
My love from the state

As a lonely high school teenager, she as always been bullied all her life,she expected the best when she was told that her boyfriend, which she was engaged too since childhood is coming back to the States to join her in her school. But to her surprise,he became the worst nightmare she ever had,as unexpected,became the head of the bullies and tortured her badly. Girl: Why do you hate me so much?" asked a voice struggling with tears. Boy: Hate?, hate?,huh.... It's more like a hate,I despise you. And that's because, you are not worth me. He replied in a voice that sounded stricken. Her heart stopped and shattered into thousands pieces. Tears burned her eyes and her lower lip trembled. "I'm not worth him?"she muttered out as her tears flowed. As time went on, she couldn't bear been bullied by the person she loved so much. So she decided to cut all ties with him. "I just wanted you to know that am sorry. Am sorry that I fell in love with you. It was not my plan to and I definitely didn't see it coming... You ignited emotion in me that I felt I had lost forever. And am sorry that my love scared you, but I hope you know I don't love easy. You were my whole world, and I would have given you anything. But at the end of the day as long as you are happy, that all I care about that's how much I love you.

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Chapter Five I Don't Have To Run Away From Her

Surprised.... I raised my head to look at who it was that tried to stop me. Behold,it was Dylan, I met his gaze. Telling me he got my back.

"I got your back". He whispered into my ears. Then he gave me a quick smile and patted my shoulder.

"What do you think you are doing?!". Jordyn yelled, her face turned red with rage.

First time seeing her like this. For a moment, I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat.

"What I'm doing?" Dylan asked teasingly as he took two step towards them. "I'm trying to stop her from the genuflecting stuff". " You are not even some religious Superior or an image,or should I say some statue. Or maybe you are?". He asked derisively. For a moment, I found him arrogant and domineering.

"I'm not ". She replied as she tamped down her irritation.

"You are not?. He asked with a sneer. "Then why are you making it seem like you are...?". He asked again. This time with an arrogant sneer.

"Who the hell are you?" Juliana demanded. With the look in her eyes, she was surprised that someone dared to speak up for me.

Why wouldn't they be surprised, all my life, since I started schooling in this godforsaken St. andrew cathedral school. I have always been bullied by the three of them and no one has ever stood up for me. The last time someone tried to do that, was when we were in junior class three. And she ended up in a sorry state.

Aria... that was her name.

Thinking about it now,makes my heart hurt so much. She was the only friend I've ever had. But they still managed to kick her away from my side.


That should have been the rightful name for my friend Aria. Because she trusts her own abilities and knows that she has value even though she came from a poor background.

It surprising right?, that a girl like Aria,who came from a poor background was able to attend the almighty,St. Andrew's Cathedral School. That is known,as the rich kids only. In George, Sydney city, Australia.

She was diligent and was also an empowered fellow. That I, myself, personally admire her so much.

Back in the dinning hall.I anxiously gripped Dylan's hand and then I looked straight into his. His expression was perplexed, as he gave me a questioning look.

"um...I..I..um.. can.. you do me a favor and.. and stay out of this". I declared, pretending to be rude. But it was obvious that he saw through my poor acting skills. He patted my hands that slightly trembled, and then he smiled sympathetically at me.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine". He assured me.

I really don't agree with him, that was what Aria told me back then,but I ended up getting her expelled from school. So I won't allow it to happen the second time.

"Dylan, please take me out of here okay, please". I coughed, it was a dry,painful cough that made my chest hurts badly. I placed my left hand on my chest, while my other hand was still gripping his hand.

"Please,let not do this okay. Please I beg you...". I pleaded almost in tears..

Jocelyn and Juliana looked at me and suddenly started laughing out loud.

"You,I thought you've forgotten what happened to your dear Aria". Jocelyn laughed.

"Definitely not. Just take a good look at her, she is already quaking in her boots. "Please let not do this okay. Please I beg you". Juliana mimicked with a demo.

"Mr handsome,if I were you, I'd rather run far far away from her. And you know why?, because she is.....

"I don't have to run away from her. What I need right now, is to stay right beside her like a shadow. "In case of some carnivorous animals like the three of you". Dylan opined with a disdain look.


He then took my hand's and walked out of the dining hall. All eyes were on us as we walked out of the hall. When I was sure that no one was looking at us,I stopped and withdraw my hand from Dylan's hand. I lowered my head not daring to look at him.

"Um, Dylan, I'll appreciate if you stop interfering in my problems". I said in a calm voice. Then I reluctantly raised my head to look at him, his expression was reflective, but he said nothing.

"Can you promise me not to interfere in the matters between me and the three J?". I asked , forcing my face to remain emotionless.

"I can't promise you anything". He affirmed with a frown,then he turned and walked away. I guess he was angry and disappointed.

" Am I been ungrateful?, " I muttered to myself, feeling dejected.

