
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Martial Triumph unleashed...

Lei Xian had spent two years diligently absorbing the wisdom passed down by his ancestors, honing his skills through tireless practice. One ordinary day, as he immersed himself in his routine training, a resonant bell echoed across the martial grounds, signaling the disciples to assemble near the revered martial hall. Lei Xian, initially considering it another customary ritual, joined his fellow disciples.

As the disciples gathered, Elder Li, a venerable figure in the sect, stepped forward to make a significant announcement. He elucidated that the time had come for the martial tournament, a grand event occurring every five years where the Eternal Celestial Sect vied with other sects for supremacy. The sect, grappling with a decade-long championship drought, was determined to reclaim glory. Only thirty disciples in the core formation stage would have the privilege of representing the sect, but before they could partake in the inter-sect championship, they had to prove their mettle in the internal martial competition.

The upcoming martial competition within the sect was set to transpire in a month, a precursor to the broader championship scheduled in three months. Elder Li emphasized that only the top five disciples emerging victorious in the internal competition would earn the opportunity to delve into the sacred Eternal Celestial Lake—an invaluable resource to enhance their cultivation.

The news stirred a fervor within the disciples as they realized the weight of the impending challenges. Lei Xian, fueled by determination, intensified his training regimen, pushing the boundaries of his abilities to secure a spot in the coveted top five. The days leading up to the internal martial competition were charged with anticipation and fervent preparation.

As the day of the internal martial competition dawned, the atmosphere within the sect buzzed with energy. The martial grounds, usually a hub of practice and camaraderie, transformed into an arena pulsating with tension. Disciples, clad in their sect uniforms, gathered with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The stakes were high, with the promise of not just personal glory but also the chance to represent the sect in the larger inter-sect championship.

As the martial competition unfolded over five intense days, Lei Xian, Lina, and Xian faced a myriad of opponents, each challenging the limits of their unique bloodline abilities. The opening day saw Lei Xian's fluid fusion of gryphon-inspired techniques, showcasing a harmonious blend of wind and water. Xian dazzled the spectators with her dragon's breath, igniting the martial grounds with controlled bursts of fire. Meanwhile, Lina weaved through the competition with the elegance of a phoenix, leaving a trail of fiery resilience in her wake.

Lei Xian found himself facing a formidable opponent, a fellow disciple named Lin Mei. Their clash was a spectacle of agility, precision, and strategic maneuvers. Lei Xian, drawing upon the techniques he had diligently learned over the years, executed intricate forms with grace. Lin Mei, equally skilled, countered with swift and calculated strikes.

The bouts unfolded with a diverse display of martial styles—some disciples favored the fluidity of water techniques, while others embraced the unyielding force of earth-based movements. Each duel became a canvas for the disciples to exhibit their unique strengths and strategies. The martial grounds echoed with the clash of weapons, the whirl of elemental forces, and the occasional roar of approval from the spectators.

Lei Xian, navigating through the rounds with resilience and skill, faced a variety of opponents. One memorable encounter pitted him against Wu Jian, a disciple known for his mastery of fire-based techniques. The skirmish between their opposing elements created a spectacle of blazing flames and calculated evasions. Lei Xian, adapting to the challenge, countered with a fusion of wind and water techniques, extinguishing Wu Jian's flames and securing his victory.

The competition progressed, narrowing down the pool of contenders. Lei Xian, driven by his unwavering determination, advanced through the rounds, each victory bringing him closer to the coveted top five positions. The final rounds intensified, with the remaining disciples showcasing their most formidable techniques in a bid to secure their place in the inter-sect championship.

The subsequent days brought forth diverse challenges, testing the disciples' adaptability and strategic acumen. Lei Xian, guided by the teachings of his ancestors, navigated through opponents with varying elemental affinities. Xian faced a particularly formidable adversary who specialized in manipulating ice, creating a clash of contrasting temperatures that resonated across the martial grounds. Lina, in a dramatic duel, confronted a disciple adept at manipulating shadows, forcing her to tap into the regenerative power of her phoenix bloodline to overcome the darkness.

The climax of the competition unfolded on the fifth day, with Lei Xian, Lina, and Xian advancing to the final rounds. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as the disciples prepared for their most challenging duels yet. Lei Xian, driven by the desire to prove the prowess of his gryphon bloodline, But there was a twist in the competition as the final rounds was going to happen between the last time winners and the final players this years .

In the climactic duel for the top position, Lei Xian faced off against a formidable opponent, Zhang Wei, a disciple known for his mastery of lightning techniques. The clash between Lei Xian's versatile elemental skills and Zhang Wei's electrifying attacks created an awe-inspiring spectacle. The martial grounds crackled with energy as the two disciples pushed their limits, determined to emerge victorious.

After a fierce and captivating battle, Lei Xian emerged triumphant, securing the coveted first position. The spectators erupted in applause, recognizing his exceptional skill and determination. Lei Xian, panting but elated, stood as a symbol of the sect's resilience and prowess.

Xian's dragon bloodline clashed with an opponent wielding the power of air current s, resulting in a dazzling display of elemental forces. Lina's phoenix bloodline, tested to its limits, confronted a martial artist adept at manipulating time itself. The battles were fierce, each disciple drawing upon the strengths of their bloodlines to overcome formidable challenges.

In a triumphant turn of events, Lei Xian, Lina, and Xian emerged as the top three disciples, securing their places in the inter-sect championship.The top five disciples, including Lei Xian, were not only granted the honor of representing the sect in the inter-sect championship but also earned the privilege to enter the sacred Eternal Celestial Lake. The journey ahead held the promise of greater challenges and opportunities for cultivation, and Lei Xian, having proven himself in the martial competition, stood ready to face the next chapter of his martial journey.

To be continued...