

Twin brothers Jayden and Aiden, live in the shadows of each other. They were searching for their missing sister who they lost because of an accident years ago. The underworld king, Aiden, plans to kidnap Jennifer whose father was linked to that incident. But the elite businessman who is also the captain in SOF(Secret operation force), Jayden saves Jennifer. Because of the confusion created by Jayden, Aiden’s men kidnap Elina who is Jennifer’s best friend. Aiden and Elina kick-off after their first meeting while Jayden forces Jennifer to marry him in return to let her best friend go… My love, my baby! Love! It’s sweet love everywhere, I love you with all my heart! Even death cannot do us apart, You are mine and I am yours... (The book cover does not belong to me. All the credits go to the artist.)

Darlene_Virginia · Urban
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293 Chs

Oh! My chicken legs! You too, don’t leave me!

"Hey, what's your name?" Elina looked at the guy who was staring at her eating.

"Axe", the guy replied and just kept on waiting by the sides patiently for her to finish the lunch.

Elina asked Axe, "Why don't you eat along with me? It is too boring to eat everything all by myself."

Axe looked at her and the table with food, with great difficulty, controlled his temptation to tell her that all these food placed on the table were actually not for her and it's for his whole team which consists of ten members.

And to make him even more dumbfounded, Elina took a chicken piece and tried to give it to him but at that time, Aiden entered the kitchen and spotted her talking to Axe. He felt upset but did not say anything, instead took a bite of the chicken piece which she was holding.

Elina jumped up in shock but looking at Aiden, her mind went blank and she just threw the chicken piece back on to the plate and turned to leave. All of a sudden, Aiden felt frustrated looking at her behaving in this way.

"Did you think you came here on a vacation to relax?" Aiden asked irritatingly.

Elina just looked down and tears formed in her eyes. She even started sobbing thinking that she is already sacrificing her love and now Aiden took her chicken.

Looking at her sobbing, Aiden became helpless and did not know what to do to make her stop. When he looked up, he saw Axe moving silently away from them and he wanted to give him a punch right at that moment. But right now, he wanted Elina to stop crying as he felt his heart was being squeezed when she made the weeping noise.

"Can you stop crying?" Aiden asked but all he received was a big boohoo…

"Please stop" Aiden tried again but he received, even more, louder boohoo…

He never felt helpless before, even when he had been on a high-risk mission or when he had a threat on his life. But now he felt the situation was completely out of his hand and he showed his frustration by just pushing almost all the food off the table.

Elina immediately stopped crying and ran towards the food trying to save them from falling down. But before she could even reach, everything fell down with a bang sound and plate which she was eating rolled and fell near Aiden's feat. She was stuck in awe and looked at Aiden with displeasure.

"Oh! My chicken legs! You too don't leave me", when Aiden saw Elina start crying again, he took the last plate of deep-fried chicken wings and pretended like he was going to drop it off.

When Elina saw that she ran towards him to hold the plate before falling. But Aiden just held it before it could reach the ground. Elina looked pleased and even let out a self-satisfied smile. She tried to get the plate from him but he held it high which made her jump up.

After several attempts, looking at her pitiful expression Aiden lowered the plate to her. She held the plate with a grin and even wiped the imaginary sweat from her head. She just picked one chicken wing carefully and took it near her mouth, but before she could even take a bite of the chicken wing, Aiden held her waist and pulled her towards him.

With an expression saying, 'what's going on? Where am I? I don't know anything', Elina placed the plate carefully on the table.

"Hey, if you want a chicken wing you just need to ask, you do not have to be too violent." while saying that she placed the chicken wing into his mouth.

He took a bite and pushed it towards her mouth. She innocently took it and finished it off without any delay. Once she was done, a thought struck her. Oops, they had an indirect kiss just now through chicken wing!!

Just then she lifted her head and noticed how close they were! She swallowed very heavily and it was hard to control her temptation to bite that lips which are now covered with chicken wings sauce.

Slowly, unable to control herself anymore, with her brain filled only with munching his lips she stood on tiptoe and took advantage of him. She first plucked on them for some time and she did not even know what happened but they already started moving towards the direction of a door and when it opened they both fell on the sofa bed.

The whole time she kept on nibbling, pecking, grazing, biting and even toying with his lips. She almost had the lead and even Aiden let her do whatever she wants with him. But just after five minutes, he just could not bear her torture anymore and just took the lead and devoured her completely.

They did it almost ten times and even Aiden slept after being wasted by Elina but she was fully awake and had shock waves hitting her brain.

She just raped her best friend's boyfriend!

Why am I born so perverted?

What am I going to do now?

No!!! My Jenny will be heartbroken!!

How am I going to face her from now on?

I am such a cheat! I do not deserve to live anymore!

I am sorry Jenny! I am so sorry! I am not worthy of being your friend anymore!

I am such a low life who could not even control my own feelings!!!

Goodbye Jenny!! Goodbye, my handsome!!

Looking at Aiden, she could not help but shed a few fake tears and she ran holding her mouth outside the room.

Axe who stood without any expression looked at Elina who walked out with his boss's shirt. He almost had a heart attack and felt pity for his boss. What did this devil do with his boss? Is he still alive? Should he call for backup and put her in the dungeon, so that she can receive her punishment for toying with his boss.

"Axe, can you help me hide somewhere?", when Elina asked this question, he almost coughed up blood.

Did she really kill his boss? And what he thought about her really turned out to be true!!

Before he could pull out his weapon and kill her, Elina said, "If you do not help me now, then I will tell him that you are the one who hit me from behind. I even have a bump still visible, should I just go ahead and wake up your boss and tell him?"

Axe did not expect that she would be cruel than his boss in torturing him. He feared for his life but he is also worried if he helped her now, his boss would definitely kill him. But if he let her wake up and tell his boss the truth, then he would kill him immediately.

After thinking of the pros and cons, he just decided to live for a few more days than dying immediately. So he shook his head with both meanings, ok and not ok.

Seeing that her plan worked, she just patted on his shoulders which said, you decided correctly.

As Axe knew the place in and out, he smuggled her out without anyone knowing and even avoiding all the cameras located in that place.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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