
My MILF Teacher is too cautious

Imagine a world where two souls, one male, and the other female, were reincarnated, but in vastly different forms from their previous lives. The male soul, once a fearless and valiant hero, has been reborn as a pitiful, unattractive villainous character, struggling with his newfound weakness and physical appearance. However, his heart remains as courageous as ever, and he becomes a student of the female reincarnation, seeking to improve himself and prove that he is more than his exterior. On the other hand, the female soul, once carefree and reckless, now finds herself in the form of a stunning, powerful MILF with abilities beyond her wildest dreams. Despite her incredible powers, she remains overly cautious and hesitant, fearing the consequences of her actions. She takes on the role of the protagonist's teacher, hoping to guide him toward a brighter future while also learning to overcome her fears and limitations. Together, these two unlikely characters embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, each struggling to find their place in this new world while navigating the challenges and dangers that come their way. Despite their vastly different backgrounds and personalities, they learn to work together and support one another, forging a bond that will help them overcome any obstacle in their path. Harem: It is very much a harem story with some dark elements in this story.

Universe_X · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Two individuals New beginning: Maya's story

Maya approaches Harry with a look of determination on her face. He can sense the palpable tension between them and knows that she has come seeking revenge. It dawns on Smith that Harry has always humiliated Maya, and now she has finally mustered up the courage to confront him. The weight of Harry's actions and the regret he feels are overwhelming, leaving him unable to find the strength to ask for forgiveness. It's as if his body is weighed down by the guilt that has been building up inside him. Despite his regret, Smith can't help but admire Maya's bravery in facing him, and he silently hopes that she can find it in her heart to forgive him. Suddenly, Maya surprises him by sitting down on the ground and extending her hand.

With a gentle touch, Maya grasps Harry's hand and channels her powerful healing magic through her fingertips. A wave of warmth spreads throughout Harry's body as he feels the magic working its wonders. The once-broken bones and bruises begin to mend as if they were never there in the first place. Maya's skilled touch and powerful magic bring a sense of relief and comfort to Harry, leaving him in awe of her abilities.

Smith was completely taken aback by Maya's unexpected show of sympathy towards him, especially after the way Harry had treated her all day. Seeing Harry in pain, Maya couldn't hold back her tears and used all her magical strength to heal him. After she had finished, Harry reached out to pet her head as a gesture of thanks, but to his surprise, Maya suddenly recoiled in fear. Confused, Harry asked Maya why she had helped him despite everything he had done to her. With a gentle voice, Maya replied, "Sir, I don't know what you mean. I've always tried to do everything I can to help."

In an instant, a deluge of memories flooded Smith's mind, each one showcasing Maya's unwavering support and assistance, time and time again, as Harry traversed the numerous challenges and hurdles that life had thrown his way. It was as if a reel of moments, from the simplest of gestures to the grandest of actions, played out before him, each one a testament to Maya's unwavering loyalty and dedication.

Despite his repeated questioning, Smith still couldn't fathom why Maya show loyal to him and came to his aid. Frustrated and confused, he decided to take a different approach and posed the same query once again. "Why do you always help me?" he inquired, with a tinge of desperation in his voice. "I'm aware of how I've treated you, humiliating you time and time again. Yet you continue to put your life on the line for me. It makes no sense. I'm not even the young master, so why show such unwavering loyalty to me? I am just a villain. So, just let me die if that's what it takes."

Maya ponders silently, her mind filled with questions that have been nagging at her. "Why do I always feel the urge to follow you? Why do I go out of my way to help you? Why am I willing to do anything for you?" Though she cannot articulate the reasons, she understands the underlying motivation. It's simply because she loves him. Despite the uncertainty and fear that come with admitting such a powerful emotion, Maya's heart swells with affection and devotion for him.

The story began when Maya was 15 years old,

when Maya went to live with her grandparents, a decision that left her with many questions about the whereabouts of her parents. Every time she asked her grandparents about them, they would deflect the topic, leaving her even more puzzled. However, fate took an unexpected turn when a group of stern-looking soldiers showed up at their doorstep, demanding to take Maya with them. Despite their heartfelt protests, her grandparents were unable to prevent the soldiers from taking her away, leaving Maya bewildered and scared about what her future held.

Maya was presented by the head of the Calf family, who began to speak to her in a low voice, "You know, young lady, I have searched for you tirelessly for five long years. Do you want to know why you are here?" Maya shook her head in confusion, and the head of the family continued, "It is because your mother, that wretched woman, killed my wife and then took her own life. I was unable to punish her, so I can only satisfy my hunger for revenge by killing you." As he drew his sword to attack her, Maya's heart raced with fear, and she silently prayed for salvation or a hero to save her from her impending doom.

In that moment of desperation, a young, around five-year-old, overweight boy burst through the door and shouted, "Stop, Father!" The head of the family grew angry at the sight of his son and snapped, "I told you not to call me your father and never to show up in front of me." The boy replied, "I am only here to meet the daughter of my mother's murderer. As the son of the woman who was killed, I am the one with the power to punish, not you." The head of the family was enraged, but he could not do anything about the situation. He asked his son, "What do you want to do with her?" Harry replied, "I want her to be my maid." The head of the family was taken aback by Harry's answer and realized with a sense of nostalgia and happiness that he was her son. He was about to laugh when he stopped himself and said, "You can take her."

As Harry guided Maya to her room, he spoke with a calm yet firm tone, "I didn't save you out of pity, but rather because I refuse to let that old man take another life in the name of my mother. Besides, you had no involvement in what happened to her. So why should I let you suffer?" These words struck a chord with Maya, and she was taken aback by Harry's selflessness and bravery. At that moment, she couldn't help but fall deeply in love with the person who had rescued her from the brink of death. The way he without hesitation saved her made her feel truly grateful and touched her heart in a way she had never experienced before.

- To be continued