
My Love since Forever

They have known each other for so long, Lin did not know when her feelings for Chen has changed and why, but all of a sudden, she felt shy towards him but at the same time, she wanted to stay close. Chen was the school idol, not only was he handsome but was top of his class as well, but he only has his eyes set for one girl, Lin, who happens to be his sisters' best friend. "Lin, since you don't have a date for prom, why don't you just ask my brother?" Quin was her best friend ever since they were little, the two were inseparable. Little Sis:[Now is your time brother, be here tomorrow at seven in the evening, Lin has no date for prom] My Brother:[I will be there.] ------------------------------------- "Thank you for coming today Chen, if it were not for you, it would have been troublesome for me." Lin said while letting out a sigh, she never wanted this night to end. "If anyone tries to bother you, just tell them that you already have a boyfriend." Chen said, although his tone was rather calm, but his heart was about to jump out of his chest, it's now or never. "Hahahaha, yeah right, an imaginary boyfriend would be so convincing." Lin looked at the boy and saw how serious his face was. "It doesn't have to be invisible, just tell them it's me." Chen looked at the girls' reaction, "Well until such time you find someone you really like Lin" he immediately blurted out. Lin's heart was doing a summersault, it's now or never Lin, "O.....kay then" she whispered.

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23 Chs

unwanted attention

Gao Quin and Fua Lin were definitely late when they arrived at school, the bell has already rung five times so that means they are already late for fifteen minutes. Gao Quin was feeling guilty that her best friend had to suffer because of her, but at the end of the day, she never heard any complaint from Fua Lin.

"I'm sorry Linlin, you had to clean for the whole week because of me. " Gao Quin started to mop the floor.

"It's alright Qinqin, I don't mind. Just promise me that we won't be late again next week, okay?" Fua Lin smiled gently at her best friend.

While they were busy starting to clean the classroom, some boys from the other classes were standing just outside their classroom. "Fua Lin, your fans are here!" Gao Quin whispered, not gaining any interest from Fua Lin.

Fua Lin grew up with her grandmother, her parents were always away for work, so her grandmother decided to take care of her fulltime, and she has not seen her parents since three years ago. She loves art so much, in fact, the attention she was getting started at a painting contest where she won first prize defeating all of her seniors. Not only was she good, but she is also beautiful with her raven black hair that seemed to envelop her tiny face, all that should have been great if she would smile too, but she was aloof and anti-social. She doesn't like to talk with others, and always keeps to herself, but one day, she met the bubbly Gao Quin and everything changed. Although Gao Quin is the only friend she had acknowledged over the years, there were some, both male and female who are trying to gain popularity by leeching off hers.

"Are you boys just going to stand there, or are you going to help?" Gao Quin said, earning a look of disapproval from Fua Lin. "Babe, we need their help so that you will not be too tired." Fua Lin is asthmatic, so she rarely exposes herself to dust unless it is needed. And every time she paints, she wears a mask because the smell from the paint can trigger an asthma attack too, thus her schoolmates started to call her the masked painter.

Just as the group of male students was trying to scramble inside the classroom to impress Fua Lin "There's no need. Please go home, thank you for your kindness!" she said coldly and bowed to them. And as if nothing happened she continued with her work.

"Tsk, such a waste of beauty my Linlin. If I was as beautiful as you, I will have all the boys here as my slaves, then I don't have to do any hard work while I'm at school."

Fua Lin is not comfortable with the attention given to her since she was not used to i. All she wants is to graduate peacefully from high school and go to a good architecture school to fulfill her dreams.

As they were going out of the campus, a group of boys were still following them, Fua Lin was beyond irritated, hmp, and she looked disdainfully at her best friend who was enjoying all the attention. They were almost at the gate now when she noticed Gao Chen walking towards them, that's odd, usually, when he sees them, especially her, he always goes to the other direction since the last few weeks that she noticed.

"Hey brother, are we going home together?" huh? Gao Chen walked passed her and stopped in front of Fua Lin. "Are these boys bothering you?" Gao Chen seriously asked Fua Lin and Gao Quin were both confused.

It's now or never Chen, without warning he held into Fua Lin's hand and guided her as they walked out of the campus together, leaving Gao Quin dumbfounded. She opened and closed her mouth but found no words, so she hurriedly followed the two of them.

"What are you doing Gao Chen?" Fua Lin asked when they were already a safe distance from the school grounds, she understood what Chen was trying to do so she did not fight it, but her heart was fluttering at the same time, but she kept her voice calm.

"When in school, you can just tell them that you have a boyfriend, and if they ask, tell them it's me." then Gao Chen ruffled the girls' hair, "That's how you get rid of this unwanted attention once and for all Fua Lin."