
My Martial Arts System In The Apocalyptic World

The Story Is About [Vincent Snow] A Boy who wanted to become world's biggest martial artist. One day,Accidently Unlocks [My Martial Arts System] And That's how his journey starts. [Congratulations!!Host,You Have Unlocked Martial Arts System] W..Wh..what Join this Journey of [Vincent] from a trash to world's most powerful martial Arts. --The poster is not owned by me If you want me to remove it you should contact me

Night_Snow · Fantasy
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2 Chs

1 : The Start

"Ah,So that Loser is Training again huh well if he want he can try but what the Fuck Is even The point 3 Days Later Is the time For Competition selection"Said A Boy with a Grin . Apparently The Boy was Youngmaster of a Prestigious Tier 5 Level family named Kevin Flix and he was also a very Arrogant Youngmaster

"Yes Brother you are right he is loser he is no Match for you."Said his underling with a Laughter

'Say,All you want I will prove Myself with my efforts'

A boy 6 Feet long who had dark blue eyes like an angel and a Pale Ivory skin Tone and Jet black hair and a handsome face which any women will be In love with it.Had sweat flowing from his body Which felt like he was bathed with water.which enabled his Little Mascular body to be visible.

The Name of this boy is [Vincent Snow]

I hope I will be able to be selected for Inter middle School Martial Competition as a result of my training'Thought Vincent while training In school Gym.

Vincent was 15 years old and this was the last year of middle school for him and Vincent belonged to a middle class family so his Families Financial Codition was not so good that was why he did not had the luxury to use training potion which boosts the training speed.

While, Training The School Bell Rang 'Ting''Ting'The school had ended and Vincent was going home.Vincent Was walking on The Footpath And there he saw an old man selling antiqes and Vincent saw that the old man was sitting there with a sad face.He could clearly see that his collection was not selling that's why he was sad.

Vincent then walks towards him and saw a box antique ans says "Old man How much for that Old wooden box"

"Kid,This is for 3 Zex"[Zex,Is the currency used in this world called Gaya]

Vincent nods and says"Ok old man give this to me"Then Vincent hands out the money.

Vincent soon reaches home and says "I am Home mom"

"Welcome,Honey go and get yourself fresh"A loving voice came from kitchen"Ok mom"Vincent Replies then head upstairs to his room he enters and then starts to bath.

'Well I will open the box after I have bathed'Vincent soon canes out with a towel covering below his torso.Soon,Vincent gets dressed with black Pants and a Black and White T shirt then sit's on his bed and tries to open the box.

'WTF,Why the hell is this sooo hard to open Shit'Vincent then brings a knife to cut open the box but he accidentally cut his finger skin'Ah,Shit I should have been more careful'

The blood from his finger falls on the box'Whooosh'a sound came.

[Congratulations!!! Host,You have successfully Awakened The Martial Arts System]A women voice said.

'Whaaaat The Fuck Is happening'

[Host,You have awakend the Martial Arts system which will help in your journey to dominate this world]

Vincent didn't know what was happening he did not know how to react.This was something he had only read in webmovels.

As Vincent was a fan of these type of Novels he knew a thing or two.

Vincent says "Status"


A hologramic screen appeared In front of his Eyes.


[Name : Vincent Snow]

[Martial Rank : Unranked]

[Age : 15]

[Level : 1]

[SP : 100]

[Coins : 0]

[Exp : 0/100]

[HP : 10/10]

[Strength : 10]

[Agility : 12]

[Stamina : 15]

[Vitality : 13]



[Lottery : Unlocks at Level 5]

[Skills - [Azure city Middle School of Martial Arts Classic Martial Art]


Yo,So The story will continue to devlop and next chapter will be a long one so do wait for it and add this to your library

Night_Snowcreators' thoughts