

"In a world of power and deception, a forced union between Collins, a ruthless mafia heir, and Isabelle, a talented but naive young woman, sets off a dangerous game of love, loyalty, and betrayal. Collins kidnaps Isabelle, recognizing her potential to be a valuable asset in the criminal underworld. As they navigate the treacherous landscape of New York's mafia scene, with ties to Russia and LA, they must confront the Alpha mafia, a formidable foe who will stop at nothing to claim dominance. As Collins and Isabelle work together to survive and thrive, they must resist the forbidden attraction growing between them. But Isabelle's heart refuses to listen, and she finds herself deeply in love with her captor. The question is, does Collins feel the same way, or is she just a pawn in his quest for power? Dive into a world of romance, mystery, and intrigue, where the lines between love and loyalty are constantly blurred."

Areez_Owoade_7619 · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Where am I?

Isabelle's nerves were on edge as she struggled to comprehend the bizarre situation she found herself in. Collins, her supposed date, sauntered back to his seat with an infuriating grin plastered on his face.

"Don't mind me, pookie. I noticed you were nervous, so I decided to uplift the mood." His piercing blue eyes seemed to gleam with amusement, making her skin crawl.

Isabelle's mind raced as she focused on the food in front of her, refusing to look at him. Did he really think his antics would calm her nerves or intensify her anxiety? She screamed silently, her thoughts a jumbled mess.

"Um..." Collins cleared his throat, his voice dripping with confidence. "So, Izabelle tell me about yourself." He said .

"It is Isabelle," she corrected, wondering why he kept making that mistake.

"I thought I had already told you everything about me, except that you're not the man I was chatting with... Are you Max?" Isabelle finally asked the question that had been bugging her since the beginning of this disastrous date.

Collins raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. "Max?" He repeated, his voice laced with amusement.

Isabelle's frustration grew. "Yes, Max! Are you him?" She asked again, her voice firm.

Collins' smile faltered for a moment before he cursed under his breath.

"Fuck you, Vivian," he muttered, his eyes flashing with anger. "I'm Collins Haze, sorry for the misunderstanding.

"Are you really my date?" Isabelle asked again, trying to hide the tremble in her voice. Collins' smirk grew wider as he sat down, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Yes, I am. Sorry for the misunderstanding." His tone was dripping with sarcasm, and Isabelle's instincts screamed at her to get away from him.

"So, you're ready to tell me about yourself again?" Collins asked, his voice laced with amusement. Isabelle hesitated, unsure of what to say.

"There's nothing special about me, except that I'm an excellent computer specialist," she replied finally, trying to sound confident.

Collins' smirk turned into a full-blown smile, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I know about that already, including the fact that you hacked the dating app."

Isabelle's heart skipped a beat as she realized the danger she was in and the gravity of the consequences she will receive if she gets caught.

"Please...sir, don't turn me in," Isabelle begged, her voice shaking with fear. Collins' expression turned cold, his eyes gleaming with a sinister intensity.

"I won't, but only if you agree to join my clan." He paused, his voice dripping with malice.

"You see, Isabelle, you're a valuable asset. Your hacking skills are impressive, and I can use them to my advantage."

Isabelle's mind raced as she tried to think of a way to escape. She knew she couldn't trust Collins, but she also knew she had no choice. She was trapped, and her only hope was to play along.

"What do you mean by 'clan'?" she asked, trying to sound calm.

Collins' smile grew wider, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "My business, Isabelle. I own a powerful organization, and i can use your skills to expand my empire."

"My clan, Izabelle, you know you're under my mercy right?" Collins' icy blue eyes gleamed dangerously.

He dragged her closer, their bodies touching. "Izabelle," he whispered seductively, his deep voice sending shivers down her spine. She tried to break free, but he was too strong. His hot breath on her neck made her skin tingle, and his heavenly fragrance clouded her senses.

"Mr. Haze, please stop," she begged, her voice barely audible. Collins' lips crushed hers, his tongue claiming her mouth. Izabelle's eyes widened in shock, her body responding to his kiss despite her resistance.

"I want you to be mine," Collins said, his face transforming from charming to menacing. Isabelle's scream was cut short as he finally released her from his grasp. She grabbed her purse and ran for her life, but her body weakened, and she felt paralyzed.

