
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

New discovery at Jiangling City...

Lei Xian's journey had taken him on a winding path, from the unforgiving cold of the snow-covered mountain to the vibrant warmth of Jiangling City, nestled within the Xianhua Kingdom. This kingdom was renowned far and wide, not merely for its opulent markets but for the high-quality artifacts and rare treasures that flowed through its ancient streets like a river of wonders.

Jiangling, the City of Treasures:-

Jiangling was no ordinary city. It was a bustling metropolis that bore witness to centuries of history and culture. Its architecture was a living testament to the mastery of artisans long past, with towering spires and intricate bridges that wove through the urban tapestry.

Within its walls, the city teemed with life and color. Merchants from distant lands converged upon its markets, their stalls laden with precious artifacts, rare herbs, and mystical relics. Every corner was a cacophony of voices haggling over the value of hidden gems and the power of ancient amulets.

Lei Xian had heard whispers of this city during his travels—a place where knowledge and treasures of untold value could be found for those brave enough to seek them. The allure of Jiangling had drawn him in like a moth to a flame, and he had decided to explore its markets, perhaps finding something that would aid him on his ongoing journey.

The Discovery at the Inn:-

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of crimson and gold, Lei Xian found himself in one of Jiangling's cozy inns. The aroma of exotic spices and sizzling street food filled the air, and the inn's patrons shared tales of adventure and intrigue.

Lei Xian was drawn to a nearby table where a group of local cultivators engaged in animated conversation. Their words held a promise of something extraordinary, and he couldn't resist the temptation to listen.

One cultivator, a young man named Zheng Huan, leaned in and spoke in hushed tones, "Have you heard the latest rumors, my friends? They say that deep within the mystical forest lies the temple of the Ancient Guardian's Trial. It's a place of unfathomable challenges and a treasure that could change the course of one's destiny."

A woman, her robes adorned with intricate patterns, named Li Mei, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, the trials are not for the faint of heart. It's said that they test not only one's physical strength but also their inner serenity and mental fortitude. Few have dared to venture into that forest."

Lei Xian's curiosity flared, and he couldn't help but approach their table. With a respectful nod, he greeted them, "Greetings, esteemed cultivators. I couldn't help but overhear your talk of the Ancient Guardian's Trial. It sounds like a remarkable and challenging journey. May I inquire further about this temple and its location?"

Zheng Huan , despite his youth regarded Lei Xian with a thoughtful look before responding, "You have the spirit of an adventurer about you, young one. The temple is indeed a place of great mystery and danger. It's said to be deep within the mystical forest, accessible only to those who can decipher its hidden path."

Li Mei added, "The trials within are known to test one's physical prowess, but more importantly, they challenge the depths of one's inner strength and serenity. Only the most determined and resilient make it through."

Lei Xian listened intently, his eyes shining with a sense of purpose. "I appreciate your insights," he replied. "This is a journey I feel compelled to undertake, for both the treasure it promises and the wisdom it may offer. Can you tell me more about the forest's location and the challenges one might face?"

Zheng Huan and Li Mei exchanged knowing glances, recognizing the spark of determination in Lei Xian's eyes. They shared tales of the mystical forest, its dense foliage that concealed hidden dangers, and the legends of those who had ventured in, either emerging victorious or vanishing into obscurity.

They spoke of trials that tested not only the body but the very essence of one's being—trials of strength, courage, and resilience. Yet, they emphasized that the greatest challenge lay in maintaining inner serenity and mental fortitude, for only those who could navigate the labyrinth of their own minds could hope to conquer the temple's mysteries.

As Lei Xian absorbed every detail, his heart swelled with determination. He knew that this was a journey he had to undertake, a quest that would define his path and unveil the depths of his own potential.

Zheng Huan, a yound and promising leader of a prestigious talisman-making house, and Li Mei, the owner of the most renowned auction house in the entire Xianhua Kingdom, recognized Lei Xian's determination. Their own backgrounds were illustrious, and they had achieved much in their respective fields.

The three of them had crossed paths in Jiangling by a twist of fate, each drawn to the city for their unique reasons. Zheng Huan had come to explore ancient techniques of talisman making rumored to be hidden within the city's archives. Li Mei had been overseeing a grand auction of rare artifacts, her reputation as a connoisseur of valuable relics unmatched.

Their friendship had blossomed over shared meals and tales of their adventures, as well as their mutual respect for each other's expertise. It was their shared passion for the unknown and their recognition of Lei Xian's potential that bound them together.

With the ancient artifact safely tucked away in his possession, Lei Xian made his decision. He would undertake the Ancient Guardian's Trial, not merely for the treasure it promised but for the knowledge and experiences it would offer. The stories of bravery and enlightenment from his past echoed in his mind, propelling him forward into the realm of legends and destiny.

To be continued.....