

Peter was a poor college student who had to work hard just to put food on his table. His dad died when he was three years old and the only thing he left Peter was a small box. Peter is eighteen years and he still can't open the box. His mom works four jobs just to send him to school and Peter was able to get a scholarship to college. He lives in an old apartment close to the university. On this day Peter was in his room thinking about how to pay his rent. If he didn't pay then he would have to go back to the college dorms where he was bullied every day. He took the box his father left him and tried opening it with a knife. But the knife cut his hand. A drop of blood touched the box and it opened. A bright light came from the box a blinded Peter. He fell on the ground but not before seeing something. [Congratulations on unlocking the money-making system] ********* Will this system finally help Peter to achieve everything he ever wanted in this life? Find out by reading MY MONEY-MAKING SYSTEM.

Awudu_Salman · Others
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15 Chs

I'm a secret millionaire

Peter had arrived at the bank the largest bank in Broken Moon city. He entered and saw a line but he was not there to deposit or withdraw he was here to change his bank card. You see the bank had different types of cards. It started from the low class, medium class, high class, gold class, and Platinum class.

The low class where people who had a net worth of one to ten thousand dollars. The medium where for people who had a net worth of ten thousand to two hundred and fifty thousand. The high was for people who had a net worth of about two hundred and fifty thousand to one million. The gold was for people who had a net worth of one million to five hundred million. The platinum was for people who had a net worth of five hundred million upward. Only ten people that are in the same bank have this care. Peter walked to the last area of the bank where you could change your card. There was no one there which was not weird at all. He stepped forward and saw that the woman inside was sleeping on the job. He knocked on the window gently which woke the woman up. When she woke up she had a bright smile on her face but when she looked at Peter and measured him it turned to an ugly face.

"Sir please this is not where you deposit money." She said in a soft voice but the look on her face spoke differently.

"I am not here to deposit I am here to change my card." Peter said. She immediately changed her expression to a smile again.

"Okay, sir what would you like to change your card to." She asked Peter.

"I would like to change it to the Gold card please." Peter answered her.

"Okay sir, I would like you to give me your high-class card please." She asked Peter.

"I don't use a high-class card I use a low-class card." Peter said showing her the card.

She immediately stop writing down the information and had an ugly look. What nonsense was he talking about how can you change your card from a low class to a gold class? Then it hit her that maybe he was a robber. And he was distracting her so that his friends could steal from the bank. She immediately called for security. Then she looked behind him and saw a man and a suit talking to another older man also in a suit. She had a smile on her face and knew this was her opportunity.

"Listen very carefully I have seen your face if you try to run you will get into even bigger trouble." She said coldly to Peter. Peter didn't understand what she meant by that but he was then grabbed by two security men.

"Hey! What the hell is going on here?" Peter was so confused about why we're these people holding him like he was a theft.

"Good job boys. That's the guy who tried to steal from us." The lady said with her nose up high.

"Steal from you? Why would I want to steal from you I just came here to change my card." Peter said trying his best to break free.

"Nice try but why would you come here and change your card from low class to gold class." The lady said.

The man who was talking to the elder man was done talking to him and saw the security men holding a man. He wanted to check what was happening here so he decided to check it out. When he got there the woman immediately greeted him.

"Mr. Parker, I caught this boy trying to steal from our bank." The lady said respectably.

Michael Parker was the manager of the bank. This bank belonged to his family and he was doing his part by working as a manager. He one day hopes to become CEO of the bank.

Before he could say anything Peter was already talking.

"I was not trying to steal anything I was just here to change my card." Peter said still trying to free himself.

"Keep your mouth shut you, thief. How can you change your card from a low class to a gold class? You are just trying to distract me so you and your friends can do something. Speaking of which, where are your friends." The Lady said looking around the place.

Michael place his hand on his chin to think it did make sense but something was telling him to give this boy a chance. Michael took the low-class card on the floor and walked up to Peter.

"I am going to give you a chance but let me tell you something if I find out that you are lying or that you are trying to trick us I will make your life a living hell. And you will wish you were in hell." Michael said and told the security guards to follow him but still hold him. They walked to another lady who was also changing cards. Michael told her what he wanted them to do first. He wanted to know the amount of money in his bank account.

The woman asked for his name, ID number, and bank number. Then his account was displayed on the screen.

"He has a total amount of 5,650,055 dollars." The lady checking the account mentioned his balance.

Michael immediately signed the security guards to let him go. Peter was released and was pissed. He then looked at the woman who accused him of stealing. She had the face of a shocked person. She didn't understand why was a millionaire dressed like a commer and why did he have a low-class card.

Peter just smiled and said.

"I'm a secret millionaire."

Michael apologized for what he said but Peter understood and let it go. Peter's card was then changed to a gold card.

"Alright, Mr. White if this card gets missing you will have to pay 25,000 dollars before getting a new one." The lady said. When Peter was done ask to withdraw 15,000 dollars and when he got it he left after saying goodbye.

"Pack your things and leave right now." Michael said and left for his office. Everyone knew who the person he was talking to was. The lady falsely accused Peter of trying to steal. The woman was still in shock.

Peter was outside and was holding three envelopes. Each of them had five thousand dollars in them. And they were all his. He called for a taxi and went to his apartment. But before entering his apartment he went straight. He then got to the old man he got the five dollars and six cents. He went to one knee and took the man's hand.

"I didn't have enough last time but this time I have something for you." Peter place an envelope in his hand. "Use this to get back on your feet."

After giving away five thousand dollars he left and when the old man opened it he had tears in his eyes. But there was no one to thank the man was gone so he thank God and asked him to bless that young man.

Peter entered his apartment and went to his room to pack and leave. He looked around but there was nothing he could take with him. He had only five T-shirts and two pairs of shorts. So he left with nothing in his one except for the money.

On his way, he saw an old man and a muscular man.

"Here where do you think you are going? I told you that I would call my son if you didn't pay your rent." The old man said.

"Look, why don't you pay so we don't have to call the ambulance." The man said with a smile.

Peter didn't say anything and just gave the old man the money.

"Here is 250. I paid double because I kept long to pay and I will be leaving this place so you can rent my room to someone else." Peter said and left.

Peter went to the closest motel and rented a room for the night. It would cost him another 250 for a night. When he entered the room it was far nicer than his old room. The was a soft bed a nice bathroom and a nice toilet. He then took a long shower and lay on his soft bed. He took out his phone which was an iPhone 5. It was not even new when he bought it. He then ordered Chinese food. It didn't take more than ten minutes and the person was there. He paid 100 dollars and told him to keep the change. He ate happily since he only eats Chinese food on special occasions. After eating he lay on his bed a starting to think about today. He made more spent more money than he makes in a month. And tomorrow he was going to spend and maybe make more money.


Hey guys, I just wanted to say thanks for reading my novel I really appreciate it. Oh, and the city Peter is called Broken Moon City and not Chicago. A made-up city so I can have some freedom in writing.