
My MILF Teacher is too cautious

Imagine a world where two souls, one male, and the other female, were reincarnated, but in vastly different forms from their previous lives. The male soul, once a fearless and valiant hero, has been reborn as a pitiful, unattractive villainous character, struggling with his newfound weakness and physical appearance. However, his heart remains as courageous as ever, and he becomes a student of the female reincarnation, seeking to improve himself and prove that he is more than his exterior. On the other hand, the female soul, once carefree and reckless, now finds herself in the form of a stunning, powerful MILF with abilities beyond her wildest dreams. Despite her incredible powers, she remains overly cautious and hesitant, fearing the consequences of her actions. She takes on the role of the protagonist's teacher, hoping to guide him toward a brighter future while also learning to overcome her fears and limitations. Together, these two unlikely characters embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, each struggling to find their place in this new world while navigating the challenges and dangers that come their way. Despite their vastly different backgrounds and personalities, they learn to work together and support one another, forging a bond that will help them overcome any obstacle in their path. Harem: It is very much a harem story with some dark elements in this story.

Universe_X · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Two individuals New beginning: Step-mom

As Harry finds himself lost in thought, a gentle sigh escapes his lips. A profound realization dawns upon him, filling his heart with an inexplicable longing. "Why is it," he ponders, "that an overwhelming urge to delve into the enchanting realms of literature has suddenly captured my soul?"

Unbeknownst to him, Harry remained blissfully ignorant of the profound truth that his consequential decision had been subtly swayed by the persuasive influence of Smith.

As Harry made his way towards the grand library, a captivating edifice of knowledge, he was suddenly intercepted by a stern-faced guard. The guard leaned in close, his voice a barely audible whisper, and cast a derisive gaze upon Harry. "Pray, tell, what brings a seemingly illiterate soul like yourself to this hallowed sanctuary of wisdom?" he taunted, his words laced with disdain. A threatening undertone resonated in his voice as he added, "It would be in your best interest to depart swiftly, lest I find myself compelled to impart a painful lesson upon your limb."

In a fit of intense anger, Harry strides forward and forcefully kicks the guard in the leg. Observers standing outside the library witness this incident and begin to exchange whispers among themselves. One person remarks, "Hey, look at this troublemaker again, resorting to bullying." Another disgruntled onlooker adds, "He only bullies because he's the son of a master. If it weren't for that, I would give him a taste of his own medicine." Yet another person chimes in, "I just want to teach this overweight guy a lesson, using nothing but my own fists."

Upon hearing the murmurs, Harry turns his attention towards the crowd. The moment he does, silence descends upon them, but their eyes betray a mixture of fear, anger, and negative thoughts. Meanwhile, Smith suddenly another memory comes that this isn't the first time someone has provoked Harry. It seems that people always find ways to incite him. Meanwhile, the guard, writhing in pain, reflects inwardly, "Ha, this troublemaker will only attract more negative opinions from others, and the young master will surely reward me for this."

Smith, with a determined expression on his face, relentlessly attempted to exert control over Harry, urging him to depart from the scene. However, his efforts proved futile as Harry stood his ground, refusing to budge. Just as he began to navigate through the crowd, a resonant voice reverberated through the air, instantly grabbing everyone's attention, "Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves, for the arrival of the esteemed First Lady."

As Smith caught sight of the first lady upon her arrival at the library, his gaze, filtered through Harry's eyes, was met with disbelief. He couldn't help but be captivated by her astonishing beauty, which surpassed his expectations. She possessed a remarkable height and an impeccably well-maintained figure that gracefully reflected her age. Her radiant presence seemed to emanate an aura of elegance and sophistication, leaving Smith in awe. However, he quickly composed himself, reminding his inner self that he was a devoted husband.

The first lady, sensing something amiss, noticed Harry and the guard on the ground and inquired, "What happened here?" Harry, displaying a touch of arrogance, retorted, "It's none of your business." Just as the words escaped his lips, one of the attendees, representing the first lady, spoke up in anger, reprimanding Harry's insolence. She paused briefly, casting disapproving glances at the first lady, before correcting herself, "I mean, it is her business. After all, she is your mother." Annoyed by the situation, Harry replied with evident annoyance, "She is my stepmom."

Smith was taken aback, his eyes widening in disbelief as the shocking revelation unfolded before him. The woman standing before him, with an air of elegance and poise, was none other than Harry's stepmother. In this fantastical realm, where the lines between reality and imagination blurred, a sense of foreboding washed over Smith. He couldn't help but recall the recurring theme in such fantasies – the stepmother always emerged as the main antagonist, weaving a web of treachery and deceit. Fear gripped Smith's heart as he pondered the implications of this newfound knowledge.

- To be continued.