
My Multiverse Adventure

what is my plan for multiverse traveling? get in, have fun, get out. F*ck canon! i couldnt care less about it! harem? does sex friends count as a harem? anime worlds?? i mean, yeah sure....but, there are more interesting ones.

blablador · Others
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he wants to use the Thu'um...for WHAT!?

inside a certain tower there were two people sitting on the floor and talking like there was no black dragon laying waste to everything and everyone outside of that building.

those two people were Sam and the Dragonborn! and while the Dragonborn was nervous, and suspected that Alduin will bust trough the wall and kill them, Sam was not worried at all.

the tower already collapsed and only the ground floor was standing. He really doubted that Alduin would think that someone was left alive inside.

and even if he does, Sam will just shoot him with a BFG 9000 right into the face. Believe me...that gun is way more OP then the DOOM game's show's you.

Sam: so whats your name?

he asked, as referring to her as "Dragonborn" in his head was annoying.

Dragonborn: shut up.

ah yes...the same response to every single question he asked.

Sam: oh, come on dont be like that! here, let me go first, My name is Sam the Enchanter, i like sweet things, i have tomatoes, and my life goal is to have fun.

said Sam as he did the introduction that kakashi made team 7 do when he first meet them.

Hearing him the Dragonborn just looked blankly at Sam and started speaking.

Dragonborn: My name is none of your business, i dont like anything, i Hate you, and my life goal is to get out of here alive.



this was the moment where Sam had officially gave up, this hoe is simply impossible to talk to! Ughh...well since he has nothing to do, he may as well start getting that knowledge about Spirit bending from the {Aang card} to good use.

positioning himself into the lotus position, Sam started to focus, and thanks to Aang being very good at meditating, it didnt took long before he went he achieved what he was aiming for.

got to say, feeling your own Soul is a weird experience, especially since it cannot be physically experienced with the 5 human sense's, and therefore its hard to properly describe.

y'know how literally everything is created of those tiny little orbs called "Atoms"? the Soul was not made out of that, it was something different entirely. It felt like thousand of little strings of energy constantly moving, clashing with each other, merging only for seconds later split up.

it was literaly Chaos without order.

after he could feel his soul completely, Sam used Aangs memories to see how the Avatar felt when using the Fire element.

from what he can understand, it felt like a literal ball of heat and power was in your stomach. It made sense to be honest, Uncle Iroh did mentioned that the Chakra that is the most important for fire benders has its gate in the stomach...or was it that monk who trained Aang who said that? meh, nevermind, the point is still the same.

thats why breathing with not only with your lungs but also with your belly is such an important thing for firebending, it basically makes your bending more powerfull.

with Aang knowledge of Spirit bending, Sam managed to bend his soul so he could become a firebender rather quickly.

when he was done with meditation, and woke up from it, Sam could feel the difference! he felt warmer, and energetic!

damn no wonder Iroh said "Fire is the element of Power"! right he feels more powerful then ever!


wait, why is it so quiet here? and where is the dragonborn? why is the door open?


wtf the town is not even of Fire anymore! the fire already burned out! and not only that it was fucking NIGHT! wow okay, note to self, when meditating time goes faster, then a Professional Runner on Acid.

it also seems that the Dragonborn lady left him...so much with being a friend with her.

Sam: Bitch...well i guess i should move.

and just like that Sam started got out of the Burned Helgen and started walking into a random direction.

Sam: hey system what Card did i got?

[you got {arngeir card}.]

hearing this Sam had fell down by tripping on nothing from sheer shock! ARNGEIR!? the speaker of the "white beards"?! are you fucking kidding me! With the Skill in Thu'um that he has this Card is definitely one of the best!

for all those who didnt think this is a good card, let me tell you something...EVERYTHING IN THE ELDER SCROLLS GAMES WAS DOWNGRADED!

like, no seriously! do you really think that Alduin the destroyer of worlds was killed in 5 minutes by 3 dead warriors and the dragonborn by getting shot with arrows a couple of times? this is FUCKING ALDUIN we are talking about! that battle must have been the stuff of legends, and not a casual brawl that the game made it look to be!

how about Mirrak? i simply refuse to believe the guy who spend multiple lifetimes in a dimension full of forbidden knowledge wend down so easily! try to imagine all the forbidden magic in there! and he had lots of time to read it and learn it! if he didnt then he was just an idiot!!

my point is...Skirim is way more dangerous then you think.

The game was either purposely made easy, or the technology was simply not at that level at the time to handle the level of epicness that skyrim is.

and dont get me started on the Thu'um! that thing is basically lets you yell so hard that it forces reality to bend and do what you yelled about!

do i need to repeat myself? i feel like i need to repeat myself.

you yell, so hard...that it makes the thing you yell about into reality!

thats one of the most fucking metal thing i ever heard of my fucking life!

hell, there exist a shout that lets you manifest a storm so powerful that it makes the biblical ones look like a joke! and what does the storm does? oh y'know nothing special, just...Rain down heavenly lightning on your enemies :3

so, with all that explained, you should already know what was Sam reaction to this.

Sam: System, unequip {Aang card} and equip {Arngeir card}!

since he already changed himself into a firebender he doesnt need the {Aang card}, sure he would need to figure out how to firebend himself without Aang knowledge, but it couldnt be that hard can it? With batman skills in martial arts he can probably figure out a fighting style that will get along nicely with firebending.

Sam: okay, time to test it...

taking out deep breath he focused...and then!

Sam: FUS! RO! DAH!

do you know how it sounded? it sounded like fucking thunder! a massive wave of blue energy escaped Sam mouth and charged forward with such a force that it ripped chunks of earth from the fucking ground.

Seeing this, Sam was 100% sure that everybody that is going to be hit by this would be turned into a pile of blood and organs.

well unless Magic was involved...a good magic shield may block a Thu'um casted by a human...or at least he thinks it will.

so what is the first thing that Sam wants to do with this power?

Sam: i should develop a Thu'um that makes Woman horny.

WTF?? i mean, yeah i would do that too, but is that really the first thing that came to his mind?

can someone call the Horny Police? i think one of the prisoners of the Horny jail escaped.


hey readers! i have some business with you.

as you know Sam has Every item in the Omniverse, but i plan to use only 1 weapon for every universe, and any other weapon will be used only for shits and giggles.

here are the option i chose for the Weapons that Sam would use in the Skyrim world.

Remember that he will use only the weapon that will have the most votes and will not use any other until he is done with the Skyrim world.

with that warning, lets start the vote!

PS: i will add a photo of how the weapon looks like to every option.

1. "the golden sword"- the golden sword is the upgraded version of "the master sword" from the legend of zelda...which is fucking amazing to be honest.

you want to tell me, that a sword created by the goddess hylia and then bathed in the physical manifestations of power from the 3 golden goddesses can be upgraded EVEN MORE! sign me up!

*image here. (there are two of them because there exist 2 versions of it.)*

2."Muramasa from metal gear"-Murasama blade also referred to as the "A VT7 High-Frequency Blade" is able to cut trough anything, and seems to hold a mysterious energy that generates red lightning.

*image here*

3. "Ascalon from Dragon Dogma"- a sword wrought of an unknown metal imbued with holy light, giving its blade an otherworldly glow.

imma be honest...i put this sword here only because i liked the game "Dragon Dogma"

*image here*