
My love is a WITCH

Things turned upside down when Akhilesh, a graduate student, find out the girl he love is a Witch from parallel world. But he doesn't want to give up on his love and that only lead him into a darker roads he can never comeback from. Can he face the consequences? What dangers are await him? Read to find out if he will have a 'they-lived-happily-ever-after' ending or not.

uncookedspaghetti · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Violet Eyes.

Her face, her voice, her back, the whole 'coffee shop' scene is imprinted in my mind and is kept on 'repeat mode' all the day. No matter what I'm seeing, whom I'm talking with, what I'm doing, I'm staring at her picture in my mind: Her big eyes, her rose lips, her soft skin, her warm breath. I kept Imagining the wild fantasies that I know are never gonna happen in my life. Like grabbing her by hand in public, my one arm around her waist, other holding the back of her head while she jumps on me to grab my lips, and we both kiss until we ran out of breath. The day appeared short, time slipped away so easily in her thoughts. I reached home.

As usual, I came home late that night too. I don't want to wake my parents only to get taunted by them. So I stealth walked towards my secret window and jumped into my room. I unbuttoned my shirt and started giving 'Mr.Universe' poses in the mirror. It's been 3 months since I started going to gym and the results are so so good. I'm so toned, roughly V-shaped and a little shredded. Now I want to walk shirtless all along my street - just another wild fantasy I will never do.

In my mind, the 'coffee shop' scene is replaying for a 1000th time. But this time, I noticed something else than Priya.

I got a feeling that someone else was watching from the table behind Priya. I tried to focus on the mental image of that scene: That someone is a 'she' - white, short, long loose black hair and... and.. her eyes are different. I mean, there's an unnaturally violet hue to her eyes. I know blue eyes, green eyes, brown eyes, who on earth has violet eyes?

It is at that moment I saw through the mirror in front of me that the window I just sneaked from has no iron frame. Usually I will unscrew it, sneak, and screw it back. But the frame was removed already by the time I came! My heart began to race. I looked at the door, it was locked from inside. Usually I will lock it from outside while leaving in the morning! Did someone came into my room before me? Is he still inside? My heart began to pound.

I can hear a faint sound of water. It's coming from the bathroom. It's the sound of shower. The 'light bulb' inside the bathroom is switched on. Through the gap under the door, I can see the shadow of someone bathing inside.

Then came a faint whistle of a song tune I don't know. At first I thought it might be my brother or father. But they don't lock the doors when they come to use my bathroom. Then I thought it might be a robber. But what kind of a robber takes a shower instead of looting the house? My heart is slamming against the ribcage.

I stepped towards my bed to grab the 'scout staff' that I got from my school days' camps. Right when I'm at the bed the bathroom door opened. The scout rod is under my bed. Before I could bend and reach for it, a girl stepped out from my bathroom, wet and naked. What the hell is happening in my house?!

I'm shock struck. She walked straight to me. She is white and short. long hair and has violet eyes. The same girl who's stalking me at the coffee shop. There's something non-human about her. I can't say what it is exactly. She held me by my shoulders with her both hands. Her head is about my chest high. Water drops dribbling from her flawless skin, through highs and lows of her smooth, flawless curves. She stared at my topless body, she smiled, grinned, and then opened her mouth wide!

Oh gosh! she has abnormally long sharp canine teeth like fangs. The very sight of which freaked the hell out of me. Before I could shout or run she jumped on to me, we both fell on the bed, she on top of me. She held me tight wrapping her one arm around me and with the other she muffled my mouth. She's too strong for her size. I'm wiggling, struggling to get loose from her hold. But I couldn't.

Then she reached to my neck to bite her terrifying vampire fangs into me.

At that moment I confirmed my assumption: She's not a human at all!

(To be continued...)