
My Mr psychiatrist

A crazy event that pulled two opposite in attraction. She's a drama queen and blabbing mouth, while he seeks calm in silence, she's a trouble maker and he a peace maker. As a love expert ,creator and host of a famous show 'Bring love to life' , June tend to fail in organizing and achieving love for herself, she's a goal getter yet can't seem to grab a man for herself. When her career and show faced a risk of falling due to secrets she had hidden,she was compelled to take help from a psychiatrist with hopes of controlling the damage. Both skipped in the crazy journey in battle over destiny that seem to be pulling them together. "You're insane, trust me there's no cure for you." "And you're unworthy of your profession, I have no idea why I talked myself to come here, clearly you're a mad man" g,she meant every word,grabbing her hand bag she stumped out of his office. They're like cross roads that have no interest in each other but are fated to greet one another.

MisMuoka · Urban
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34 Chs

Not Her (chapter eleven)

"What?" Linda vents her discontent

"I know, May and I don't always get along and she might have all the motives to leak out the video but it not her" she argues in her defense striking more disbelief to Linda.

She expects her to nudge to the result and be the one requesting for May to be fired as the HR had decide but she's defending her, and calling for a second investigation be done. That's something you don't get to see everyday.

"Great, I don't know if you're being nice or stupid. Here's my final decision, you have till tomorrow to find out who the real culprit is as you claim , if you fail to do so then May will be asked to leave the company."

Linda offers taking a sit back, her head shaking to the day disorder. Her moment of silence came to an end with phone screen waking.

June walks out ,while Linda answers the call.

"Why did you speak in my defense?" May force the words out, like others she's taken by June's sudden stand on her side. What more she fenced as a guarantor.

A change in heart or a game of hers?.

"Because you ain't stupid enough to leave clues as such in your computer, someone must be behind it all " June assures earning a small smile from her.

"But what if you're wrong?, what if am really behind it?, then?" her eyes eagerly stays at June , waiting for her respond.

"Then you'll be fired , your career will be ruin and I won't let you off so easily. But I believe in my guts and it says you're innocent."

Strange how they always at each other necks ,and there they're exchanging words that ain't so hateful.

"So how do you plan to clear my name?" May's brows cocks at June, abstracting a meaning to her sky smile

"Your computer, your mail was used in leaking the video, so who ever is behind this must have left a clue" she details feeling an like a expert.

"You have no idea how to find the clue, do you?" June's head east ..west, gulping her seconds determination. Sure she has the intended mind of helping but she is no genius in computer nor an expert in tailing things out. Now the big question is who's going to help?.

"I'll" both June and may turn to the voice. May eyes glows out to see a helper that knows what she's doing , while June's fingers digs deep in her fresh. 

"I know a little about computer. I can help in tracking the person behind this, if there's one" she adds taking a closer reach to them.

"I don't need your help" June bitterly spit out gouging at the will of hers. Why's it everytime she on to something she shows up?. The despise is one she of known reasons, everything about her is to be dispose, her kindness, likeness and her damn face.

As much as it known to her that she has done nothing wrong and like her , she's a victim but the image of her mother is hers to carry.

Plus she has gotten everything she wants, their father's love and care. She was raised with love and care, while she by the rough steel of her mother whom wants perfection out of her. She can't help but be envious of her.

"You don't but she does, right?" Samantha asks setting looks on May.

" Of course, I need someone that actually knows what's she doing" May respond getting a snort from June. Her arms wraps in disapprove.

"If she's helping then my help isn't needed" she protests , getting an eye full from May.

"I have no clue of the beef you two have , I only know one thing am going to need both of your help if am to clear my name. You vouched for me ,that am grateful to. So Please do this for my sake".

It's uncertain if she is to budge, as it known they both ain't that buddies, why would she work with the face she hates all to clear her name?.

Her show rival?.

"Fine, but you stay feet away from me" she demands from Samantha that smile it away.

"Your computer?"

Smart, June taunts in her head, as she has thought of it first.

"June thought the same " a childish smile registers on her lips with May informing Samantha.

Samantha sits with her fingers hitting on the keys of the computer , with minutes of computing a loud relief exhaust her mouth.

"Done" she exclaim out slamming her palm on June's, who take late in realization of her joy in her success.

"This is the link that was used to upload the video. It a public site"

"Wow , you're a genius." June's scoff couldn't go by from their ears on May's compliment. Ignoring her kid tantrums, they focus on the site's location.

"How did you learned this skill?"

"It more like why. I went into computer because of my sister" Samantha said watching June that averts her gaze from her.

"You have a sister?" May entreat cutting out the moment of silence.

"Yes. I wanted to know more about her so I learned coding, that way I get to stalk her" she boldly said pointing out the location.

"Why do you need to stalk your sister?" May curious and baffled mind leads her mouth to inquire more.

"Probably to get to know her more"

"That's a crime" June cut in , irritated at the fact.

"I know but I did it to know her. I've wronged her and I need to talk to her and asked for reconcilement"

"And why do you feel she would want to reconcile with you?" Her voice spikes high, fury over her nerves.

