore packing his bags.

Tamra's inner guts screamed in pain. But she overlooked it and felt very happy. After taking leave, Suraj went in the car sent for him by the King. The whole village was awe with his new attained riches. Tamra felt very proud and happy. Days rolled by. A month had passed since Suraj left for Jaipur. No letter came for her. Slowly Tamra started worrying.

One day She saw Arunika clearing a field. The sight of her best friend, made her heart leap and cry. "Aru" she called. But Arunika not even turned her head. "Aru! Still angry with me? I am sorry! You were talking bad about my love. That's why ….any how sorry! Can't you excuse me?" asked Tamra in very soft voice. Those words melted Arunika's heart. She hugged her best friend and both were crying uncontrollably. Suddenly Arunika withdrew herself and stared at Tamra with concern.

"Tamra! Is there anything worrying you? Something is wrong! Tell me what it is?" asked Arunika with concern. Tamra gathered her courage! "Umm…Aru…it's like….it's like…..I am pregnant!" The club in Arunika's hand fell down with a thud. "Tamra! What are you saying? Do you even realize the implications?" That was all Arunika could tell. Her body was shaking with fear and concern. But Tamra remained cool. "Don't react like this Aru! Suraj promised me, he will come back and take me.!" Said Tamra.

Arunika sat down and made her friend also sit down. "My God! Tamra! You are in a tight situation dear! If the village chief comes to know this, let alone him, if your mother comes to know about this, what are you going to say?" cried Arunika. "That worries me too Aru! But I trust Suraj, even before anyone knows, he will come and take me with him."

There was silence for some time. "What if he does not show up?" asked Arunika. Tamra got angry and pushed her. "Why you are always making the situation worse? If he does not come, I will go to Jaipur, find him and kill him! But if he does come, then? What will you do?" asked Tamra angrily. Arunika looked at her friend for some time. "Why I would do anything like that Tamra? It's your life. I warned you, but you chose Suraj over me and Birju! Whatever comes out of this, you are the one to face. But remember, we are here to help you!" said Arunika.

But matter did not end there. Even after 3 months no word from Suraj. This made Tamra also a bit suspicious and tensed. Arunika wrote to Birju and he came immediately. Arunika came up with an idea which was disgusting, but only solution to the situation. "Tamra! Please forget about Suraj, Birju loves you still, and prepared to marry you! Get married to him as soon as possible and the child will have a father. Please at least this time listen to me!" begged Arunika. "I know you love Birju! Please don't sacrifice your love for my sake. I don't want a life given by anyone as charity to me. "Said, Tamra vehemently. Birju and Arunika tried to convince her, but all was vain.

"Birju! Do you really love me?" asked Tamra! Birju simply nodded his head. "Then take me to Jaipur. Take me to King Jaimal's palace! I will ask Suraj! I will not leave him just like that." Said Tamra! Her face was so set, even Birju feared her at that moment. Arunika argued against it. She said, they were big society people, they won't even let you in, even if you see Suraj, we don't have any proof to accuse him, and things like that. But Tamra was adamant did not even listen to Arunika's words.

"Ok Tamra! Birju will take you to Jaipur, if Suraj turns out to be a fraud, you must return to Dantla immediately and marry Birju! On that condition he will take you!" said Arunika firmly. "If Suraj is a fraud, I will never return Aru! And won't let him live too!" said Tamra in a calm but determined voice. This made even Arunika shiver.

The next morning, Tamra and Birju travelled for Jaipur. All the money needed for that was given by Arunika's savings and Birju's savings. No matter what, both wanted their friend to be happy. Since, Birju had already been in Jaipur, he knew where Palace of King Jaimal was. With a thudding heart they approached the great gate way with a very big wrought iron gate, painted gold. There was a uniformed security at the gate, the moment he set eyes on these 2 villagers he shooed them away. "We don't want to see the King! We want to see his manager, Mr. Suraj Rathore! He is our friend! Please let us in." begged Birju.

"Son-in-law of the King Jaimal is your friend? You want me to believe that?" asked the security laughing. Tamra felt as if a thunder had hit her. She fainted in front of the gateway.