
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Fate's Veil....

"Scared, huh?" I replied to the system's admission. "Well, you certainly have my attention now. It's not every day that a powerful being from a higher realm decides to intervene in our affairs."

The system's text response appeared "Yes, master. I apologize for not being able to provide you with more information. But I assure you, my primary directive remains to assist you in your endeavors."

"Good to know," I replied. "I appreciate your loyalty. Now, let's focus on the immediate situation. It's been more than a month since I last heard from you. What were you up to during this time, and can you shed some light on the higher realm individual who blocked your communication?"

The system's reply was swift "During the past month, I was engaged in an intense analysis of the interference that prevented me from communicating with you. It appears to have been caused by a formidable entity from a higher realm. This entity possesses a level of power that surpasses our realm's capabilities."

"I assume this higher realm individual has some vested interest in Lei Xian and me. Any insights into their motivations?"

The system's replied"While I can't ascertain their exact motivations, it seems clear that they view our actions and developments with great interest. Their intervention was a warning, a reminder of their presence and influence. They possess knowledge beyond our reach and might have a stake in the threads of fate that connect us."

"That's unsettling," I responded. "But it also means we're on the right track if our progress has drawn their attention. We'll need to be cautious and calculated in our actions."

The system agreed, "Indeed, master. Our actions must be deliberate. To avoid detection and ensure Lei Xian's safety, I've been focusing on enhancing the facade techniques and refining the concealment of his abilities. Additionally, I've been gathering information about the hidden quest completion and its implications."

"Tell me more about this hidden quest completion," I inquired.

The system explained, "Upon analyzing the completion of the hidden quest related to the creation of the new techniques, I believe it was a deliberate test or assessment. The intervention of the higher realm individual might have been related to this quest. It's possible that they have been monitoring our progress closely."

"So, their interference wasn't necessarily meant to hinder us, but rather to evaluate our capabilities. That still leaves us with questions about their identity and intentions."

The system's response was succinct"Indeed, master. We must remain vigilant and continue our efforts while keeping an eye out for any further signs of their involvement."

"As we move forward," I concluded, "we'll need to tread carefully and uncover as much as we can. The pieces of this puzzle might be scattered, but with your assistance, I'm confident we can put them together."

The system's text concluded "Agreed, master. With determination and strategy, we can navigate these intricate threads of fate and forge our path, even in the face of higher realm intervention but master ias i was returning i heard his encrypted message which was "i will wait" and after that i was sent back to you."

"I think he might be our friend or a foe as my memories are a bit fuzzy so we have to be more careful not to take any other higher beings attention and create a dangerous situation and he also told you to help me right it is more than i can think of it seems like he is waiting for us to go to that realm,lets leave it and focus on Lei Xian's cultivation and find other ways to stay hidden."

"Yes master i heed your command ".

After our conversation got over i started cultivating again and focused myself on my disciple's cultivation.

With Lei Xian's training well underway and the newly created techniques set in motion, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his progress. Each day brought us closer, not just as master and disciple, but as companions sharing a unique destiny.

The path we walked wasn't without its challenges. The balance between safeguarding Lei Xian's true bloodline and allowing him to flourish was delicate. Together, we practiced the techniques to perfection, ensuring that his true potential remained hidden from prying eyes. It was a dance of concealment and growth.

As for the mysterious interruption that had blocked the system's communication, I remained cautious. The mention of a higher realm entity was disconcerting. Could this powerful being have an interest in Lei Xian's destiny, or was it related to my own past and forgotten memories? These questions lingered, but I knew that focusing on Lei Xian's training was paramount.

One day, as we delved into a session of the Nexal Attunement technique, a new revelation emerged. Lei Xian's connection to the celestial energies seemed to be growing stronger, and during his meditation, he experienced a brief glimpse into the Astral Nexus. A hidden chamber of knowledge unveiled itself, containing forgotten lore and insights into the origins of our intertwined destinies.

As his mentor, I offered guidance, helping Lei Xian navigate the overwhelming surge of information. We deciphered cryptic scrolls that described the binding threads of fate that linked us together long before we met. It became apparent that our union wasn't just chance—it was written in the stars and woven into the very fabric of existence.

With this newfound understanding, Lei Xian's dedication to his training intensified. He embraced each technique with renewed vigor, determined to unlock the full potential of both his inherited Yīnyuè bloodline and the bestowed Celestial Gryphon Bloodline. Our bond grew stronger as we stood on the precipice of greatness, poised to impact the balance of cosmic forces.

However, the specter of the higher realm entity's intervention continued to cast a shadow over our progress. We remained vigilant, aware that challenges lay ahead. It was clear that our journey was far from over, and the mysteries of Lei Xian's bloodline and my forgotten memories were deeply entwined.

As his cultivation was going i tried to create techniques for his fake bloodline even if i could make his original bloodline stroger but i can't keep it hidden forever so i tried to create some techniques to put on a show and also so Lei Xian could control both of his bloodline like back of his hand.I became focused in creating the techniques and i also had to create a pill to hide his bloodline and that pill was very hard to make....

To be continued....