

Peter was a poor college student who had to work hard just to put food on his table. His dad died when he was three years old and the only thing he left Peter was a small box. Peter is eighteen years and he still can't open the box. His mom works four jobs just to send him to school and Peter was able to get a scholarship to college. He lives in an old apartment close to the university. On this day Peter was in his room thinking about how to pay his rent. If he didn't pay then he would have to go back to the college dorms where he was bullied every day. He took the box his father left him and tried opening it with a knife. But the knife cut his hand. A drop of blood touched the box and it opened. A bright light came from the box a blinded Peter. He fell on the ground but not before seeing something. [Congratulations on unlocking the money-making system] ********* Will this system finally help Peter to achieve everything he ever wanted in this life? Find out by reading MY MONEY-MAKING SYSTEM.

Awudu_Salman · Others
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15 Chs

The Future

Peter was in his Ferrari and was driving to his reward. The International Water Works. He owned 20% of this company. His company was one of the reasons Broken Moon was a famous city. They made normal bottled water, soda, and other drinker-able liquid.

After an hour of driving, he finally reached a large building company. It was around 1000 feet tall and Peter saw some tourists taking pictures of the company. He parked his car in the underground parking lot. Before he could ask for directions he could a text from the number that call him and he was a room number on it. After searching for at least two minutes he found an office. He knock and heard a woman's voice tell him to enter. When he entered he saw a beautiful woman in a white long sleeves shirt and a not-too-short skirt. She looked to be in her early thirties. While Peter was admiring the lady she was also doing the same.

ʼHow could he be so young? I thought the picture I had was taken a long time ago but I was wrong.' The lady after thinking for a while shook her head. This was her new boss, he owned 20% of a 1.5 billion dollar company. Peter also shook his head and walked to the woman. When he got close enough he extended his hand and the lady immediately shook his hand. The lady told him to sit and when he was going to sit on the client's sit she stopped him.

"Mr. White this is your office pleased sit that the other side." The lady said pointing to the other bigger chair. Peter moved there and sat on the extremely comfortable chair. The lady sat on the client's chair and before she said anything, Peter place his hand up signing her to stop.

"Before we begin can you tell me your name?" Peter asked her with a smile.

"Of course Mr. White, My name is Grace Miller." Grace said returning the smile.

"Alright, then you may continue." Peter said.

Grace then went on to explain everything about the company the good things happening, the bad things happening, how they manage things, and others. She also told him about the other people who have a share in the company. There were a total of five people including Peter. There were two people with the lowest share of 10% making it 20%. Then there was another with 15% and finally Peter with over 20%.The last person who had 45% was someone even Peter knew. He was one of the richest men in the city and his name was William Giacometti. He was a respected and powerful man. After Peter asked a few questions and understood everything they were finally ready to sign the papers. Grace offered to give Peter a tour of the company and maybe take him to the company's factory but Peter refused saying that he was tired and would come for a tour later. Grace offered to show him to the exit.

They were walking side by side when a woman approached or approached Grace and told her something. Grace after hearing what the woman said became panicked. She looked at Peter who didn't know what was going on. She told Peter to follow her and they went to the top floor. They approached an office that Grace knocked on before entering. They entered and saw an elderly man sitting in his chair and going through some papers. Peter immediately recognized the man. It was the same man who owned 45% of the International water works. It was none other than William Giacometti. He raised his head and saw that Grace and a young man entered his office. He stopped what he was doing to welcome them. Grace greeted him and introduced Peter to Mr. William. William sized Peter and was a little impressed that a young man owes 20% of a billion-dollar company. He got up and offered his hand to Peter and it didn't take a second and Peter shook his hand. Mr. William signed Peter to sit down and talk and Peter happily agreed. They talked for hours and it wasn't about money or what they owned but just about life. What they did for fun and another thing that Peter enjoyed. Their conversation was stopped by a phone call that Mr. William had to answer. They said goodbye to each other and even exchanged their number. Peter left the office and decided to go to the hotel. He checked the time on his watch and saw that it was already 2:00 pm. He had five hours to get ready for the party that Carl invited him to. So he left the company and got to his Ferrari.

