
My Monster Legion

After an accident, Eric found himself in a magic world where women were dominant and men were treated as cruelly treated slaves. However, Eric awakened the Monster Legion System and became the owner of the Monster Legion, thereby fighting against this unfair world. Goblins dealt with female knights, and trolls broke through city walls. What, you say perfection is achieved through refinement and quality is greater than quantity? No, no, no, the more monsters in the Monster Legion, the better!

MoonTreeBA · Fantasy
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310 Chs


At the same time, a large number of goblins suddenly poured out of the small town.

They were short and shabby, each holding crude weapons such as wooden clubs, bones, bows and arrows, and rushed towards the people of the escort team.

"What?! These are goblins... why are there so many?!" Leonora was stunned.

Goblins were a type of male beastman, and she was familiar with them.

A single goblin was not a threat and could be killed by an ordinary adult.

But the number of goblins suddenly appearing in front of them was at least five or six hundred, comparable to a large goblin nest!

So many goblins swarmed up, even intermediate and advanced warriors of third or fourth rank could not withstand it.

Among these goblins, there were also dozens of hobgoblins mixed in!

Hobgoblins were much stronger than goblins and had the strength of a typical second-rank warrior.

"Why are there so many male beastmen here?! This place is at least a hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the Dahuang Plain of the female beastman empire!" Leonora did not expect that such a large group of beastmen would be hiding here.

"Quick, retreat!" She made the right decision at the first moment, but it was too late.

As soon as she spoke, Leonora suddenly realized that a large number of women warriors had fallen around her.

A large number of goblins had knocked down most of the female warriors in just a few tens of seconds, and each goblin gathered together to tear off their clothes!

Then, in the horrified eyes of the female warriors, the goblins knocked them down one by one, and their thick beastly penises swelled up at an alarming rate between their legs!

Immediately afterwards, the penises were brutally inserted into their vaginas.

The screams of the female warriors filled the air with extreme fear.

"Damn it!" Leonora was furious, shaking her long sword with sharp flame aura, cutting the goblins into two like tofu, blood splattering everywhere.

"Damn, what a heroic girl! Such a cool figure and a hot body, not bad at all!"

"These female warriors are all pretty good, let them all become my slaves!"

Far away, Eric watched in awe at the blue aura gathered on Leonora's sword.

However, no matter how powerful Leonora was, she couldn't change the current situation.

"Ah! Leonora-sama, please save me!"

Accompanied by screams, one female warrior after another was quickly taken down by goblins.

After their clothes were torn apart, the thick and hard animal penis accurately penetrated their vaginas, destroying all their will to fight!

"What a bunch of beasts!" Leonora was now filled with anger and grief, knowing she had no chance of survival.

As she once again pushed back the surrounding goblin attacks with her sword, she turned around only to find that there was no one by her side.

"Hehe, give up and surrender!" Eric had already appeared on the battlefield without her noticing.

"You... are you the leader of these orcs? A man?" Leonora was shocked to see Eric.

It was clear to her that Eric was the leader of these goblins and hobgoblins.

Eric didn't answer her, he just ordered all the goblins who had surrounded them to attack.

As Leonora struggled to push back the attacks of a goblin, she suddenly felt something wrap around her calf. A huge force came, making her stumble forward.

At the same time, two goblins pounced on Leonora from both sides, leaping high into the air and bringing her down, firmly suppressing her.

"Get them all tied up!"

All the resisting female warriors were suppressed and, with the help of goblins, were bound up.

All 50 female warriors were stripped of their clothing and tied up with their hands behind their backs, crouching in great humiliation.

Under Eric's deliberate control, the female warriors had suffered little physical harm, but had lost their fighting power due to direct genital blows and were eventually captured.

"Take them away and watch them closely. I will hold a celebration tonight."

Eric grinned as he looked at his spoils of war.

At night, fierce and evil-looking goblins drove the prisoners to the town square, while the residents of Maple Forest Town were also required to come and watch.

Eric sat on a chair with his legs crossed, surrounded by goblins providing tight security.

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the great King of lustful beasts, with countless armies of lustful beasts under my command. Now, let me clarify your identities again. You are female slaves! My female slaves! You are not allowed to wear clothes, and you must greet your master with a seductive pose, obediently following my commands as lowly female slaves!"

As soon as Eric finished speaking, there was an uproar among the prisoners.



The goblins heard the commotion and immediately brandished their weapons, howling loudly.

"You! You! And you! Goblins, drag them up here!"

Eric coldly smiled and directly pointed out the three female warriors who were making the most noise.

Several goblins immediately complied, dragging the three female warriors in front of Eric.

Creation is hard, please cheer me up~

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