
My love is a WITCH

Things turned upside down when Akhilesh, a graduate student, find out the girl he love is a Witch from parallel world. But he doesn't want to give up on his love and that only lead him into a darker roads he can never comeback from. Can he face the consequences? What dangers are await him? Read to find out if he will have a 'they-lived-happily-ever-after' ending or not.

uncookedspaghetti · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Portal to the Parallel World.

It was an ambush from behind. A sudden attack. Soon after the first howl, I heard many more from all directions. I was expecting it. But I'm blindly driven by the rage and had no plan to deal with it. I thought I can speed up and reach the woods before wolves reach me. I was wrong. I was knocked off the bike by a wolf that pounced at me from behind. The bike skid and went down the woods into the darks. I rolled on the dried leaves and twigs and my head hit a tree. I stood up holding the back of my head with one hand. It's aching like hell. I saw growling wolves slowly emerging from the darks towards me. I grabbed a wooden log with the other hand. Wolves are closing at me from everywhere. I know I can't fight them all. But I can't just give up that easy. So, I clenched my grip and is about give a head shot to a wolf that's charging at me. But then a ear shattering holler stopped everyone. The charging wolf halted by digging it's claws in the ground. Other wolves, too, stopped. The earth beneath my feet began to quake slightly. I felt this before. It is at that point of time I realized I'm not alone. The wolves began to split and make way to the coming giant. The Arashi.

Arashi bent down on his forelimbs asking me to hike over him. I did. He walked towards the cabin with me sitting on his back while all the hungry wolves watched us helplessly.

Arashi is a wolf, too. Much bigger than the others though. I wonder why he is helping Priya and me. I wonder why these wolves are against Priya. I'm very curious. I want answers. I want Priya.

I'm in Priya's cabin. Arashi is sitting in a corner, playing with its tail as usual. First I searched if Priya came back. If she is hiding somewhere. No use. The place is just as it was when we left. Then I went through the books. Some of them ar in languages that I know. I've started reading them. Hours passed, but I'm not understanding a bit. It was like preparing one night before the exam. Pages turned, but nothing learned. Time is racing. I have to do something. I have to be fast. How? Then my eyes involuntarily rolled towards the jars of colored powders.

The psychedelics.

These stuff, they unlock the brains abilities. They make you think fast, learn fast, process the information fast. But you have to keep your focus after taking these. Which is a hell of a task. I have the purpose and necessity to focus. So I think I can do it.

It reminds me of a Mathematician named 'Paul Erdos'. He deliberately takes amphetamines, a kind of addicting drug. He says they let him explore the mathetics faster and better. In his own words, he said, "Before, when I looked at a piece of blank paper my mind was filled with ideas. Now all I see is a blank piece of paper."

I hope it will work out for me, too. Just like it worked out for Paul Erdos.

Couple of days passed. I'm taking the these colored powders on hourly basis. I didn't sleep. I didn't eat. I drank something, not sure if it is water or something else. The world around me is spinning, things started changing colors and floating mid air. I hear sounds. I see things. which I'm not sure are real. But thank to the inspiration of 'Paul Erdos', this shit worked. I've been through the history of the witches and learn't a new language of parallel earth. I've got answers. Not all of them but few.

Just like different casts in our world, in parallel earth, in Priya's world, there are different kinds of beings: witches, werewolves, vampires etcetera. Witches are the most advanced both in genetically and intellectually. To them, witchcraft is more of science than the supernatural thing. Only withes are capable of doing these witchcraft stuff because they are evolved with the genetic base to unlock the certain functionings of brain. Although there are significant difference internally between these beings and us, superficially they look just like humans. The rivalry between these three kinds, vampires, werewolves, witches, are similar to our cast and religious rivalry. These beings live for unusually long periods of times compared to humans. And vampires stop aging physically after 25. That's why Diya still looks like a college girl. I wonder what's her actual age is!

Mochi is the head of all witches and seemingly immortal. Witchcraft in simple words is 'manipulating the spiritual energy to do the desired things.' Every object, every living being has spiritual energy. It is that energy that creates an aura around it. When you perform a sacrifice in the witchcraft ritual, you harvest that energy. Now, that harvested energy is like spiritual currency which you can spend to pay for things like opening portal gates, changing weather, controlling minds and stuff like that.

The amount of energy of different beings differ from each other. More complex the being, more spiritual energy they have. That's why witches usually sacrifice human beings, the most complex beings.

Meanwhile, every time I get bored or tired, I stop reading and start drawing the 'star in a circle' in the middle of room. Today, I'm going to open the portal to Priya's world. Without even me mentioning it the day became night. It is New moon night. I read in books, sacrifices done in new moon nights tend to harvest more energy.

Diya's words kept repeating in my mind: 'she created Priya to sacrifice'. I hope she doesn't do sacrifice Priya tonight. I hope I will reach there before something goes wrong.

I hope Priya is still alive.

I've started the ritual. Arashi is watching me patiently from a corner. The process reached the part where the 'sacrifice' has to be made. Thanks to my psychedelics, I've totally forgot to prepare something for the sacrifice. I looked around. Arashi is staring at me. Colored powder dancing in my veins making me think crooked thoughts. I grinned at Arashi. Arashi looked at me innocently.

Within minutes I was ripping apart the body of a wolf that Arashi brought for me. I never thought I could do something like this. To the dazed me, the body appeared like a Cake and I'm a birthday boy cutting it. I cut the arteries and veins and took out the heart which is still beating. Then I performed the sacrifice as it is mentioned in the books.

It is done, I've done everything the books said. But nothings seems to be happening. I've failed? I shouldn't. I'm not a witch. Book siad, only witches can do this.So, this is it? I've started crying like a lunatic: screaming and sobbing. My shouts reverberated in the the entire forest. I'm sure every being is frightened by the spine shivering screams. Then something happened. A black light shot from the middle of the circle to the roof and started to spread out.

The Portal to Priya's world has opened.

(To be continued...)