
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The dance of destiny.

Within the Eternal Celestial Sect, the echoes of the celestial revelation lingered, weaving a tapestry of destiny around Lei Xian and his fellow disciples. As news of Lei Xian's unique predicament spread, the sect buzzed with speculation, admiration, and a hint of controversy.

In the heart of the sect, the ancestral hall became a focal point for discussions and debates. Mei Lin, driven by ambition and the desire for recognition, approached Lei Xian with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. "Lei Xian, you've stirred quite a commotion. The ancestors themselves desire you. Are you not tempted to embrace their guidance and unlock your full potential?"

Lei Xian, his gaze steady, replied, "Mei Lin, my loyalty lies with my current master. I believe in the path he has set for me. The ancestors' recognition is an honor, but I must remain true to my commitments."

Mei Lin, undeterred, pressed further, "But think of the heights you could reach with their guidance. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Lei Xian. Don't let loyalty blind you to the possibilities that await."

Meanwhile, Wu Chang, observing the unfolding drama, approached Lei Xian with a thoughtful expression. "Lei Xian, I understand your loyalty, but the celestial realm works in mysterious ways. Perhaps there's a greater purpose in the ancestors' choice. Consider the impact your decision may have on the sect's harmony."

Lei Xian nodded in acknowledgment but stood firm. "I respect the celestial realm, Wu Chang, but my path is set. Harmony can coexist with individual choices. I trust that the sect will find balance in the diversity of our destinies."

As discussions swirled, Elder Jen continued to watch over the unfolding events with a discerning eye. Sensing the potential for discord, he called for a gathering of the elders to deliberate on how to navigate this unprecedented situation.

In the elders' council chamber, a hallowed space adorned with ancient tapestries and symbolic artifacts, Elder Jen addressed his peers. "The celestial revelation has presented us with a unique challenge. Lei Xian's loyalty is admirable, but we must also consider the will of the ancestors. How do we maintain harmony within the sect?"

Elder Mei, a wise and seasoned figure, spoke thoughtfully, "The ancestors' choices are not to be taken lightly. However, loyalty is a virtue we cherish. Perhaps we can find a compromise that honors both."

Elder Lao, known for his pragmatism, added, "Lei Xian's loyalty is commendable, but the sect's stability relies on adherence to the celestial order. We should encourage him to accept the guidance, while respecting the foundations of his current training."

Back in the midst of the disciples, Lina and Xian, who had embraced the ancestors' guidance, found themselves torn between their newfound destinies and their friendship with Lei Xian. Lina, with a trace of concern, approached Lei Xian. "Lei Xian, we understand your loyalty, but the ancestors have chosen us. This is an opportunity we cannot ignore."

Xian, his usual calm demeanor tinged with conflict, added, "Lei Xian, our destinies have intertwined, but that doesn't diminish the bond we share. We hope you can understand our choices."

Lei Xian, appreciating the sincerity in his friends' voices, nodded understandingly. "I hold no resentment towards your choices. Each of us must follow the path that resonates with our hearts. May our destinies bring us together again."

As the sect grappled with the delicate balance between tradition and individual choices, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows. Su Lin, a reclusive disciple known for her connection to the spiritual realm, approached Lei Xian with an air of enigma. "Lei Xian, the ancestors' desires are not to be taken lightly. Yet, I sense a deeper current at play. Your loyalty may hold a key to unraveling the mysteries that lie ahead."

Intrigued, Lei Xian asked, "What do you mean, Su Lin?"

Su Lin, her eyes carrying the weight of unseen knowledge, replied cryptically, "The celestial realm weaves threads of destiny, but sometimes, the unexpected twists hold the answers we seek. Trust in your loyalty, Lei Xian, for it might be a beacon in the darkness yet to unfold."

As the disciples grappled with their choices and the elders deliberated on the sect's future, Lei Xian found himself drawn to the celestial garden—a serene space where disciples sought solace and reflection. There, he encountered Elder Mei, who had chosen to visit the garden for contemplation.

Elder Mei, her presence calming, spoke softly, "Lei Xian, the garden holds the whispers of the wind and the echoes of countless ponderings. Perhaps, amidst the rustling leaves, you might find clarity in the choices that lay before you."

Lei Xian, grateful for the elder's guidance, wandered through the garden, allowing the natural surroundings to envelop him. As he reached the heart of the garden, a celestial energy resonated, and he found himself in the presence of the sect's ancient tree—a symbol of wisdom and guidance.

The spirit of the ancient tree, a manifestation of the celestial energy within the sect, spoke to Lei Xian, "Disciple, the ancestors' desires are intertwined with the ebb and flow of celestial energies. Your loyalty is a rare virtue, but it is also a test. Embrace the guidance offered, not as a divergence but as a harmonious addition to your existing path."

Lei Xian, absorbing the wisdom of the ancient tree, felt a profound connection to the celestial realm. With newfound clarity, he returned to the disciples, ready to address the elders and his peers.

In a gathering of the sect, Lei Xian spoke with a conviction that resonated through the hallowed halls. "Elder Jen, esteemed elders, fellow disciples, I have pondered on the celestial revelation and sought guidance from the ancients. I understand now that the ancestors' desires are not a conflict but an intricate dance of destinies."

Elder Jen, nodding in acknowledgment, invited Lei Xian to continue.

"I humbly accept the guidance of the ancestors," Lei Xian declared, "not as a replacement for my current master but as a harmonious thread woven into the fabric of my martial journey. My loyalty remains unwavering, but I embrace the celestial dance that awaits."

The elders, sensing the resolution in Lei Xian's words, nodded approvingly. Mei Lin, Wu Chang, Lina, and Xian looked on with a mix of surprise and admiration.

As the sect embraced the unfolding harmony, Elder Mei approached Lei Xian with a smile. "Your wisdom, Lei Xian, has brought a unique balance to our celestial dance. May the intertwining destinies lead us to new heights."

The disciples, witnessing this pivotal moment, felt a renewed sense of unity within the sect. The celestial revelation, once a source of tension, had become a catalyst for growth, understanding, and the forging of bonds that transcended the boundaries of tradition.

In the wake of Lei Xian's acceptance, the disciples embarked on a journey where loyalty, celestial destinies, and the resilience of one disciple became the guiding stars in the vast expanse of their martial pursuits. The intricate dance of destiny.

To be continued...