"No...not now..not later!," she whispered, her eyelids heavy. Collins laughed as he approached her, his eyes gleaming with a sinister intensity.

"Sorry, pookie, but no human can inhale my perfume and last two hours awake. You should have known better than to try to escape me."


Isabelle's world went dark as she fainted, trapped in Collins' clutches.

Isabelle woke up in a room with a slight headache. Her head was blank, and she had no memories. Gradually, she remembered everything from the date.


Her stomach churned as she recalled how they locked lips for what felt like eternity, and how her body betrayed her. That was her first kiss! "How can I give that man my first kiss like that?" she hissed angrily. She couldn't believe she had let Collins take advantage of her like that. She was furious with herself and with him. Her mind raced with thoughts of escape and revenge. She had to get out of there.

"How can I give that man my first kiss like that?" she hissed angrily, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and revenge. She threw off the covers and got out of bed, her eyes scanning the room for any clue to where she was. The room was beautiful, but she wasn't interested in its aesthetics. She needed to find a way out. She walked over to the bathroom and was taken aback by its enormity. The bathtub looked like it cost a fortune, and the soap, bath scrub, and lavender were all expensive products.

"Oh gosh, where am I?" she wondered aloud, her fear starting to creep in. She frantically searched for her phone but couldn't find it anywhere. "Stacy must be worried sick," she thought, her heart racing with anxiety.

She frantically searched the room, her eyes scanning every inch for any sign of her phone or a way out. But there was nothing. No phone, no doors, no windows. Just a luxurious prison. She felt a surge of panic and her heart raced faster.

"What am I going to do?" she thought, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios. She walked over to the closet and flung it open, hoping to find some clue or something she could use to her advantage. But all she saw were rows and rows of designer clothes, shoes, and accessories.

"This is ridiculous," she muttered to herself, her frustration boiling over.

"I don't need clothes, I need a way out!" She slammed the closet shut and leaned against it, trying to calm down and think clearly.

She stood there for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts and come up with a plan. But her mind was a blank. She couldn't think of anything except the fact that she was trapped. Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door.

"Hello, ma'am," a gentle voice called out. "Who is it?" she asked, her heart racing.

"I am your butler, assigned to you by Mr. Collins," the voice replied.

"What do you want?" she asked, trying to sound brave. "I have brought your breakfast, ma'am," the butler said.

"I don't want breakfast," she snapped. "I want my phone and I want to go home." There was a pause on the other side of the door.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, ma'am," the butler said. "Mr. Collins has given strict instructions that you are to remain here."

"Remain here?" she repeated, her voice rising in anger.

"What do you mean? I'm a prisoner?" The butler's voice was calm and apologetic. "I'm afraid so, ma'am. Mr. Collins has taken certain... measures to ensure your safety." She laughed, a bitter sound. "My safety? You call this safe? I'm a prisoner in a luxurious cage!" She paced back and forth in front of the door, her mind racing.

"I have to get out of here. I have to escape." But how? The door was locked, and even if she could get past the butler, she had no idea where she was or how to get back home. She felt a wave of despair wash over her, but she pushed it aside. She had to keep thinking, had to keep trying. She would not give up.The butler's footsteps echoed down the hallway as he retreated from her door. Isabelle let out a triumphant smile, feeling a small victory in this game of cat and mouse. She had won this battle, but she knew the war was far from over. She examined her earrings, a clever gift from her mother, and used the hidden tool to pick the lock. The door creaked open, and she slipped out into the labyrinthine mansion, her heart racing with anticipation.

She ran down corridors and dodged ornate furniture, desperate to find an exit. But every door led to more hallways, more rooms, more dead ends. The mansion seemed to stretch on forever, a never-ending maze designed to trap her. She stumbled upon a grand ballroom, a library, and even a private cinema, but no matter where she went, she couldn't find a way out. Just when she thought she'd never escape, she spotted a glint of sunlight through a window. She sprinted towards it and flung open the curtains to reveal a stunning pool terrace, the sun-kissed tiles and crystal-clear water a stark contrast to the dark, oppressive mansion. And there, swimming laps with effortless grace, was Collins himself.

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