
My love from the state

As a lonely high school teenager, she as always been bullied all her life,she expected the best when she was told that her boyfriend, which she was engaged too since childhood is coming back to the States to join her in her school. But to her surprise,he became the worst nightmare she ever had,as unexpected,became the head of the bullies and tortured her badly. Girl: Why do you hate me so much?" asked a voice struggling with tears. Boy: Hate?, hate?,huh.... It's more like a hate,I despise you. And that's because, you are not worth me. He replied in a voice that sounded stricken. Her heart stopped and shattered into thousands pieces. Tears burned her eyes and her lower lip trembled. "I'm not worth him?"she muttered out as her tears flowed. As time went on, she couldn't bear been bullied by the person she loved so much. So she decided to cut all ties with him. "I just wanted you to know that am sorry. Am sorry that I fell in love with you. It was not my plan to and I definitely didn't see it coming... You ignited emotion in me that I felt I had lost forever. And am sorry that my love scared you, but I hope you know I don't love easy. You were my whole world, and I would have given you anything. But at the end of the day as long as you are happy, that all I care about that's how much I love you.

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Chapter Six Tell Me How Many Men Do You Have To Sleep With.....

I sat on the floor of the class room,my eyes were blurry from head to toe, my entire body felt cold from the inside out, causing me to have a splitting headache.

Jocelyn took two steps forward, she had a scornful smile on her face as she squatted down in front of me. I lowered my head on the floor, afraid of what she would do next.

She took my chin in one hand and lifted my face so that I could look into her eyes.

"Hey,who allowed you to leave?" She asked,as a sardonic smile twisted her thin lipped mouth.

Then she used her other hand to take out my phone in my pocket skirt. She looked at it,as she gave an arrogant sneer.

"Tell me, how many men slept with you?. For you to afford such an expensive phone?". Jocelyn asked derisively.

Juliana's voice came, "Or maybe she stole money from her boss".

Boss?... huh?

When did I suddenly have a boss?....

They all laughed, including Jordyn who was yet to say something. Her laugh was sardonic and her expression was unreadable. Time to time, she would look to see if some one was coming.

How many men I had to sleep with. Was it always like that to them. They had to rely on men to buy them their needs. Huh... how ridiculous.

Jocelyn gripped my chin in anger. Forcing me to meet her solemn gaze.

"Tell me, how did you do it?, was it five men, seven,or maybe ten of them."Does your mom know you are doing shameless things such as sleepin....

Before she could finish her statement, a cold slap stung her cheek, and she gasped. My verbal slap stunned her. Both Juliana and Jordyn rushed to Jocelyn side, they stared at me, obviously shocked by my action.

I'd shocked all of them. But one thing was certain. If I managed not to die by their hands today,then I'll forever be grateful to my life saver.

Jocelyn appearance changed, after the slap. Her bloodshot eyes defined she was ready to kill. Her expression was fifty-fifty mixture of resentment and anger.

I screamed.....!

That's because she pulled me by the hair!. My head was in pain as she pulled it harder.

"Skylar, you dare to race your hands on me?! Are you seeking for your doom?" She asked in a cold superior voice,as she tightened her grip on my hair.

It hurts so much.....

I jerked my hair but her grip was too strong.

"I..I..am.. sorry...I shouldn't have slapped you. I'm sorry, I am sorry, I am really sorry..." I pleaded, my tears came without warning coursing down my cheeks unchecked. Making me look pitiful.

Then she furiously let go of my hair. I lost my balance,fell and scraped my shoulder and back. My head wasn't left out,as it also hit one of the class room chairs.

At that moment, my eyes were flickering.....

I think I saw stars. Yes, it was stars.

Millions of stars. No,it was more like a millions of stars. They were floating as if creating a universe.


I was in several pain but I still managed to sit upright on the floor. Then she ordered Jordyn and Juliana to drag me up, while she do the beating.

You meant be wondering while I never thought of shouting out loud for help. The reason for it was that,our class had a soundproof. So it was useless for me to shout.

In a panic I began to crawl towards the front door. They both came after me in a step that wasn't too fast nor was it slow. Juliana had a scowl on her face and the scowl made her gemstone green eyes look almost brown.

While Jordyn had this malicious grin."An evil smile that betrayes all innocence".

I was mercilessly pulled up by the both of them. At that moment, Jocelyn lazily walked to us. She has this derisive attitude,that I sometimes wonder if she studied derisive as a course.

"I am sorry!. How silly of you to say that. "You know?what I hate about you is been too weak. You,are, too, weak" she said derisively pointing a finger at my chest.

"But you know it will be stupid of me, I mean the three of us. To easily...

"I'm sorry, please forgive me. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I'm really really sorry" I knew what she was going to say last,so I quickly cut her off by pleading non stop.

She let out a short, derisive laugh after I stopped pleading. Her derisive laugh deepened into a scowl then she raised her hand's and smarked my face.

This time, I was sure I saw stars... plenty of it. That I don't even dare to count.

Just then I felt pain in my lower abdomen,I felt as if a cold hand grasped my stomach and squeezed hard, my legs felt extremely weak.

Now I couldn't endure the pain;I felt I was going to die. Just then my legs gave way and I fell to the ground. my eyes closed but I was still a bit conscious.

Just then I heard Jordyn voice,it contained a hint of panic.

"Jocelyn....I think.....she... she....pa.. passed out".

"You think?!, can't you see she is just faking it. "You guys should hurry up and make her stand up". Jocelyn ordered in a calm voice.

I was pulled up by two hands, that should be Jordyn and Juliana. And then, another hand lifted my chin. I slightly opened my painful, teary, eyes and most of all blurry vision.

"Don't even think of fooling me Skylar"

I felt a feeling of heaviness in my legs and my vision became blurrier. Before I loss consciousness, I heard the sound of the class room door opening, followed by a cracking sound.

Then I heard Jocelyn's voice, this time, it carried a hint of panic.

"You... why are.....you he..re?"

"You haven't gone home?" asked Jordyn, in a voice that trembled a little.

At that moment, I felt someone hug me tightly, and wailed. That person's faint, sweet scent was close. And it gave me a sense of security.

"Skylar?, Skylar". The voice called out my name,it was warm and gentle.

The voice,looks very familiar to me, same with the faint sweet scent but I just couldn't figure out...who it really was.

"Hey,hurry up and leave,and stop interfering in others business".

"Um, Jordyn, tell your man to leave and stop meddling in others affairs".

"um...um..you....why don't we go home first". Jordyn said, her voice soft and womanly.

" Don't you dare touch me.Now get out!,.And I mean,all of you.Get out!" his voice was controlled.


"Scram!" .

His aura of power, his command and the sense that what ever he was,he was something humankind was not ready to face.

Immediately he said the word "Scram". I heard footsteps retreating back. He waited until their footsteps faded before lifting me into his arms and carried me out of the class.