

"In a world of power and deception, a forced union between Collins, a ruthless mafia heir, and Isabelle, a talented but naive young woman, sets off a dangerous game of love, loyalty, and betrayal. Collins kidnaps Isabelle, recognizing her potential to be a valuable asset in the criminal underworld. As they navigate the treacherous landscape of New York's mafia scene, with ties to Russia and LA, they must confront the Alpha mafia, a formidable foe who will stop at nothing to claim dominance. As Collins and Isabelle work together to survive and thrive, they must resist the forbidden attraction growing between them. But Isabelle's heart refuses to listen, and she finds herself deeply in love with her captor. The question is, does Collins feel the same way, or is she just a pawn in his quest for power? Dive into a world of romance, mystery, and intrigue, where the lines between love and loyalty are constantly blurred."

Areez_Owoade_7619 · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Literal chills ran through Isabelle's body as she set her eyes on the water god, Collins, rising majestically from the water. His black hair fell to his face, and droplets of water glistened on his well-toned and chiseled body. She gazed at his tattoos, her eyes tracing the intricate designs from his neck down to his left arm. He looked even more gorgeous and breathtaking than yesterday.

Isabelle scolded herself, "Stop drooling and run!" But her feet seemed rooted to the spot. Just then, she heard voices approaching. Panic set in, and she tried to flee, but Collins' voice halted her.

"Done staring, pookie?" His enigmatic voice echoed around the vast building, making Isabelle's heart race. She wondered how he had seen her. The guards arrived, and Collins instructed them to bring her to him. Isabelle struggled, but they overpowered her, carrying her back to their boss.

Collins stood up, water dripping from his body, his intimidating icy blue eyes scanning her. His huge frame overshadowed her, making Isabelle gasp at his breathtaking appearance. She couldn't get used to his perfection.

"Please, me go," Isabelle pleaded, her voice laced with stress and exhaustion. She wanted to be free from her dad and now from this handsome monster. Collins ignored her plea, his gaze never leaving hers.

"Join me in the pool," he said, his deep voice firm but hinting at a subtle softness. Isabelle's mind raced, her eyes darting around the vast building, searching for an escape. But the guards stood watchful, their eyes fixed on her.

"What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Collins' lips curled into a sly smile, his eyes glinting with amusement.

"I know you don't have money or fame, but you have something... talent. And who said you're not beautiful?" He licked his pink, rosy lips, his gaze roaming over her face. Isabelle's cheeks flushed, her heart skipping a beat.

She screamed, "There are millions of people in this world who are computer specialists... why me?" Collins closed the gap between them, his voice low and mysterious.

"So, are you telling me I have a unicorn in my reach and I should settle for a goat?" He whispered, his warm breath caressing her skin. Isabelle's eyes widened, realizing the truth in his words. She was a wanted criminal, and her friends could turn against her.

Tears streamed down Isabelle's face, her body trembling. Collins' expression softened, his eyes filled with a hint of empathy. He gently wiped her tears, his touch sending a shiver down her spine.

"Look, Isabelle, I promise I won't hurt you or lay a finger on you," he said, his voice gentle. Isabelle gazed up at him, searching for sincerity in his eyes. She wanted to trust him, but her mind warned her to be cautious.

"You just have to cooperate with me, and everything will be fine," Collins continued, his smile reassuring. But Isabelle's mind raced with questions. What did he want from her? Why was she so valuable to him?

She whispered, "But when will you let me go?" Collins' grin widened, his eyes glinting with amusement.

"Probably when I'm done with you," he said, his voice low and mysterious. Isabelle's heart sank, her mind filled with dread. She was trapped, at the mercy of this enigmatic stranger.

Collins changed the subject, his voice cheerful. "Want to watch me swim?" He asked, already heading towards the pool. Isabelle hesitated, her eyes fixed on his retreating back. She knew she had to stay, had to play along until she found a way to escape.

"I'll stay," she whispered, her voice barely audible. Collins smiled, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "Good girl," he said, diving into the pool with grace.

Isabelle watched, her eyes fixed on his powerful strokes, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and freedom. Little did she know, Collins was watching her too, his eyes hidden behind his goggles, his mind filled with secrets and plans.

Meanwhile, in Stacy's house, Liam tried to calm her down as she frantically texted and called Isabelle. "Babe, calm down, Isabelle is probably enjoying her life somewhere, and you're here worried about her safety." He said, trying to reassure her.