Does she think it'll be so easy?, will a word of peace truly fix it. For years she has carried the burden, the hate for snatching her father and she just ….'arrrr'. The nerves of her...

"I know it not going be easy but I intend to bridge that gap. I know my face is a constant reminder of the woman that ruined your home, your family and mother. Trust me I feel much guilts toward you ,I took this job only to get close to you" Samantha open up, gapping the edges between them. Her solid eyes allure to weakness, sprinting drops to the cheeks.

June hastily looks away forbidding her hear from being touched by her words or melt at her tears. She's a copy of her mother, a thief that deserves no mercy, she reminds herself through.

"Did you think it will be easy?. Your pitiful words will melt my heart and I'll have an open arms for you? " she huffs, shaking the arms that feed on her warmth.

"After today I want nothing to do with you" she warns off, spearing not a second gaze at her.

Is Samantha asking for much?, should she forgive her and accept the sister bond?. But how much can she offer, she's just a human with flesh and heart.

"Am guessing that conversation wasn't met for my ears " May slide in grabbing the attention of Samantha that brushes it off with a smile.

No lies she read her mother's journal and in it she found her once happy family came into existence with the cost of another happy family to be broken. She felt the guilts of her begone mother towards her selfish acts, her will to make things right again, to apologize and request forgiveness but fear accumulate that it either too late as she was suffering from cancer. But hoped her daughter Samantha would maje things right. To fulfill her mother's last wish, she joined the company only to get close to June. With time she hopes to fix the broken bridge.


"How did it happened?" Linda anxious voice yells the question at her previous husband. He stares with baffle expression, taking the shock of his daughter accident.

"I got a call from the school, she had an attack" he said out.

Linda eyes rolls at him. Thinking how could he be so careless, he knows of their daughter weak heart, how could he allow her to attend school if she wasn't feeling well.

"The doctors have attended to her, it's just a minor attack" his words sooth in. But she knows far too well to have faith in his words,he's a master with his tongue. His skills of professor works it way all the time .

"You don't have to coach me up, I understand the situation. It all my fault I should have paid attention to her" her motherly instincts kicks in, guilting her mind on giving negation to her daughter, if only she had been a good mother to take care of her daughter then situation like this would have been averted.

It's of no use to drown in guilts, best, she should dedicate her time with her daughter.

"Thanks for coming " he genuinely appreciates her presence. Most on circumstance like this she will be too occupied to show up.

"I know how busy your schedule always hands out, thanks for making time"

"She's my daughter as well Abdul, I care as much as you do. Yes I slip away at my duties at times but she's mine". The familiarize of her tone brings in memories of their first meet.

Her voice was above his on shoving his weight on her her, causing the books in her hands to fall out. Their little arguments lived on for weeks before they sealed a deal of friendship for years, then cropped in the alien feelings that attached them in whole journey of twenty years.

"I'm going to see her " she push her heels to the entrance, scolding her eyes at the scene. In place of her is another woman caring for her daughter.

"Sorry, this is Lizzy" Abdul introduces "she came to visit her" that's nice of her but what's she doing caring for her daughter, her rights and limits are to Abdul not her daughter.

The fear of losing her daughter to her accumulate in her mind, she can let her have her ex husband but not her daughter she is the the only family she has.

"Hi" Lizzy extends her greetings to Linda that pave way to her daughter.

"Thanks for taking care of her but you can leave now, am here" she orders subduing the eyes that wants to protest. With little to say she makes way for Linda.

"Mom" her daughter murmurs out in her sleep. She caresses her hands on her face with soothing song.

"Go to sleep my little one mom is here " she assures with a peek on the forehead.


The day is exhaustful and she needs some peaceful rest without interruption . Her back takes support on the elevator panel,scolding her self for uprooting in May's case, now she's on the tail of an unknown person, whom isn't certain to be found. More seriously what enemy does she have with this mysterious being?.

"Hi" her eyes lit on the voice , she grasp a moment of silence before running it wild.

"Are you stalking me?" She yells out slamming her small purse at Dave.

"Stop " he catch the bag on it fourth strike, sending it back to its owner.

"Don't give your self much credit. I'm not stalking you"

liar liar liar, June screams in her head, coating a dirty look at him. He must have regretted his decision of rejecting her offer and now he's here to apologize and beg for a second chance. But come what may she isn't going to hand it to him so easily.

"Fine I accept you ain't stalking me but I won't say yes so easily, even if you cry your eyes out,I won't give in to you."

Dave's grace his eyes on her ,her hand tucking the stray hair locks behind her ears as her eyes dancing in excitement. He smirks , thinking of how insane she is and just can't figure why he's attracted to her.

"Go on say it" she demands staring straight in his eyes, letting her cheeks ripe.

"Say what?"

"Don't act dumb with me, silly. I know you're here to apologize for throwing me out of office and beg to be my fake boyfriend", she said smiling to the fullest.

"Sorry to bust your bubble but am not here for either of those. I'm here cause I live here" her flying carpet came flagging her to the solid ground with pain and embarrassment.

Her eyes shut quickly, shoving it to her hands. He smirk at how silly she looks and finds it cute at the same time.

"Hold on, since when did you live here?"

"If you live here those that makes us neighbors?".