I should've said the word THANK YOU. Before remonstrating him, I must've hurt his feelings.

I checked the time on my wrist watch. It almost one o'clock and today is Friday. We normally close by two,so I was grateful for that. I walked all the way from the dining hall to my class. Just as I was about to enter the class room, the bell rang. Meaning that lunch hour is over.

In the class,was just seven students,the class captain and his assistant. The other five... I really don't know them that much but I know they are part of the class.

The moment I sat down on my desk, they started gossiping.

"She is such a loser. You know". One out of the five students ridiculed. It was a woman voice and it was loud enough for me to hear it.

"I totally disagree with you". A male voice stated.

"What?!"the remaining four students exclaimed in disbelief.

I couldn't help but look at their direction to see the guy who spoke up for me. He was playing with a pen in his hand's as he gazed at his shocked friends, emotionless. Just then,the girl who called me a loser. Went up to him.

" Hey!,are you by any chance speaking up for her?"she inquired. With her expression right now,any words like. "Yes,I'm speaking up for her."

Oh my God..... She is definitely going to explode with rage.

"Of course not. He paused and ran his slender fingernails through the girl molten red hair.

"What I mean is that, she is not worth to be called a loser". He announced,his face wrinkled in silent laugh of derision. They all roared in laughter.

It hurts so much that I felt the pain right here in my heart.

Am not worth to be called a loser? huh..huh..I felt the urge to cry, and my mind was like, go ahead,cry it all out. I lowered my head on my table as tears drip down my cheeks.



Bang!. On the table,I looked up, and saw that it was our class captain Arlo.

"You guys should do me a favor,and stop messing around". He ordered in a calm voice.

They saw his frown and quickly maintained.

"I suggest you all bring out your books and read. Instead of sitting down there Chin wagging". That's the assistant class captain Madison. She had a smile on her face but a sneer in her voice.

Immediately after, the class room door opened with a cracking sound. And some students walked in. They looked at me with unfriendly eyes and whispered among themselves.Within some minutes, the class was filled with students. Yet no signs of Jocelyn and her two friends.

Where did they go?, that I don't know.

Just as I was about to shift my thoughts away from them, the door opened and the three J arrogantly walked in alongside with our Economics teacher, sir Guido.

Nicknamed as Mr polite.

That's because he's good at saying " please", "thank you",etc.

Without waiting for the class to greet him,he went straight to the white board and start to write. Moving his whole arm, and letting his shoulder do the work. I must admit that he is a good writer.

What was he up to?.

I was curious to know. Then I looked around the class, trying to steal a glance on everyone's face. There were many curious onlookers as well. The school examination is starting next week monday, and the first subject was Economics...

After writing out five words... Don't Make Me Lose Face

For about twenty seconds or more like that,I really didn't check the time when he came in. He turned to the class, for a moment,he gazed at everyone and a helpless smile spread across his face.

"Next week is your exam. I just came to remind you"He stated his voice sounded cold and distant. Something in his voice had changed. Maybe he isn't feeling well.

After sir Guido left the class. Once again, the class became noisy like a karaoke. Some of the boys turned on music on their cell phones and also few of the girls brought out their makeup and started applying. Some were running around the class room.

I looked at Jordyn, she was sitting quietly on her sit. In her hand, she held a small mirror, and gazed into it, emotionless. Jocelyn in the other hand,was busy with her phone. She had a smile on her face, that seems like she was in a group chat. Juliana her own, was busy applying makeups on her face. I noticed her eyelashes long,thick, full and healthy. As she applied some mascara on it. Her stiletto fingernails ran through her pouting pink lips.

As she looked into the mirror, she broke into a smile, her beguiling, oyster white teeth light up the class room. It could jolt any man like an electric current if that megawatt smile gave them her full attention.

She was a beauty.

As time passed by,I checked my wrist watch and it was thirty minutes to go. I was tired that I fell asleep resting my head on my desk.

I didn't open my eyes until I heard movement around me.

Water splashed on my face....

I glanced at the direction where the water came from,and I saw three figures standing in front of me. I looked around the class room, nobody was in the class except those three figures and me.

Those three figures, were no one else but Jocelyn, Juliana and Jordyn. Jocelyn and Juliana looked at me and suddenly started laughing.

"Skylar, you dare to call me a bitch. After I finish dealing with you today, you will know what real bitch is...

After she finished speaking, my head suddenly felt dizzy.

I quickly packed up my things into my school bag and got up to leave. " Out of my way, please". I pleaded and made to leave. Jocelyn pushed me backward, her lips curled up into a cruel smile.

"Not so fast, my dear class mate". She taunted as she came closer to me.

"We waited,for God knows how long. Just so you could wake up, and now, you want's to leave?,how daring" Juliana stated with a mirthless smile. Her voice had an annoying edge.