

"In a world of power and deception, a forced union between Collins, a ruthless mafia heir, and Isabelle, a talented but naive young woman, sets off a dangerous game of love, loyalty, and betrayal. Collins kidnaps Isabelle, recognizing her potential to be a valuable asset in the criminal underworld. As they navigate the treacherous landscape of New York's mafia scene, with ties to Russia and LA, they must confront the Alpha mafia, a formidable foe who will stop at nothing to claim dominance. As Collins and Isabelle work together to survive and thrive, they must resist the forbidden attraction growing between them. But Isabelle's heart refuses to listen, and she finds herself deeply in love with her captor. The question is, does Collins feel the same way, or is she just a pawn in his quest for power? Dive into a world of romance, mystery, and intrigue, where the lines between love and loyalty are constantly blurred."

Areez_Owoade_7619 · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


[somewhere in russia...]

The headquarters of the notorious Blood Axe mafia was a fortress of luxury and intimidation, nestled in the heart of the city's underworld. The exterior was a nondescript high-rise, blending into the urban landscape like a ghost. But once past the heavily guarded entrance, a different world unfolded.

A lavish lobby with marble floors and crystal chandeliers led to a private elevator, which whisked visitors away to the upper floors. The walls were adorned with priceless artwork, and the air was thick with the scent of cigar smoke and fine whiskey. A majestic axe, symbol of the Blood Axe family, hung proudly above the reception desk, its blade gleaming in the light.

The inner sanctum was a sprawling complex of offices, meeting rooms, and lounges, all lavishly decorated and equipped with state-of-the-art technology. The Blood Axe logo, a silver axe head with crimson edges, was emblazoned on every available surface, a reminder of the organization's power and reach.

The boss's office was a sprawling penthouse suite, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a panoramic view of the city. A massive mahogany desk sat at the room's center, flanked by leather armchairs and a fully stocked bar. A private balcony overlooked the city, a favorite spot for the boss to ponder and scheme. A gleaming silver axe, the symbol of the Blood Axe family's ruthless efficiency, stood proudly on the desk, a constant reminder of the organization's deadly reputation.

Below the main floors, a hidden bunker served as the organization's nerve center, housing advanced surveillance systems, encrypted communication networks. A secret underground garage stored a fleet of luxury vehicles, each equipped with advanced security features and weaponry.

The Blood Axe HQ was a symbol of the organization's wealth and influence, a testament to their grip on the criminal underworld. It was a place where loyalty was paramount, betrayal was unforgivable, and the stakes were always life or death.

the formidable boss of the Blood Axe mafia, sat in his plush office, surrounded by the trappings of power and luxury. He leaned back in his leather armchair, cradling a glass of rich, full-bodied red wine in one hand and a cigar in the other. The soft glow of the desk lamp cast a warm light on his chiseled features, accentuating the sharp jawline and piercing eyes that seemed to bore into those he gazed upon.

As he took a sip of the wine, his eyes closed in appreciation of the complex flavors dancing on his palate. The cigar smoke wafted lazily from his lips, carrying the scent of fine tobacco and hinting at the subtle aroma of expensive cologne.

Collins' gaze drifted out the window, where the city skyline twinkled like diamonds against the dark canvas of night. His mind was a maze of strategy and calculation, always weighing risks and opportunities, always seeking to expand the Blood Axe empire's reach and influence.

In this moment, however, he allowed himself a rare indulgence - relaxation. The wine and cigar were his small pleasures, a brief respite from the constant pressure of ruling the criminal underworld. As he savored the taste and aroma, his expression softened ever so slightly, revealing a glimmer of humanity beneath the tough exterior.

But make no mistake, Collins was still a man to be feared, a master of the shadows who would stop at nothing to protect his empire and his family. The wine and cigar were mere momentary indulgences, a brief pause before returning to the never-ending pursuit of power.

Melody, Collins' loyal and efficient personal assistant, strode into the room with her signature confidence and poise. Her dyed pink hair was styled in a sleek, modern bob, and her snake tattoo seemed to slither across her arm as she moved. Her piercing green eyes locked onto Collins, and she gave a brief, professional nod before approaching his desk.

"Sir, I have the latest reports and updates from our various operations," she said, her voice firm and clear. "The Anderson deal is moving forward as planned, and our teams have reported a significant increase in profits from the new territory."

Melody's gaze never wavered, her eyes fixed intently on Collins as she delivered the news. Her demeanor was a testament to her unwavering loyalty and dedication to the Blood Axe family, and Collins knew he could rely on her to handle even the most sensitive and dangerous tasks.

As she handed him a folder containing the detailed reports, her snake tattoo seemed to gleam in the light, a subtle reminder of her own deadly efficiency and ability to navigate the treacherous world of the criminal underworld. Collins nodded, his eyes scanning the documents, and Melody stood at attention, ready to answer any questions or carry out his orders without hesitation.

As he scanned the documents, his brow furrowed in concern. "So, he's refused to buy from us," he stated, his tone laced with a hint of disbelief. Melody nodded, her expression solemn. "Yes, sir. According to my research, he's found another supplier who can offer him a better price."

