
I Don’t Remember?

Chapter 4

I was now in a bed chamber. The king beside me, sitting down reading what seems to be a book. I sat down and he turned to me, "so you're awake? I'm sorry for putting you in danger. You see, a lot of demons try to assassinate me." {Demons?! Am I in the demon realm or something?!} "Ah, you must be confused. I am Toua Nikumura. I am the king of the under world. And I'm glad I finally found you again."

Found me again? But... "I don't think we've met before...?" His face looked surprised, then looked concentrated. "Oh yes. You were in that accident and lost your memories." He looked sad. "Don't worry, I'll help you remember them!" I suddenly got a flash back. We were around 5-6 years old, playing in the park. Then the ball rolled into the road. I ran to get it, but once there... an accident. "Shino!" I snapped out of it. "Are you okay?!" I looked at him. "Yeah, I think I had a flash back. About.. the accident." He looked happy. "That means you remember we were childhood friends right?!" I smiled. "Yeah, I do."