
My love is a WITCH

Things turned upside down when Akhilesh, a graduate student, find out the girl he love is a Witch from parallel world. But he doesn't want to give up on his love and that only lead him into a darker roads he can never comeback from. Can he face the consequences? What dangers are await him? Read to find out if he will have a 'they-lived-happily-ever-after' ending or not.

uncookedspaghetti · Fantasy
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16 Chs


"where am I?" I asked the women in white dress. She's injecting something into a small plastic bottle hanging upside down on the stand beside me. The white liquid inside it turned into yellow. A thin tube ran from it all the way to my hand where it is sticked on my forearm with some red color tapes. A strange, sharp smell of disinfectant is poking my nostrils. Tray full of different bottles and boxes are on the other side of my bed. I'm wrapped in spirit stinking white nylons.

"He's asking the same question every time he wakes up" the women in white dress said to no one in particular. Another women's voice came from the other side of the closed curtains beside me:

"He's got some memory loss. Dr.Abhijith said it is normal after the shock. He will soon get normal"

"What happened to me?" I've asked. The women in white dress checked my temperature, scribbled something on a thin file in the bedside table. Do you want to meet your friends? They are waiting outside since the night, she asked me.

"Yeah, what's the time now?" I asked. The room is totally closed. It's hard to predict the time.

"3 in the noon" she said, storming off.

I've kept staring at the door expecting people to rush at me with crying faces and happy smiles. More than a minute passed, I guess. No one came. I tried to guess who those friends are? No face came into my mind's vision. It's not that I don't have any friends, but I just can't remember them. It felt like remembering the lyric of that favorite song whose tune ceaselessly playing in your mind. You know you know it. It's on the tip of your tongue. But you don't know it. Then they came, one fat, medium height guy with straight hair hanging till his ears. I know him. No, I know someone who looks like him. The other is a hot-as-bombshell girl with skin tight Tee-shirt and torn jeans that hardly crossed her knees. I don't remember her. I wish I could.

No crying faces. No happy smiles. Damn movies, always exaggerates everything.

"So who am I now?" asked the fat one.

"Hey, darling. Our daughter wants to see you. Come home soon, baby" asked the girl.

I'm a dad? What the...!

"Sorry, who are you?" I've asked both of them with a blank face.

"Baby, did you forget your own wife? We had two kids, remember?" said the girl.

How in the hell did I got married to such a sexy thing?

"Stop it, Diya. We should help. Don't confuse him more" grunted the fat one. So this hottie is Diya. It seems she's hitting on me. I hope she succeeds.

"I'm Ganesh. Your friend. Don't you remember us?" the fat one asked.

Yeah, that forgotten lyric, that name on the tip of my tongue is Ganesh. But I expected him to be a little younger. Did I went to coma and woke up 20 years later or what?

"I remember Ganesh. But you look much older than the one I remember." I said.

Thank god. he said. A sigh of relief from both of them. Later they told me what happened. It seems I was in and out of consciousness since the last couple of days. They said I was missing since one week. I said to my parents that I was on a college trip and left the house and from then I was missing, they said. Ganesh said there was no trip. Diya said, that as soon as she got to know that I was missing she searched for me. Ganesh snapped in saying, She used her powers and tracked me back to the cabin in the woods. what cabin? I don't know. Powers! apart from being irresistibly sexy what powers does Diya have? I don't know that either. I was lying motionless in the middle of a messy room when they found me. They brought me here in the hospital. Thanks to Ganesh's dad. He is one of the well earning businessman and a cool father. He signed the guardian formalities for me and is paying my fees. As to my parents, I'm still on an education trip, enlightening myself with the knowledge and wisdom. Hey wait, I'm not remembering my parent's faces. What happened to me?

"What happened to Priya?" asked Ganesh, "Did you meet her? Is she alive?".

"Who is Priya?" I asked him.

"I'm afraid he will never remember anything ever again" said Ganesh, looking at Diya. I can see sympathy and concern in his face.

"I wish you are right" said Diya, Looking at me. I see happiness on her beautiful face. And a tinch of malice.

But none of them told me who Priya is.

(To be continued...)