
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The trial of celestial elemental harmony...

As Lie xian walked through the celestial gardens and observed the other disciples, Lei Xian couldn't help but be inspired by the diversity of bloodlines within the sect. Each disciple was a testament to the rich tapestry of celestial heritage that existed, and they coexisted in harmony, forging bonds that transcended their bloodline differences.

This trial was considered one of the most challenging and sought-after tests within the sect, as it required not only martial prowess but also an understanding of celestial elements.

Intrigued by the prospect of the trial, Lei Xian approached Senior Disciple Jian for more information. "Senior Brother Jian, could you tell us more about the Trial of Celestial Elemental Harmony?"

Senior Disciple Jian nodded, recognizing the curiosity in Lei Xian's eyes. "Of course, Lei Xian. The Trial of Celestial Elemental Harmony is a test of your ability to control and harmonize with the elemental energies of the celestial realm. You'll be required to navigate a series of elemental challenges, each representing one of the five celestial elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether."

Lei Xian's heart raced with excitement. "How can we prepare for this trial, Senior Brother Jian?"

Senior Disciple Jian smiled. "The trial will test not only your martial skill but also your ability to adapt and learn quickly. I recommend studying the Celestial Sutras, a set of ancient texts that explain the principles of elemental harmony. You should also seek out the guidance of the masters who specialize in elemental arts within the sect."

Over the next few weeks, Lei Xian, Lina, and Xian delved into the Celestial Sutras with unwavering determination. They practiced their martial forms while visualizing the harmonious interplay of the celestial elements. They also sought the guidance of the masters, learning to manipulate the energies of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether.

As the day of the trial approached, the excitement in the sect was palpable. Disciples from various bloodlines trained tirelessly, honing their elemental skills. Among them was a young man named Huang Ren, who hailed from the prestigious Huang family, known for their hereditary bloodline of the Celestial Serpent.

Huang Ren possessed the Celestial Serpent bloodline, a powerful lineage that allowed him to control serpentine energies and manifest them as ethereal serpents. He was charismatic, skilled, and fiercely ambitious, driven by the desire to prove the superiority of his bloodline.

During their preparation for the trial, Lei Xian, Lina, and Xian crossed paths with Huang Ren. They admired his mastery over the Celestial Serpent bloodline but were taken aback by his arrogance and his belief that his bloodline made him inherently superior.

One evening, as the three friends were practicing their elemental techniques near a tranquil celestial pond, Huang Ren approached them, his gaze filled with condescension. "Lei Xian, Lina, and Xian, I see you're diligently preparing for the Trial of Celestial Elemental Harmony. But do you truly believe that your bloodlines can compare to the majesty of the Celestial Serpent?"

Lei Xian, calm and confident, replied, "We may come from different bloodlines, Huang Ren, but in the end, it is our dedication and skills that matter most."

Lina chimed in, her fiery spirit matching her Phoenix bloodline. "The Celestial Serpent is impressive, but every bloodline has its unique strengths. We are here to learn and grow, not to belittle others."

Xian, with his quiet wisdom, added, "In the Celestial Sect, we respect each other's heritage and support one another on the path of celestial martial arts."

Huang Ren's pride was wounded by their words. He scoffed, "Words are easy, but actions speak louder. Let's see who will shine in the Trial of Celestial Elemental Harmony."

The stage was set for a clash of not just elemental prowess but also of philosophies and values. Huang Ren, driven by his belief in the supremacy of his bloodline, saw Lei Xian, Lina, and Xian as challengers to his claim. In his eyes, they were a threat to his position and the honor of the Huang family.

The day of the trial arrived, and disciples from all corners of the sect gathered in anticipation. The trial grounds were a vast, elemental arena, with distinct sections representing each celestial element. The participants would face challenges in each section, demonstrating their mastery of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether.

As the trial began, Lei Xian, Lina, and Xian displayed their unwavering determination and remarkable teamwork. They harmonized with the elemental energies, showcasing their skills in each section. Their performances garnered admiration from the onlookers, including the elders and masters.

Huang Ren, not to be outdone, demonstrated the might of the Celestial Serpent bloodline. He conjured serpentine energies, controlling them with finesse. His confidence and power were undeniable, and he too earned praise for his display.

However, it was in the Ether section, representing the most elusive and transcendental of the celestial elements, that the clash between Huang Ren and Lei Xian reached its peak. The challenge required participants to manifest their bloodline's unique qualities and combine them with the essence of Ether.

Lei Xian, drawing upon his gryphon bloodline, channeled ethereal wings of iridescent light. He soared gracefully through the celestial sky, leaving a trail of celestial energy in his wake. It was a breathtaking sight, and the audience watched in awe.

Huang Ren, not to be outshone, summoned a magnificent serpentine form that coiled and spiraled with ethereal grace. His control over the Celestial Serpent bloodline was a spectacle of power.

As the Ether challenge concluded, it was evident that Lei Xian's performance had resonated with the spectators, including the elders, who saw his gryphon bloodline as a symbol of great potential. Huang Ren, however, could not bear the thought of being overshadowed.

Driven by the jealousy his eyes filled with fiery bitterness looked at Lei xian and mumbled "You may impress the crowd with your gryphon bloodline, but I will not be surpassed. My Celestial Serpent bloodline is unmatched, and I won't allow anyone to threaten my standing."

To be continued....