
My love is a WITCH

Things turned upside down when Akhilesh, a graduate student, find out the girl he love is a Witch from parallel world. But he doesn't want to give up on his love and that only lead him into a darker roads he can never comeback from. Can he face the consequences? What dangers are await him? Read to find out if he will have a 'they-lived-happily-ever-after' ending or not.

uncookedspaghetti · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Coffee Shop.

I can't breathe. I can feel my own pulse. Sweat is showering down my whole body. The world around me is blanking out. Don't think I met an accident and dying. It's quite contrast to that - I met that girl. That crazy 'angel in drizzle' I saw a couple of nights before. Since then my senses are out of sense. I can't sleep. I can't concentrate. I can't stop thinking about her - who is she? what's her name? Does she have a boyfriend? These days even average looking ones are taken. The girl like her with such a beauty is damn hard to be 'single'. You might think I'm being too desperate for her. But If you are a boy and see her the night I saw her, you would be desperate too. We boys only have one weakness: the girl's cuteness. We don't care if you are black, white, short, tall, fat, thin. If you are cute, it drives us crazy about you. Maybe it is some kind of pre-set default in our genes. Now I'm standing in front of that cute 'angel in drizzle' girl, face to face. Looking her cuteness so close just runs my lungs out of oxygen.

"who are you?" she asked, trying to remember me. how can she? she doesn't know me. But I grabbed her hand from behind in a crowded mall. I did that instinctively. Grabbing the hand of a girl I don't know in a place full of people I don't know- how in the hell I did that unless I'm nuts. Maybe I'm nuts... about her.

"I saw you on that night. On road. you were so beautiful" I said, completely out of sync with her question and the situation.

"Excuse me?" she said pulling her hand off mine. But I'm still holding hers - I'm such a dick!

"Sorry, I don't know what I'm speaking. Can we go somewhere. I can't breathe here" I said, and instead of slapping me, surprisingly, she agreed. The next minute we are at the coffee shop. Me sitting on the opposite chair to her. she sitting beside her friend who is giving all kinds of weird looks at me. I didn't care. I mean how in the heavens can someone care anything when a '50kg cuteness' is sitting in front of you?

"love aah?" asked her friend, as sarcastically as possible. and for the first time I looked at her since we three met. Trying to suppress all the irritation from showing on my face, I said "yeah, don't worry, not on you."

"See, I don't like making a mess that's why I didn't shout at the mall. I don't know who you are. I'm not interested in you" she said as if about to stand up and leave.

"the coffee, let's just finish the coffee", I said, but she was like rolling her eyes. her eyes, so big that I get lost into them every time she looks at me and never comeback. Rolling eyes, tucking the hair behind ear, biting teeth, and wetting lips with tongue tips- why god gave all these cute super powers to girls. They do one or two of these in front of boys and boys go behind them like dogs behind dog biscuits. She took the cup and sipped the hot latte. I took a sip from my espresso, without taking my eyes off her.

"my name is Akhilesh. Yours?" I asked, a bit hurriedly. what to do? I'm too desperate to know her.

"Priya" she said. Another sip. The coffee foam to her lips. She licked it off with the tip of her tongue. Seeing her do that skipped my heart a couple of beats. Call me pervert but I, so desperately, want to kiss her lips, then and there.

Before I could speak of anything she said, "I'm not your kind. This is not possible and never gonna happen. So give up and leave me alone. Please" she said taking the last sip and standing.

"You don't even know me, how can you decide that I'm not your type? give me a chance. Who knows, maybe we are meant to be?" I said, running to her, blocking her way, trying my best to make her stay.

"not type, the kind, we are different", she said with a sigh, "I can't explain. Just don't disturb me. Please" she said and left.

"I just want the same, but what to do, you are disturbing me since I saw you." I shouted at her as she and her friend are leaving. She didn't respond. I took a last good glance at her. The perfect lean, curvy but no so curvy body. Yellow kurti, white legging, cat walk. Fair skin, white as milk. Thin and delicate nails as of a just born babies. and when she walks, her back, her braid, oh god! they just make your mind go up-side down. I'll never find someone like her again in my life. I've decided not to leave her. Never. Ever.

At that time I was so drunk on my 'Priya' cuteness that I didn't notice it but later in the night I realized that there was a girl with strange eyes behind 'Priya', and she was staring at us all this time.

By the time when I realized it, it was already too late...