
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Eternal Celestial Sect first trial..

Lei Xian's journey to the Eternal Celestial Sect was a challenging one. The sect was hidden deep within the heart of a sacred mountain, accessible only through treacherous paths and concealed passages. He embarked on this journey with determination and the weight of expectation on his shoulders.

As Lei Xian ventured deeper into the mountain, the air grew thinner, and the path steeper. He could feel the celestial energy in the surroundings growing stronger, as if guiding him towards his destiny. The towering ancient trees and the tranquil streams that crossed his path whispered secrets of the sect's history.

The path to Eternal Celestial Sect was a breathtaking adventure, far beyond his wildest dreams. The sect was perched atop a range of floating peaks, each one a marvel of celestial architecture that defied gravity. As he ascended the winding paths and bridges leading to the ethereal realm of the sect, he couldn't help but marvel at the majesty of the place.

The floating peaks were connected by crystalline walkways that glistened like rainbows, and delicate waterfalls cascaded from one peak to another. Each peak held its own unique training grounds, meditation chambers, and celestial gardens, where disciples honed their martial skills and harnessed the power of the stars.

Upon reaching the entrance, Lei Xian was greeted by disciples dressed in robes adorned with celestial patterns. They exuded an aura of otherworldly grace and power, welcoming him with warm smiles. Lei Xian, still awestruck by the beauty of the sect.

He respectfully bowed and presented his recommendation letter from Li Mei. "I am Lei Xian, and I come bearing a recommendation from Li Mei. I seek to join the Eternal Celestial Sect and embrace the path of celestial martial arts."

One of the disciples examined the letter closely, nodding in approval. "Very well, Lei Xian. You may enter, but before you proceed, there is a senior disciple who will assess your current cultivation level."

Lei Xian followed the disciples through the majestic gate, which revealed a vast courtyard adorned with intricate carvings and celestial symbols. At its center, a senior disciple awaited, his presence commanding respect. He was clad in robes of pure white, signifying his high status within the sect.

The senior disciple approached Lei Xian and spoke with a measured tone. "Welcome to the Eternal Celestial Sect, Lei Xian. I am Senior Disciple Jian. I will assess your current realm to determine where you should begin your training."

Lei Xian nodded, grateful for the warm welcome. He had prepared for this moment and was eager to show his dedication. "Thank you, Senior Brother Jian. I am at the core formation realm.

Lei Xian followed Senior Disciple Jian through a corridor adorned with celestial murals that seemed to come alive with the movements of martial artists. He was led to a chamber on one of the floating peaks, where a grand crystal awaited, emanating an iridescent glow.

Senior Disciple Jian explained, "Lei Xian, this celestial crystal will reveal your bloodline, a reflection of your inner potential and heritage. Place your hand upon it, and it will unveil your true nature."

Lei Xian touched the crystal's surface, and as he did, the room filled with a brilliant, otherworldly light. The crystal responded, projecting an image that revealed his gryphon bloodline, wings outstretched and eyes blazing with power.

While Lei Xian's gryphon bloodline had created a stir among the sect's disciples and elders, he wasn't the only one to undergo this celestial test. Several other martial artists were present, each awaiting their turn to touch the crystal and reveal their bloodlines.

One by one, the martial artists stepped forward. Among them was Lina, a disciple who possessed the rare Phoenix bloodline, which was marked by fiery plumage and a regal bearing. Another was Xian, whose dragon bloodline shimmered like liquid silver as he touched the crystal. They both came from renowned noble households which held a history.The diversity of bloodlines within the sect was a testament to its inclusivity and the vast potential that celestial martial arts held.

As the various bloodlines were revealed, Senior Disciple Jian noticed the collective gasps and murmurs of awe and respect from the onlookers. The floating peaks of the Eternal Celestial Sect had become a place of profound diversity and power, where the bloodlines of mythical creatures and celestial beings were harnessed.

The debates among the elders regarding Lei Xian's bloodline were just a prelude to the broader discussions about the sect's future. With the inclusion of such diverse bloodlines, there were both exciting opportunities and potential challenges.

Elder Bai, the wise and open-minded elder, emphasized the need to harness the strengths of these unique bloodlines. "Our sect's potential has grown exponentially with the arrival of disciples like Lei Xian, Lina, and Ming. Let us embrace their diversity and cultivate their powers,I was aware of Lina and Ming as they come from the same households from where two of our closed door disciples but this is a rare sight to find a gryphon bloodline here as it was extinct."

Elder Zhu, the cautious voice, warned of potential conflicts. "Hmm as i remember meeting the last person with gryphon bloodline was 1000s years ago,It is a very unfamiliar phenomenon.While the power of these bloodlines is undeniable, we must also prepare for the consequences that come with them. Unity within our sect must be maintained."

Elder Li , with his wise and calm voice,"It doesn't matter what phenomenon caused us to see such a bloodline but it is our fate to nurture these talents to best of their potential."

The debates among the elders were complex, reflecting the sect's commitment to balance tradition with progress. In the end, the decision was reached to welcome these diverse bloodlines and help each disciple reach their full potential.

Senior Disciple Jian addressed Lei Xian with a warm smile. "Lei Xian, you have been accepted into the Eternal Celestial Sect be ready to face other trials to fully become part of the sect. Your gryphon bloodline is a symbol of great potential, and we will help you unlock it. But you still have to go through all the other trials to be fair with other martial artists.Welcome to our family."

Lei Xian bowed deeply, grateful for the opportunity. "Thank you, Senior brother Jian, and all the esteemed elders. I am honored to be a part of the Eternal Celestial Sect."

With the first trial successfully completed, Lei Xian's journey within the sect had only just begun. He would undergo rigorous training, face formidable challenges, and forge new bonds as he ventured deeper into the mysteries of celestial martial arts. The revelation of his gryphon bloodline marked the start of an extraordinary chapter in his life, and he was determined to make the most of it.

To be continued.....