
Chapter Seventeen

Loren hadn't moved from where Anthony had left her, although she now had a glass of bubbly champagne in her hand. A curious look was on her face, for she could tell that something important had happened. "What was that all about?" She questioned in a clipped tone. "Daphne is not to marry Lord Berbrooke anymore." Loren nodded, raising her glass to her lips, "Looks like she'll end up like me now, an unmarried spinster, the opposite of what you wish for her." She said coldly before sipping her drink. Anthony sighed deeply, feeling slightly annoyed yet guilty at her comment. "I guess I deserve that."

The woman scoffed, "There is no 'I guess'. You most definitely deserve my wrath." Anthony stayed silent, his gaze falling to the floor as he thought about how to deal with this. A sudden idea popped into his head as the string orchestra began playing one of Loren's favorite songs. It was a new rendition of 'a classic French waltz written by Milena Cyrus. Loren was quite fond of it, and Anthony felt that she wouldn't deny a dance. 

"Dance with me."

Loren stared at him, confused, "What?" Anthony gazed at her, repeating himself, "Dance with me, Loren." The woman was about to deny the request when the beautiful music reached her ears. She sighed deeply, setting her drink onto a nearby table, "Fine, Bridgerton. One dance." A smile crossed the man's face as he extended his hand toward Loren, who stubbornly accepted.

He somewhat dragged the woman onto the dance floor, and the couple immediately began to waltz, stealing the spotlight from Daphne and Simon. All eyes were on them, and if no one had known any better, they would've believed the two were courting. The two just seemed perfect together, a match made in heaven. And yet the couple seemed to be completely oblivious. Anthony twirled the woman around, and Loren felt her heart swell. Despite being upset with the man, Loren could not deny how right she felt in his arms. But she would not give in. He needed to earn her forgiveness, which was going to be quite the difficult, considering she would refuse to forgive him easily. He had hurt her far more than anyone, and so she was going to continue to hold that grudge until he did enough to prove that he was worthy of forgiveness.

The woman was drawn out of her thoughts by the sound of Anthony clearing his throat. "Yes, Lord Bridgerton?" Anthony arched his brow, "Are you really going this far? Calling me Lord Bridgerton?" Loren shrugged, "That is your name, is it not?" The man smirked, knowing that two could play this game, "I believe it is, Miss Smith." 

Loren almost physically gagged. She hated the way her last name rolled off his tongue. It sounded so unnatural and gross, she couldn't stand it. Anthony's smug smile only grew, "You don't like it very much either, do you?" Loren ignored his comment, glancing over Anthony's shoulder to see Daphne storm away from Simon. This sparked her curiosity. 

"Have you noticed anything suspicious about the courtship of Daphne and the Duke?" Anthony let out a sigh of relief, "I was meaning to ask about that-" "I could tell. Considering Simon declared that he did not desire to marry. It surely sparked my interest." Anthony nodded, "Perhaps we should investigate this." Loren scoffed, "No thank you. Despite dancing with you at this very moment, I currently do not desire to spend any time with you." 

Anthony sighed, "What do I have to do to earn your forgiveness? Please, tell me." Loren thought a moment before shrugging, "I do not know. But I believe that someday it will happen. You will do something that will be worthy of my forgiveness. But for now, we are taking a break." As she spoke, the song finished with a beautiful flourish. Loren then curtsied, "Good evening, Lord Bridgerton." She said before whirling around, approaching Benedict who was leaning against the wall, stranding Anthony in the middle of the dance floor, all eyes on him.


The next morning, the Bridgerton's found themselves at the park. Loren and Daphne were seated beneath a pavilion, whereas Anthony and Benedict were playing with Gregory and Hyacinth. Eloise had run off with Penelope, deep in conversation, and Colin was off doing God knows what.

Loren was lost in her book, Sense and Sensibility, another novel written by the amazing Jane Austen. Although, she ultimately did enjoy Pride and Prejudice more, she found Sense and Sensibility to be entertaining. Daphne was glancing around the park in search of the Duke when Anthony approached the two women, his gaze fixed upon Daphne, "I was not aware, Sister, of what Berbrooke attempted. I would have helped you. You should have told me." 

Loren glanced up from her reading, unaware of what the two siblings were discussing. What had happened? Daphne then spoke, "Would you have believed me? Did you only change your mind about Lord Berbrooke because another man told you the truth?" Anthony scoffed, "You truly esteem me so little?" 

"After I apprised you of my wishes, and you proceeded to ignore them... yes, brother, I do." The sound of a horse galloping caught Daphne's attention, for the sound signaled that Simon had arrived. She rose from her seat and went over to meet him. Loren glanced at Anthony, "What happened with Berbrooke and Daphne?" Anthony sighed, "Berbrooke was careless with his honor."

Loren's eyes widened, praying she had heard him wrong, "You're telling me that Berbrooke attempted to take Daphne against her will?" Anthony nodded. Loren was shocked. She knew the Berbrooke was a loathsome toad, and yet she never thought someone would stoop that low. "That -" "Loren! Such language!" Violet exclaimed, to which Loren sheepishly smiled at her, "My apologies, Violet."

Just as Daphne and the Duke joined the group, Nigel Berbrooke appeared, a paper crushed in his hand. Loren clenched her fists in anger, "What have you done now, Berbrooke?" She hissed, as the man smiled his ugly smile. His face looked quite grotesque, for someone had beat the snot out of him. "I bring cheerful news, Bridgertons!" He flattened out the piece of parchment, "I have taken matters in my own hands and sought a special license for my wedding to Miss Bridgerton." 

Anthony shook his head, "There is to be no wedding. I told you. The arrangement is cancelled." He snapped. Violet spoke up, "Lord Berbrooke, you look in a great deal of pain. Shall we continue this in a more private location? She asked, glancing around at the members of the ton around her. "I require no further conversation. Though, perhaps I am finally speaking to the true head of the Bridgerton house." The toad glanced at Anthony, "For if it were you, I imagine you would have instructed your sister to take better care than to encourage certain attentions while alone with me on the Dark Walk at Vauxhall. Of course, mere hearsay of such a scandal could wreak havoc on even the most influential of families. What would someone like, say, Lady Whistledown do with such unseemly information?"

Loren stepped up in front of Anthony, "Is that a threat?" Her voice had a dangerous edge to it, and she was merely seconds from exploding. Berbrooke merely sneered at the woman, "It is certainly not. Because in three days, I am to marry. I have the diamond of the season. I have the very best the ton has to offer. I have a Bridgerton. And I shall save her, as well as your entire family, from the ruin which you could not protect them. I look forward to the union of our great families."

Loren took another step forward toward the toad, her hands curled into fists, anger radiating off of her. Before she could launch herself at the man, Anthony gently grabbed her waist, holding her back from making a grave mistake. Berbrooke only chuckled, "How unladylike, Miss Loren. Perhaps this is why you have not found yourself a husband."

"You fucking bitc-" Loren shouted, only to be cut off by Anthony as he tightened his grip on the woman's waist, restraining her from attacking the man, who smirked before strutting away, leaving an infuriated family behind him.