

Twin brothers Jayden and Aiden, live in the shadows of each other. They were searching for their missing sister who they lost because of an accident years ago. The underworld king, Aiden, plans to kidnap Jennifer whose father was linked to that incident. But the elite businessman who is also the captain in SOF(Secret operation force), Jayden saves Jennifer. Because of the confusion created by Jayden, Aiden’s men kidnap Elina who is Jennifer’s best friend. Aiden and Elina kick-off after their first meeting while Jayden forces Jennifer to marry him in return to let her best friend go… My love, my baby! Love! It’s sweet love everywhere, I love you with all my heart! Even death cannot do us apart, You are mine and I am yours... (The book cover does not belong to me. All the credits go to the artist.)

Darlene_Virginia · Urban
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293 Chs

Caught the cat!! The Mouse smiled in victory!

When Jennifer woke up, she had a heavy splitting headache and her hands had been tied on both sides while on her left hand she saw a freshly changed drips bottle were connected. She started analyzing the room and understood that she came here to save Elina and instead she herself became a victim.

If they treated her like this then just thinking about Elina's condition made her feel terrible. She once again looked around to plan her escape option. She felt maybe she should have listened to her father or at least took a back up plan before she came here.

At that time all she could think about was Elina's safety and how fast she could rescue her. When she thought to communicate with her father, she realized she had been changed into a new dress and even her watch was missing; through which she can alert father her coordinates.

She started to plan what she should do next. If she shouts then will anyone come? And then when he comes near her, she can say that she wants to use the bathroom and then try to escape.

But what if the whole place is monitored; even though when she came here she checked out the whole place but still she got caught in the end.

At that time she remembered how exactly she got caught.

After checking once, she realized that she was not asleep yet. So she waited in his closet for another two hours. Later, she slowly moved towards him and checked whether he slept. Just to be on the safer side, she took the sleep-inducing powder and tried to put it near his nose but after that, her memory stopped.

How much ever she tried to recall, she could remember nothing! Being tied on both her legs and hands made her feel pain everywhere. She slowly tried to remove the knot from her hands but the more she wriggled the more it became tighter.

She stopped trying as her wrist started aching and she felt like her sling got torn around that area. Even when she tried with the legs, she felt a similar experience. She had taken special training to untie the knots even in difficult situations but today she couldn't even adjust even a little bit.

As there were no other options left, she thought to shout and alert the outsiders but when she opened her mouth only air came and not the voice. Thankfully to put an end to all her struggle, a nurse came inside the room while listening to the music and even singing with her tone-deaf voice.

Jennifer felt like doing a flip and breaking her head. She kept on trying to get her attention but that nurse took it as she was visiting a museum and looked around each and every painting on the wall.

At one point Jennifer just stopped trying and let it be. When she thought that all she could do is just stay quiet her blood boiled in anger. But right now all she could hope for was that at least by mistake the art-psycho finds out that she is now awake or she would just have to wait until her attention turns towards her.

But she didn't have to wait long, as someone opened the door faster without even knocking and entered the room. Upon entering the room, he looked at Jennifer and a smile spread across his face. His face glowed from the smile and it reminded her about Elina, which made Jennifer stare at Jayden.

But her stare didn't affect his mood instead he became even happier. But when the nurse finally came down to this world upon noticing Jayden's arrival and her face brightened. She came running towards him and even tried to hold his hands while acting cutely.

Jennifer felt like puking, but if she did now before she could find Elina she would choke and die by her own puke. She controlled herself and just closed her eyes. She would never beg her enemy for mercy. If he wants to kill her then let it be!

Once Jayden saw Jennifer ignoring him and even closed her eyes as if she would pretend to be dead rather than looking at him, his face darkened. He pushed aside the nurse who tried to hold his hands and he called his assistant immediately to kick the nurse out and to make sure she disappeared from his sight forever.

He came and checked the drip flow and untied her. Looking at the marks on her hands and legs, his heart ached.

Jennifer realized that she was being untied but she did not want to meet his mocking eyes, so she just decided to pretend for some more time until he leaves the room.

But even waiting for half a day, she didn't hear any sound around her. So she slowly opened her eyes thinking that he left. But before she could even react, she saw him climb on the bed and lie down next to her.

He even had the audacity to hug her. That's it! All hell broke loose! How dare he! But before she could even lift her hands to push him away, he held her hands tightly above her head.

"Tell me! What happened to you?" He demanded.

Jennifer just blinked while wondering, what the hell is he talking about?

As he looked at her beautiful blinking eyes, he almost got lost in them and even felt like his soul was being sucked into them. He with great difficulty controlled him and asked, "while you were in sleep for the past two days, you tried to harm yourself multiple times. When I was there I could protect you but when I am not, I had no other choice but to tie your hands! I am sorry! I would make sure that it never happens again"

Jennifer's face darkened and she just kept quiet. She wanted to tell him to piss off! But right now angering him will mean, she might put Elina in danger. So, she tried to ask him about Elina but when she tried to speak her throat hurt like hell.

Looking at her struggle Jayden jumped down from the bed and got her water. He dipped a cotton ball and wiped her lips and gave her some warm water after he tested that it's not too hot.

Jennifer signaled him to get her a paper and a pen. Once he got it, she wrote 'where is Elina?'

Looking at her question, he blinked and wondered if he should say the truth. His brother Aiden called him multiple times from the last two days but he completely ignored him as Jennifer was with him and needed to take care of her.

But today he gave a warning that if he doesn't come in ten minutes, he would crash the stock market and make his company file for bankruptcy. He was not worried about his company, even if he lost one, he could make another one.

But looking at Aiden's behavior, he had a feeling that it might be something very serious. So he rushed to him leaving Jennifer with the art-psycho nurse for just an hour.

And there he saw his brother at his worst. At least he got to get some sleep and even that too while hugging his wife but Aiden looked like he did not sleep or eat for the past two days. He even looked like he wore that shirt for almost a month and he even stinks very bad.

He will definitely not say anything to his Jennifer as he could not allow her to become another zombie-like brother Aiden.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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