

Peter was a poor college student who had to work hard just to put food on his table. His dad died when he was three years old and the only thing he left Peter was a small box. Peter is eighteen years and he still can't open the box. His mom works four jobs just to send him to school and Peter was able to get a scholarship to college. He lives in an old apartment close to the university. On this day Peter was in his room thinking about how to pay his rent. If he didn't pay then he would have to go back to the college dorms where he was bullied every day. He took the box his father left him and tried opening it with a knife. But the knife cut his hand. A drop of blood touched the box and it opened. A bright light came from the box a blinded Peter. He fell on the ground but not before seeing something. [Congratulations on unlocking the money-making system] ********* Will this system finally help Peter to achieve everything he ever wanted in this life? Find out by reading MY MONEY-MAKING SYSTEM.

Awudu_Salman · Others
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15 Chs

System Shop

Peter and Carl, were in the car driving to a Ferrari shop that Carl knew. They had been in the car for more than fifteen minutes and Carl said they would need a couple more thirty minutes. So they just did a small talk on the way. Peter and Carl were best friends since childhood. Even though Carl was from a rich and powerful family he never treated Peter like trash. And because of that Peter appreciated it. They were still in the car when Peter got a message from the system.

[New Quest]

[Drive a few kilometers]

[The system will notify you when to stop.]

Peter didn't do anything and after a few driving kilometers.

[You have arrived at your destination.]

"Can you stop here please there is something I would like to do?" Peter said Carl drove to a parking space and Peter got out to move to the location.

Peter kept following the system until he got to an alleyway. The system told him to enter so he did and soon he saw a young girl. She looked to be around fifteen or sixteen. She had dirty clothes but for her age, she still looked beautiful. The girl noticed Peter and run to him. When she got to Peter she held his hand.

"Hello, sir please help me. My mother is sick and she needs to be treated. In helping me I will let you do whatever you want to me." Peter couldn't believe his ears what was this girl saying. Was she giving her body for money? But she said her mother was sick. The girl started to take off her clothes but Peter immediately stopped her.

"Little girl, you don't even know." Peter said, trying to put her clothes back on her. Then the girl started to cry.

"Sir, please my mother is the only one let that loves me please sir. This is the only way I can make money to treat her or she will die. Please help me." The girl kept on crying her heart out and Peter just couldn't stand there and do anything but he then notice something. There was a necklace around her neck. It was a 21kt white gold Reveal tourmaline and jade pendant necklace. Peter had seen this necklace before but he could put his finger into it. He took out his phone and after searching for a while he finally saw it. The necklace was called Petra. It was made in 1979 and was given to a royal. The necklace was so beautiful that the person who made the necklace was forced to make fifteen more but only use 15kt instead of 21kt. The original was lost but not before reaching a net worth of around 364 thousand dollars and due to it being lost its net worth has been increasing. The replica also got a net worth of around 155 thousand dollars. Then Peter had an idea.

"Little girl, how about you sell me your necklace? It is very valuable to this world and it cost a lot of money so how about I give you 160 thousand for it." Peter said while reaching into his pocket and taking his checkbook. He wrote filled the space and gave it to the now confused, crying girl. She took the necklace and exchange it for the check.

The things that were going on in her mind were;

Who was this man?

Did he just solve her problem?

Did he just give her a hundred thousand?

When she looked up Peter was already leaving for the alleyway. She wanted to know his name but no words came out of her mouth. Peter was finally gone and she run deep into the alleyway and got to a woman laying on the ground. She looked like she was not going to make it and she had only a few days left. The girl reached the woman and took something from the woman's side. It was a phone but it was in very bad condition. She dials a number and a few seconds later.

"Hello, this is 911 how can I help you." A voice said from the phone.

"My mother is very sick and she needs help."

The girl said.

"Don't worry little girl I have found your location wait a few minutes we will get there soon. In the meantime, we would like to ask you a few questions." The voice from the phone said.

Even though the girl was being questioned she still had one thing in her mind.

"I will find you, Mr. Stranger, and thank you properly." The girl said.


Peter finally came out of the alleyway and place the necklace in his pocket. He went to Carl and saw him on the phone. He was talking to someone and when he saw Peter he said goodbye and hung up. He got into the car a drove to their destination. In the car, Peter wanted to check his quest.

[Quest Completed]


[30 million dollars]

[System shop]

Peter still couldn't believe he was a millionaire but something was confusing him. What was this System shop? He checked his status.


Name: Peter White



Net worth:157 million dollars

Property owned: {five-star hotel} Blessed Hotel

Public status: Decent

He checked his status but there was no system shop. While thinking about it the screen appeared again but didn't display what it usually displays.

[System shop]

[The system will allow the user to buy any ability that will help him in the future. These abilities include Driving ability, fighting ability, ability to talk to a group of people, and so many more]

He now understood what this shop does and he was impressed. With the help of these abilities, his life would become even better. And he already had something in mind to buy. He opened the system shop and saw a list of abilities over a hundred to a thousand. And then thought about ability and it appeared in front of him.

[Driving ability]

[Your driving is very poor and is not even impressive. Upgrade it to level 2 for only 500 thousand dollars.]

If there was one thing that was for sure it was that the things in this system shop would not be cheap. He took a deep breath and decided to upgrade his driving ability. After a few seconds, he felt a large amount of energy enter him. It was so addictive that he was willing to buy or upgrade another ability just to feel it again but when he saw the prices he immediately forgot about it and left the shop.

When he checked, they were approaching a huge shop. And on the front was Ferrari. They entered and parked the car. They entered the shop with Carl showing them the same card he showed when entering the mall. When they entered, a man in a suit immediately came to greet them. Peter saw the manager's tag on his suit. They introduced themselves and were in search of a car for Peter. Peter kept on looking and just couldn't decide. That was until he saw the shop price possession. It was on a stage and was being displayed. He immediately know what car that was and he wanted it so badly.

"Excuse me but isn't that the Ferrari 488?" Peter said with excitement in his eyes.

"You have a keen eye, sir. But that isn't the real one. The real one is in the back to keep it safe." The manager said respectfully.

"How much does it cost?" Peter asked the manager who looked even more excited. Selling this car would increase his income by a large number.

"It cost 479,998 dollars, sir." The manager said.

Peter just took out his card and they went to the office to sign the papers. After paying the money they went to the back of the shop and Peter saw it. The Ferrari 488 looked even better than the one at the front. He was given the keys to the car. Peter sat inside and just couldn't believe it he had a sports car but not just any sports car but a Ferrari car. Carl gave Peter all his belongings and said goodbye. He had to be somewhere important and he would meet Peter at school the next day. Peter took a deep breath and started the car. And within a few seconds, he was gone only living an afterimage of the car.


Percent time

Peter and Carl walked side by side into the party. Every lady that looked their way saw them as two angles. Because of Peter's haircut that now revealed his face he looked given more handsome. Carl showed Peter the table they were going to be sitting on. And when they sat down not even a minute later the two large arrived. Carl invited them to sit and chat. Peter also didn't mind since this was a party and a party was meant to be used for socializing. The lady that wore a red dress was called Abigail and the one that wore a blue dress was Melissa. They talked for a while and instantly become friends. After some time Carl looked at Peter and asked.

"So why didn't you come to school today?" Carl asked his friend.

"Oh well, you see..." Peter's story was interrupted by another lady who came to stand in front of him. It was nonother than Emma.

"What is someone like you doing here?"Emma said with a disgusted look on her face.