
My Martial Arts System In The Apocalyptic World

The Story Is About [Vincent Snow] A Boy who wanted to become world's biggest martial artist. One day,Accidently Unlocks [My Martial Arts System] And That's how his journey starts. [Congratulations!!Host,You Have Unlocked Martial Arts System] W..Wh..what Join this Journey of [Vincent] from a trash to world's most powerful martial Arts. --The poster is not owned by me If you want me to remove it you should contact me

Night_Snow · Fantasy
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2 Chs

2 : Growing Stronger


[Host,As you have Awakened The System Bonus 100 stat points are given as a Reward]

[Host,Would you like to see daily quest]

'Yes,Please show me the the daily Quest'


Quest : Do 100,pushups , 100 situps and 10km Run

Reward : 20 [EXP]

Penalty: None


'And System as you have said I have 100 SP Can I use them now'


'Ok then Put 20 points in Agility,20 points In stamina,30 points In Strength, and 15 points In Vitality,This equals 85 I will save The remaining 15 SP For Later'


'Ah....Ah What is happening I feel Power Flowing In Ah.. I feel a little pain But I also feel Powerful'

[Host Please See Your Status]


[Name : Vincent Snow]

[Martial Rank : Unranked]

[Age : 15]

[Level : 1]

[SP : 15]

[Coins : 0]

[Exp : 0/100]

[HP : 30/30]

[Strength : 40]

[Agility : 32]

[Stamina : 25]

[Vitality : 28]



[Lottery : Unlocks at Level 5]

[Skills - [Azure city Middle School of Martial Arts Classic Martial Art]


'System Can You give me some Information About all levels of Martial Arts,Martial Techniques and All Family Tiers'

[Host Martial Ranks are As Follows]

[Martial Soldier]

[Martial Captain]

[Martial Commander]

[Martial General]

[Martial King]

[Martial Saint]

[Martial Emperor]

[Martial Monarch]

[Martial Demi-god]

[Martial God]

[Martial Half-Divinity]

[Martial Divinity]

[Martial Ascendant]

[System Now only have the authority to tell you about only this much ranks when you reach martial Divinity you will know about Later Ranks]

[The Monsters Are also divided as the Same Level as Martial Artist But If same rank of both will fight Monster will win So to kill 1 monster of same rank you need 2 Martial Artist of Same Ranks]

[The potion Level Are Also Named as same Level as Martial Artist The Same goes for Martial Art Technique]

[The Rank of Martial Arts are also divided Into 3 levels low , Mid ,Top]

[The System Currently does not have Information about Family Tiers']

'Woah.. So There are a hell lot of Martial Ranks And they haven't even Ended They will continue even After [Martial Ascendant] I will Definitely Reach The Top'

Soon After talking with System Vincent Goes Downstairs and enters Dinning Room/Gallery "Hey,Mom Is the dinner ready"

A women who looked to be in her 40's with a pretty face and Blonde Hair Came and Said In a Loving Voice"Vincent,Boy You can eat the dinner now It is ready Me and your father will eat after your father comes home He will be late today"

"Ok Mom Pls serve me the dinner"Said Vincent after 15 minute he completed the dinner and then goes to his Room And Thinks About Tommorow.And Then Sleeps like a little Baby

In morning around 6 Vincent woke up ' aah Let me get changed After that I will complete the daily quest for the sweet exp'

Soon,Vincent Changes His outfit to Dark Blue Denim Pants And White T shirt with A Black Leather Jacket

And Did his Daily Quest and goes for 10km walk 'Yooh...The walk was really refreshing I loved It'

Ding Host You recived +20EXP

Vincent then reached his house and Eat the Breakfast And Started To Roam Around his Neighbourhood

As Today Vincent's School was closed so he thought of Roaming Around Also The weather was Cloudy and It looked good.

'Vincent Was Roaming In streets when he saw a Theif Running'


[Host,Quest is available do want to see it]



Quest : Kill The Theif that Is Running He has mudered A women and stole her purse,He is a Top Rank Martial Soldier

Reward : Red Jade Martial Arts and 80 exp

Penalty : System Removed




'I know the penaly is soo bad But I am confident In Myself'

Vincent Started Chasing The Theif And Then He Enters a dark Alley By following him.

"Kid,Why The Fuck Are you Chasing me do you wanna really die that much"Theif Said with a Grin

"Oh really,Well I am here to fuck you Up"

"Ohhh,A Fucking Brat thinks he can kill me Looks like I have to teach you a lesson"

The Theif Jumped In Front Of Vincent and Punched

*Kack* It Hit Vincent


'Well he is fast That's what you call Top Tier Soldier'

Vincent kicked In the face of The Theif *Kubhak*

"Kid Looks Like I really Underestimated you Now take this knife"the Theif yelled

He then Vertically Slashed the knife Bit Vincent Doged And Punched him In Face *Bhat*

"You Fucking Piece of shit"Theif Said In Anger

And then slashed the knife at his Chest Vincent tried to doge but The knife cut him *khach*

Blood Soon Started flowing from The Cut

'Ah shit that is not good'

-7 hp

'Iam 10 hp down gotta do anything'

Vincent kicked the Theif In his Neck And he was sent Flying to the wall *Bhat*Sound Came when he hit the wall Vincent jumped and took the knife from Him and then Slashed his neck Resulting him to be killed.

Although this was The First time Vincent Had ever killed anyone but it was normal In this world because If you Don't kill the other party then They will kill you Because This is the world of martial arts The Strong Rules here.


[Congratulations!!,To Host From Completing The Quest]

[You Recived Red Jade Martial Arts and 80 EXP]

*Level Up*

[You have recieved 5 SP For Level up]

[Do you wish to Learn Red Jade Martial Arts It is free as this is your first time learning a martial art From System]


Vincent then leaves the alley and enters his home then goes to his room and said 'Status'


[Name : Vincent Snow]

[Martial Rank : Unranked]

[Age : 15]

[Level : 2]

[SP : 20]

[Coins : 0]

[Exp : 0/200]

[HP : 20/30]

[Strength : 40]

[Agility : 32]

[Stamina : 25]

[Vitality : 28]



[Lottery : Unlocks at Level 5]

[Skills - [Azure city Middle School of Martial Arts Classic Martial Art , Red Jade Martial Arts]


'System when Will my hp recover'

[Host It will be healed In 2 day and if you want this to be instantly healed you need to buy it from store]

'No,no,no It is alright If it is healed in 2 days then I will be In my best state in the competition Selection'

'I will train with this new technique for the days which remain for the competition'

Yo,Add this novel to your library and give some suggestion for later chapter there can be mistakes in grammer and spelling so bear with It.it will get better Ok then see ya In next chapter

Night_Snowcreators' thoughts