
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The New chapter of Lei xian's life......

With the curse finally lifted, the village was bathed in the soft glow of dawn, and hope had replaced the once-pervasive fear. Lei Xian and Mei had become witnesses to a remarkable transformation. Villagers who had cowered in their homes for years now emerged, their eyes adjusting to the newfound light of their own resilience.

As the child's story of the curse and his sister's selfless sacrifice unfolded, it became painfully clear that the villagers themselves had been victims of their own superstitions. Fear, like a malevolent shadow, had driven them to commit unspeakable acts, and guilt gnawed at their hearts.

Lei Xian, now free from the witch's curse, found himself in a role he hadn't anticipated – that of a healer for both the villagers' physical ailments and the wounds in their souls. His knowledge of herbs and remedies, gleaned from years of solitude in the mountains, proved invaluable. With compassion and skill, he attended to the villagers, mending their bodies and offering solace to their tormented spirits.

Mei, who had discovered a profound sense of purpose and a yearning for adventure, approached Lei Xian one evening as they watched the sun dip below the horizon. "Lei Xian," he said with a determined glint in his eyes, "I want to follow you on your journeys, to learn from you and to see the world beyond this village."

Lei Xian regarded Mei, torn between pride and concern. "Mei," he began, "the world beyond these mountains can be harsh and unforgiving. It's not an easy path to walk."

Mei nodded resolutely, his resolve unyielding. "I know, but I want to learn from you, just as I learned here. And I want to be there to help if you ever need it."

Lei Xian pondered Mei's words carefully, seeing the unwavering determination in the young man's eyes. "Very well," he finally conceded, a faint smile gracing his lips. "You may accompany me on my journeys, but not now. The path of a wanderer is treacherous and unclear. You should continue to learn from Xiaolin until I come back for you. I am leaving you with some techniques that will aid you in your cultivation journey."

Mei accepted the decision with a mix of disappointment and understanding. "Thank you, Brother Lei Xian. I'll do my best to learn and stay out of trouble."

Lei Xian's heart swelled with both pride and a tinge of sadness as he left the village, bound for new horizons. He couldn't help but wonder how Mei would fare in his absence.

Lei Xian's journey took him through vast landscapes, from lush forests to arid deserts, as he continued to refine his skills as a healer and adventurer. But it was in the unforgiving heights of a snow-covered mountain that he faced a trial unlike any other.

Lei Xian had heard tales of this treacherous mountain, where a deadly blizzard could strike without warning, freezing anyone caught in its icy grip. His quest led him to its snow-covered peaks, where the air was thin and the temperature plummeted to bone-chilling levels.

One fateful day, as Lei Xian ventured further into the heart of the mountain, a fierce blizzard descended upon him with relentless fury. The wind howled like a vengeful spirit, and the snowfall was so dense that it obscured everything in its path. Visibility was reduced to mere inches, and the biting cold threatened to freeze him to the core.

Knowing that seeking shelter was imperative, Lei Xian drew upon his survival skills, honed from years of living off the land and learning from various cultures. With a sense of urgency, he set to work. Using his trusty dao, he fashioned a makeshift snow cave, digging deep into the snowpack to create a small, insulated chamber.

Inside the cave, Lei Xian huddled, his breath visible in the frigid air. He knew that time was against him; the blizzard showed no sign of abating, and the temperature continued to drop. Drawing upon the techniques he had acquired over the years, he focused his inner energy to generate warmth, creating a bubble of relative comfort within the icy tomb.

Hours turned into days as Lei Xian endured the relentless storm. He rationed his limited supplies of food and water, relying on his deep reserves of inner strength to keep his body and spirit alive. The blizzard's fury raged on, but Lei Xian's determination matched it step for step.

Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, the blizzard began to wane. The wind's howling diminished, and the snowfall lessened until, at last, there was silence. Emerging from his makeshift shelter, Lei Xian blinked against the blinding whiteness of the landscape. He had survived the deadly blizzard, a testament to his skill, resilience, and unwavering spirit.

As he continued his solitary journey, Lei Xian carried the memory of that harrowing experience with him. It had been a trial by ice and wind, a test of his abilities as both a survivor and a healer. With each step, he grew stronger and more determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead in his quest for wisdom, adventure, and the elusive path of the wanderer.

To be continued....