
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasy
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Forging hidden techniques...

Ten years have fled with in a blink of an eye since i accepted Lei Xian as my disciple, he has started learning his bloodline line arts earlier even though if he didn't learnt it completely he has come a long path.He is only 14 years old now but he has reached qi condensation last level from qi refining,the knowledge i gained of this realm there are different stage in this cultivation world which are as follows:-

1.Qi Refining - Novice of the Whispering Breeze:-

At this humble stage, cultivators are like fledgling sparrows learning to harness the gentle currents of qi. They practice meditation and breathing exercises to capture the elusive essence of the Whispering Breeze that flows within them.

2.Foundation Building - Earthbound Anchors:- Cultivators progress to Earthbound Anchors, focusing on forging their bodies and spirits like mighty oaks taking root. They absorb the earth's strength, forging unbreakable foundations for their future ascent.

3.Qi Condensation - Mist weavers:-

In the Mist Weaver stage, cultivators refine their qi to become as elusive and unpredictable as the morning mist. They learn to obscure their presence and perform minor supernatural feats, becoming elusive shadows in the martial world.

4.Core Formation - Thunderheart Forgers:- Cultivators in this stage shape their qi cores into pulsating Thunder Hearts. They command lightning and storms, striking down foes with electrifying precision and wielding the forces of nature as their weapons.

5.Nascent Soul - Spirit forgers:- The Nascent Soul stage turns cultivators into Spirit forgers. They mold their nascent souls into ethereal companions, granting them supernatural insights and the ability to commune with the spirits of the world.

6.Soul Integration - Harmonic Unison:- At the Harmonic Unison stage, cultivators achieve a harmonious fusion of body and soul. They resonate with the frequencies of the cosmos, controlling the very vibrations of existence and affecting reality itself.

7.Transcendent Ascension - Celestial Architects:- Cultivators who reach this stage are known as Celestial Architects. They shape the fabric of space and time, manipulating cosmic energies with unparalleled mastery, and can craft realms of their own design.

8.Martial Emperor - Sovereign of the Celestial Realm:- The pinnacle stage, where cultivators become Sovereigns of the Celestial Realm. They transcend the boundaries of mortality, wielding the power to sculpt the heavens and the earth, commanding the cosmos with a mere thought.

Every stage has 10 levels and Lei Xian is soon going to form his core and reach core condensation stage.At last i started creating the techniques to enhance Lei Xian's fake bloodline techniques which was a meticulous process that required both creativity and precision. I delved deep into my knowledge of martial arts and mysticism, drawing inspiration from ancient texts and long-forgotten scrolls.

Days turned into weeks as I meticulously crafted a series of techniques that showcased the prowess of Lei Xian's Celestial Gryphon Bloodline. Each technique was designed to be visually stunning, with intricate movements and breathtaking displays of power.At last i created some of the best techniques for him which are :-

1.Eagle's Ascension Path:-

This cultivation method revolves around channeling the grace and flight abilities of the gryphon's eagle half. Practitioners learn to cultivate their inner energy to manifest ethereal wings, enabling them to soar through the skies with the speed and agility of an eagle. As they progress, they can harness wind currents and celestial energies to achieve incredible heights and even access vantage points unattainable to others.

2.Lionheart Roar Technique:-

Inspired by the gryphon's lion aspect, this technique focuses on cultivating the strength and ferocity of a lion's roar. Practitioners learn to channel their energy into powerful vocalizations that can shatter barriers, disorient opponents, and even manipulate vibrations to heal or empower allies. The Lionheart Roar Technique combines physical and spiritual strength, allowing cultivators to tap into the raw power of their bloodline.

3.Celestial Harmonization Flow:-

This cultivation method draws upon the gryphon's connection to celestial energies and cosmic forces. Practitioners learn to attune their inner energy with the rhythms of the stars, allowing them to tap into celestial power for enhanced abilities. As they advance, they can harness the energy of specific constellations to enhance their strength, agility, or sensory perception. The Celestial Harmonization Flow encourages a profound connection to the cosmic realm.

4.Astral Wind Rider Technique:-

Inspired by the gryphon's wings, this technique focuses on manipulating astral and wind energies. Practitioners learn to weave energy currents that mimic the gryphon's flight, enabling them to glide through astral currents and traverse vast distances in the blink of an eye. Advanced practitioners can manipulate wind currents, redirect energy flows, and even create barriers of swirling astral winds for defense.

5.Balance of Gryphon Form:-

This unique cultivation method aims to harmonize the lion and eagle aspects of the Celestial Gryphon Bloodline. Practitioners work to balance their physical and spiritual energies, cultivating both strength and grace. Through meditation, exercises, and visualization, they learn to seamlessly transition between their lion-like and eagle-like qualities, achieving a state of complete unity and mastery over their bloodline's abilities.

Simultaneously, I continued to work on the pill that would temporarily conceal Lei Xian's true bloodline. It was a delicate alchemical process that demanded the utmost care. The ingredients I needed were rare and elusive,and can be found in Astral Nexus even though Astral Nexus is mine i still need to take permission from the owners of the herbs or i have fight a battle which was no easy job and these herbs can't be found anywhere in this lower realm.

1.Lunar Lotus Blossom: This ethereal flower blooms only under the light of a full moon within the Astral Nexus. Its petals shimmer with silvery energy, making it a vital component for concealing the true bloodline.

2.Phoenix Feather Fern: Found in hidden groves deep within the Astral Nexus, this fern possesses fiery-red fronds resembling phoenix feathers. Its essence can lend an illusion of power and mysticism to the pill.

3.Starlight Orchid: These luminescent orchids grow in the highest peaks of the Astral Nexus mountains, absorbing celestial energy. They are crucial for enhancing the illusion's authenticity.

4.Ethereal Vine: This delicate vine winds its way through the Astral Nexus forests, absorbing the essence of the realm. Its leaves and tendrils can help stabilize the concealment effect.

5.Astral Spice Root: A rare and pungent root found near the Astral Nexus' crystalline pools. It adds an extra layer of mystique to the concealment pill's illusion.

Embarking on a journey to the Astral Nexus was no small undertaking. I prepared meticulously, gathering supplies, and honing my martial skills. My objective: to acquire the rare and mystical herbs needed to concoct the concealment pill. Little did I know the hardships and trials that awaited me within that ethereal realm....

To be continued...