
The King

Chapter 3

I walked out and found women who all had greenish or blueish eyes. There was a gap between two women, I instinctively went to the gap then the king motioned us to bow. The king then looked at the women first is line and she began to speak, "I am from the dragon clan, I am the princess, Misha Haruno." {dragon clan? Where exactly am I?!} ({}=thoughts). Then the next women spoke. {A dragon, a mermaid, a fox, and a rabbit?!} Then it was my turn. "I am Shino Tatura. I am a human-" The other women laughed. The king looked surprised, "Let me see your eyes." I looked up. He looked as if he had seen something shocking.

Then out of nowhere... He jumped from his throne and... hugged me?! I was taken aback. Then he said, "I finally found you! I'm so happy!" Everyone was surprised. "I-" A light flashed!