Collins' gaze narrowed, his mind racing with the implications. "But our product is the most efficient," he countered, his voice tinged with a hint of confusion. Melody's response was swift and concise. "And also the most expensive, sir."

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. Collins' eyes locked onto Melody, his expression unyielding. "We can't afford to lose a billionaire client," he said finally, his voice low and menacing. Melody nodded in agreement, her eyes never leaving his face. "I think forcing him is the best solution, sir," Collins continued, his tone brooking no argument.

Melody's response was hesitant, her voice laced with a hint of trepidation. "But how can we, sir? Mr. Lincoln is no ordinary man. He has a reputation for being ruthless and cunning." Collins' expression turned glacial, his eyes flashing with anger. "What are you saying, Melody? That we're not capable of handling him?"

Suddenly, they were caught short by a sudden knock at the door, and Collins' voice echoed across the room.

"Come in."

As the door slid open, a vision of loveliness entered the room, her golden blonde hair cascading down her back like a river of sunlight. Her piercing blue eyes sparkled with a keen intelligence, and her full lips curved into a subtle smile as she took in the scene before her. Despite her youthful appearance, this was no innocent ingénue - this was Stephanie, the Blood Axe family's most skilled and deadly spy and detective. Her beauty was a weapon, a tool she wielded with precision and grace, able to charm and disarm even the most hardened criminals.

Stephanie's gaze swept the room, taking in the tense conversation between Collins and Melody, and her eyes lingered on the folder in Collins' hand. Her mind raced with possibilities, her detective instincts on high alert. She knew that look on Collins' face, the one that said he was weighing options and calculating risks. She knew that Melody's tense posture meant there was a problem, one that required Stephanie's particular set of skills. Without a word, Stephanie glided across the room, her movements silent and fluid, her eyes locked on Collins with an unspoken question - what's the mission, boss? Her presence was a reminder that in the world of the Blood Axe family, beauty and brains were a deadly combination.

"We're still on Mr. Lincoln's case," Melody said, her eyes fixed on Collins.

Stephanie's entrance was timely, her presence as unexpected as it was intriguing. "Oh, that's why I'm here. I've done some digging on him and found something interesting."

Collins' eyes narrowed, his interest piqued. "What did you find, Stephanie?"

Stephanie's smile was subtle, her eyes glinting with a hint of mischief. "He has one of the most valuable assets in the world right now."

Melody's curiosity was palpable, her voice laced with excitement. "What is it?"

Stephanie's pause was deliberate, her words dripping with drama. "The blue diamond."

The room fell silent, the weight of her words sinking in. Collins' gaze was calm, but his eyes betrayed a hint of surprise. "Really? The blue diamond?"

Stephanie's nod was confident, her blonde hair swaying with the movement. "Yeah, 100 percent. I've never delivered false news, have I, boss?"

Melody's eyes were wide with disbelief. "How did he get his hands on the blue diamond? I thought it was extinct!"

Stephanie's smile grew wider, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well, it seems we were wrong. He acquired it yesterday and took it to his mansion."

Collins' expression turned thoughtful, his eyes narrowing as he considered the implications. "This changes things. We can kill two birds with one stone - sell him the drugs at a higher rate and snatch the diamond from him."

Melody's gaze turned skeptical. "But won't that be risky? He's sure to have tightened his security."

Stephanie's nod was emphatic. "You're right. He's doubled his guards and upgraded his security locks and safe. One of my contacts is part of the team that installed the additional security measures."

Collins' eyes locked onto Stephanie, his expression serious. "We need a plan, and fast. We can't let this opportunity slip away."

Melody's voice was thoughtful. "Well, we need someone to hack into his security system and disable it long enough for us to get in and out with the diamond."

Stephanie's eyes lit up. "I know just the person - Jeff. He's a genius with computers and can hack into anything."

Collins' nod was decisive. "Summon him. We need to move quickly."

Stephanie tapped her smartwatch, sending a message to Jeff. Within minutes, he entered the room, his big glasses covering his eyes, his hair rough and unkempt.

"Jeff, we need you to hack into Lincoln's security system and disable it long enough for us to get in and out with the diamond," Collins said, his eyes fixed on the young hacker.

Jeff's gaze was hesitant, his eyes darting between Collins and Melody. "That's a tough one, boss. Lincoln's security is top-notch. It'll take me days to crack it."

Melody's voice was firm. "We don't have days, Jeff.

Stephanie's eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. "I have an idea. Lincoln's hosting a big party tonight to showcase his latest acquisition - the blue diamond. He'll need more butlers to attend to his guests. We can get you in as a butler, Jeff. You can cause a distraction and hack into the system from inside."

Jeff's eyes widened, his face pale. "That's a risky move, Stephanie. If I get caught..."

Collins' voice was firm. "We'll take that risk. We need this diamond, Jeff. It's worth billions.

Jeff's nod was reluctant, his eyes still uncertain. "Okay, boss. I'll do it."

Collins' eyes locked onto Jeff, his expression serious. "Good. You have 72 hours to get the job done. Don't fail me, Jeff."

The room fell silent, the weight of Collins' words sinking in. Jeff's eyes met Melody's, his gaze seeking reassurance. Melody's smile was encouraging, her eyes sparkling with confidence.

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