He got to his hotel an hour later and he was planning on resting for a few hours before going to the party. When he entered he saw Mr. Yen and saw him talking to someone but it looked like he was arguing. Peter wasn't going to interfere in this business but he then realize that if it was about the hotel then it was his business too. He pushed his laziness aside a walked toward the two. The man talking to Mr. Yen was a tall, handsome, dark man in his twenties. When he got closer he understood what was happening and realize that it was kinda his fault. The man had made a registration a week ago saying he would stay at the top class for a week. But when he came today to stay the manager said his room was given out to someone. And that someone was Peter. There were a total of five top classrooms and three were occupied at the moment. This man and another person had made a registration for the last two rooms and this man's own was being used by Peter currently. Peter thought about it for a while before having an idea that can fix the problem. He stepped forward.

"I have an idea that can fix all of this." Peter said with a smile.

"Mr. White. You are back. Please do not worry I will fix this." Mr. Yen said with a nervous look on his face.

"And who is this?" The man with a confused look asked.

"This is Peter White. The owner of this hotel." Mr. Yen answered. The man measured Peter and was really impressed.

"Mr. Yen, if I am correct then to have one of our rooms they pay the same price right so why don't we just send this man to the other room and don't worry I was planning to move very soon so when the other person arrives they can move to my room." Peter explained and when he saw the satisfaction on the face of Mr. Yen Peter was leaving when the man called him back. The man extended his hand and Peter shook his hands back.

"I am David Cameron. And I am sorry for the misunderstanding. It's just that today was supposed to be a special day." David said while rubbing the back of his head.

"I understand." Peter said while nodding his head and leaving for his room.


Present day

Peter had told them everything that happened but left the part of owning 20% of the Int. Water Works out. He only told them about the hotel part. After the group talked for a while they decided to go leave the party. It was getting boring and people were also starting to leave. They got out and the three men had their cars but the two women would be leaving together but before they could separate someone shouted David's name. A woman was running towards them and she wasn't slowing down. When she got close she jumped onto David. The woman was Emma and she was crying nonstop. David immediately punched her back and sent daggers toward her.

"Baby, why are you doing this to me? I thought we were in love. And why are you listening to that poor loser? I thought about it for a while and I understand why you say he is rich. You see his friend is Carl and he is rich. Carl can just give him suits to wear you will think he is rich." Emma said what was on her mind. Before David could say anything Peter had enough and wanted to speak.

"Emma, please stop disgracing yourself." Peter said.

"Shut the hell up you rat!" Emma shouted with a disgusted look on her. "Just before I break your stupid heart you think you can make a fool out of me? You wish you loser. I have found my true love. He is older, richer, and more handsome than you."

"Oh please the only thing she got correct was the older part. Peter is way more handsome than David" Messia who was still there whispered to Abigail.

"Oh my God Emma. Then tell me how you explain the car." Carl who had enough asked while pointing to the Ferrari. When Emma saw the car and saw that Peter had the keys she was dumbfounded.

"Y…...You can.....ju.....just give him one of your cars." Emma had another excuse.

Peter was about to say something when Emma slapped him hard. Everyone was shocked. Just when Peter was about to react a black car drove in front of them. The backseat widow opened and everyone couldn't believe who it was. He was a very powerful and wealthy man. It was none other than William Giacometti. Everyone took a bow to show respect to him.

"I knew I saw someone who was familiar. It's good to see you again Carl." Mr. William said and Carl greeted him with another bow. "Oh, it seems you know David. That's nice to know."

David also took a bow and Carl was shouted a little.

Mr. William kept on looking behind them to see the other man then he saw another familiar face.

"Oh, this is a surprise. Peter, you are here too? This is good. You know it would be great if the three of you become friends. Having the future of Broken Moon as friends will benefit all of us. You three are the ones who will change this city from being a famous city to being a great city. Anyway, I must leave I will make time to invite the three of you to dinner to talk." This widow went up and his car left leaving everyone in shock.

Melissa and Abigail had not only seen one of the most powerful men in the city but he had told them the future of the city and they needed to take notes. Emma on the other hand had the face of someone who had seen the devil himself. She had just slapped the future of this city and called him a rat and a poor loser. Before she could go on her knees and asked for forgiveness like her life depended on it Peter got close to her and gave her a cold look.

"Listen to me very carefully. I never want to see you ever again and if I do see you then I will make your life in this city so bad that you will want to live in hell, do you understand me?"

Before she could say anything Peter got in his Ferrari and drove off. David and Carl also got to their cars and left. Messlia and Abigail made a call and a black car came to take them away. Emma was the only one standing there.