Stacy's eyes flashed with concern. "At least she would have texted me or given me a call. Something's off, Liam, I can feel it." She paced around the room, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

Liam sighed, trying to reason with her. "Maybe she's just busy or her phone died. Don't jump to conclusions, Stacy." But Stacy's worry only intensified.

"You don't understand, Liam. Isabelle would never ignore me like this. We tell each other everything. Something's wrong, I know it." Her voice trembled, her eyes welling up with tears.

Liam's expression softened, and he pulled her into a comforting embrace. "I'm sure she's fine, Stacy.

Stacy nodded, sniffling, her mind still racing with fears for her friend's safety.

Stacy sighed, her eyes welling up with tears. "I just have a bad feeling, Liam. What if something happened to her?" Liam's expression softened, and he pulled her into a warm embrace.

"Hey, don't worry, babe. Isabelle is a strong, smart girl. She can handle herself. And even if something did happen, we'll face it together, okay?" He said, his voice filled with reassurance.

Stacy nodded, her tears subsiding as Liam's words comforted her. He led her to the couch, and they sat down together, Liam's arm around her shoulders.

"Let's focus on something else. How about dinner? What's your favorite?" Liam asked, his eyes sparkling with a cheerful grin.

Stacy smiled, her mind shifting away from worries. "You know I love your cooking, Liam. Surprise me!"

Liam chuckled, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Alright, babe! Tonight, we're having your favorite - chicken parmesan with a special sauce I've been working on."

Stacy's eyes lit up, her stomach growling in anticipation. "Mmm, that sounds amazing!"

As Liam headed to the kitchen to start cooking, Stacy's worries about Isabelle still lingered, but with Liam's support and care, she felt a sense of comfort and hope that everything would be okay.


Isabelle gazed at the water, her eyes fixed on the spot where Collins had dived in. An hour had passed, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was still alive. She cautiously approached the pool, peering into the crystal-clear water. And then, she saw him - his powerful form gliding through the water with grace and precision. She watched, mesmerized, as he swam laps with effortless ease, his movements fluid and majestic.

"He's indeed the god of water," she whispered to herself, awestruck. She couldn't believe her eyes - Collins was unlike anyone she had ever seen. His connection to the water was almost supernatural, and she found herself drawn to him in ways she couldn't explain.

As she watched, Collins emerged from the pool, water dripping from his chiseled body. His hair was slicked back, revealing his piercing eyes. He stood tall, his broad chest and shoulders glistening in the light. Isabelle couldn't help but stare at his godly form, her heart racing with excitement.

"I'm not dead yet, pookie," he said with a sly smile, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Go back to your room. I'll be back tomorrow at 7:00 sharp." His voice was commanding, leaving no room for argument.

Isabelle hesitated, unsure if she should trust him. But Collins' tone brooked no disobedience. He summoned the guards, instructing them to escort her back to her room. "Don't even think about trying to escape, pookie," he warned, his eyes narrowing. "Or you'll face the consequences."

The guards flanked her, their grips firm on her arms. Isabelle felt a surge of fear, realizing she was trapped. Collins watched her go, his eyes never leaving hers. She felt his gaze like a physical touch, sending shivers down her spine.

As she was led away, Isabelle couldn't help but wonder what Collins had planned for her. Why had he brought her here? And what did he want from her? She felt like a pawn in game.

Collins retired to his room, where his maids helped him changed and get ready. Collins emerged from his room, his black shirt and pants perfectly tailored to accentuate his chiseled physique. A silver tie clip adorned his neck, and a diamond-encrusted watch glimmered on his wrist. His black leather shoes were polished to a high shine, and a sleek black jacket completed his outfit. He looked every bit the powerful mafia boss, exuding an aura of authority and sophistication.

As the guards escorted Isabelle back to her room, Collins' eyes never left hers. He watched as they flanked her, their grips firm on her arms. One of the guards produced a small key and unlocked the door, revealing a luxurious room with cream-colored walls and plush carpeting. They led her inside, Collins' gaze following her until she disappeared from view.

The guards stationed themselves outside her door, their eyes scanning the hallway with a mixture of vigilance and menace. Isabelle realized she was a prisoner, trapped in Collins' luxurious lair with no escape. Her mind raced with thoughts of escape and freedom, but for now, she was confined to her luxurious prison.